Case study in anger and frustration.
Sometimes Ralph Bowman is pissed off. Other times he sees the immensity of the problem and just wants to stop the drama.
Bi-polar Democrats
Ralph Bowman at the coast |
I consider Ralph an example of many older Democratic voters, people who have been politically active their whole lives, and who are now taking the long view.
They are disappointed. They had their shot at making the world better and not enough changed. The optimism they felt at the beginning of the JFK years now seems naive.
There are people Ralph's age on the political right who contact me. They, too, are angry. Transgender! Abortion! Caravans of immigrants! Happy Holidays! Political correctness! OAC! Trump, they tell me, is preserving the real America for real Americans.
Ralph Bowman comes from the disappointed left. Americans fell for a celebrity huckster who dog-whistled xenophobia and rode it to the White House. They realize Hillary was right about one thing: there was a lot of endemic misogyny and racial resentment just under the surface. They hoped between the MLK holiday and Obama's election that America was past that. No, indeed.
Ralph is a retired teacher living in Southern Oregon. He writes this blog impassioned responses to the news of the day. Because his comments--rants--are spontaneous and unfiltered, I consider them to be a form of special truth-telling, Freudian slips offering insights into the emotions within the Democratic electorate.
Two days ago Ralph wrote me discouraged. He had been talking with people in rural Oregon, on the Oregon coast, deep Trump company.
Looking at the breakfast crowd down here in Gold Beach. Fishermen...with the rural Oregon look...enjoying their Union retirement checks. Biden is the only one who can make it. I take it all back, everything I've written in the past.

Never Warren, never Bernie, never Harris. We are not ready yet to hear the progressive message. Not until the entire forest is burning and the salmon have stopped running.
Nothing's going to change. It's too late for the salvation of the planet. Television ads have won, the religious right will capture us and brain wash every last child into submission, and the Chinese boats will keep bring in the tinker toy crap to keep us distracted. Wow, what a mess we have created, and for now Americans are too damned self satisfied to care.
Go Biden."
Then, Sunday, he read my blog post about Haley, the hardworking young woman working her way through college, pay-as-you-go, getting no sleep but avoiding college debt.
"Peter, I thought your blog was a mile off center.
Who paid for my grandson to go to Oregon State on the GI Bill? Who paid? I did, as a tax payer.
My point is we all pay eventually for each other. That is called society. The rich have made sure over the years not to pay their taxes for higher public education--they are at a 14% tax rate I read somewhere.
A kid at RCC winds up with a student debt of $15,000 for a so-so education. Kids 'skin in the game' is the mind which has been opened and the contribution that person will make as an enlightened citizen and, yes, maybe he or she will get a good paying job.
'Skin in the game' you say? My foreskin! It’s not about who struggles to work off their debt, who works three jobs to go to school so they won’t have a debt, but why the debt in the first place? We have destroyed education in this country for the poor. Just look at the public schools. And then look at the scam they call higher education these days. Get’m in, get the money, and don’t give a shit if they are qualified to actually attend. They drop out--but the school got their money. Adios, kid.

That is why Bernie and Warren have my attention."
What is going on here?
Ralph reflects the division within the Democratic electorate.
Some people want to address points of special visible hurt. People cannot pay for absurdly high medical costs, so we provide everyone insurance. Students are saddled with student debt, so we lower the interest rate. This is essentially the Biden message. Recognize the reality of the American electorate. Fix problem spots if we can, recognizing getting anything good through the Senate will be hard, as we saw with the ACA. Do what you can. Remember, we are in a country where almost half the people voted for Trump.
The political appeal is to people who are tired of Trump and crazy drama. Win the middle, because they are persumed the marginal voters.
Then there is the angrier approach that goes to root causes the Sanders/Warren message. The whole medical/pharmaceutical system is flawed. Don't just put a band aid on by helping people pay bloated costs, change the system. And the real problem with student debt goes back to the college business model: minimal taxpayer support for public higher education, easy enrollment, high costs paid for with borrowed money. Deal with that.
The political appeal is to people who are tired of Trump and crazy drama. Win the middle, because they are persumed the marginal voters.
Then there is the angrier approach that goes to root causes the Sanders/Warren message. The whole medical/pharmaceutical system is flawed. Don't just put a band aid on by helping people pay bloated costs, change the system. And the real problem with student debt goes back to the college business model: minimal taxpayer support for public higher education, easy enrollment, high costs paid for with borrowed money. Deal with that.

The political appeal is that the voters know in their hearts that the system is rigged against the 90% to 99%, and they want a Democrat who will say so. Win the people who could have voted Democratic in 2016, but did not, because they are presumed the marginal voters.
Democrats are of two minds.
Good job Peter Sage!
Funny...I just wrote an Op.Ed. on this very subject: the rift in the Democratic Party between so-called "moderates" or "centrists" and the so-called "left wing." The former assumes Biden's Republican-lite approach will appeal to Bowman's fishermen. A non-neoliberal, bold progressive agenda, however (as born out by polls on specific platform issues) appeals to a majority of American voters. The Party is inching left one fisher-of-men at a time; despair is not an option. Time to break out that old "Cool Hand Luke" movie, Bowman! Never give up!!
Andy Seles
Joe Biden is far from "Republican-lite." Some people will say anything to try to win. Unfortunately, spreading lies and propaganda against fellow Democrats may result in the re-election of Trump. That is one of the problems with political extremism. It is shameful.
I wouldn't call it "shameful" but I agree that Biden is an extremist in terms of the FDR tradition of the Democratic Party. He is certainly not my "fellow Democrat;" he is a neoliberal democrat who embraces Milton Friedman's ideology that a so-called free market delivers a fair economy by an "invisible hand."
I'm not sure which lies by Biden about fellow democrats you are referring to...most of his misstatements are deemed memory lapses. More notable is how mainstream media abets his campaign by putting a positive spin after every poor debate performance...amazing!
Something in common: Gore, Kerry, Clinton...just history; no shame, no blame.
Andy Seles
Conveniently, you forgot to mention that since Ronald Reagan: Bill Clinton - 2 terms and Barack Obama - 2 terms. And let's not forget who was elected and served with Barack Obama for those 2 terms. It was Joe Biden! And both Al Gore and Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. They both lost the electoral college under special circumstances. Not to mention Hillary being a woman. Just give the propaganda a rest. Support your candidate and the voters will decide.
You obviously didn't connect the dots on Gore, Kerry and Hillary. They are neoliberal democrats (as was Clinton and Obama, although Obama didn't present that way in the 2008 primary). Clinton and Gore started the DLC which ditched the unions and went after Wall Street money. Clinton then deep sixed Glass-Steagall, deregulated telecommunications (welcome Fox News) and approved NAFTA and the exportation of jobs and factories. I could go on with this "propaganda," however, "We may as well give up the pretention that we can argue any view, because what for me is pure contention is simple prejudice to you."
Andy Seles
Why postpone the inevitable for the Democrat Socialist Party (DSA)? Just have the party write in "the future of the DSA" (or 'AOC') for POTUS and so that urban renters can gain the upper hand over rural land owners by abolishing the Electoral College?
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