Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Kevin Husted is on the ballot for Medford School Board

Kevin Husted posted this

He is still a candidate for the Medford School Board.

Kevin Husted, the middle finger guy. The guy who posts he wishes he could get away with rape guy. 

The "role model" for the schools guy.

This isn't a photo of Husted at age 14 doing a juvenile antic dragged out of the ancient past. He posted it as a 38 year old, three years ago, and left it up until this month when he was questioned about it.

Is Kevin Husted actually running?  

That was brought into question by the fact that Medford voters noted the sign below on Tuesday in a prominent location.

Photographed yesterday
Husted says, "i am not back in the race and would never be back in that kind of way. If I was still running you would know it. The billboard running one day was a mistake and the info in the voters pamphlet was unavoidable as I backed out too late for them to pull it.  We tried."

Kevin Husted dropped out as a candidate. He got congratulated for doing so. Dropping out was the correct--mature-- thing to do. It saved him and his family embarrassment. It saved the School District embarrassment.

It was too late to leave the ballot and drop from the Voters Pamphlet. But he dropped out, right?

Well, apparently yes and no. He is on the ballot. He has a Voters Pamphlet placement. He scrubbed his social media. The active support for his campaign voiced by talk show host Bill Meyer and some of his listeners was still visible via the Web. He has a candidacy but not an active campaign, according to his campaign manager, Reagan Knopp, who wrote me this morning saying that Husted is most certainly not running an under-the-radar campaign: 

     "Kevin has rejected a stealth campaign, as such a thing would be a deceptive tactic that voters should reject.  For you to assume there was such a campaign in place when there isn’t one is a deeply irresponsible thing to do."

The advertising taking place yesterday was strictly accidental, Knopp said. 

Kevin Husted wrote on Facebook, questioning if I thought he could "win without even really running?"  

Husted's campaign is in an odd spot. He is as fully a candidate as ever, but says he isn't really trying to win, but, of course, might well win if voters just remember that they have heard something about Husted, and they see his voters pamphlet item, but forget why it is that his name seems so very familiar. The electronic ad running yesterday adds to the confusion.

And, as campaign manager Reagan Knopp noted, he might in fact get the most votes: "If voters elect him after being informed, why shouldn’t he fulfill the will of the voters by serving? We live in a representative republic where we choose people to represent us."

So, let this blog serve the purpose of informing the public so that we get that informed will of the people, and Husted's juvenile behavior isn't swept under the rug and forgotten. 

Medford School District voters have a choice. He is on the ballot but we are not stuck with him. He has a well respected opponent, the incumbent and former school board chair, Karen Starchvick. 

His Voters' Pamphlet page says he wants a "Culture of Transparency." OK. What is transparent is that Husted is way too immature to hold public office, that he sets a miserable role model, and his election would be an embarrassment and legal liability for the District and its taxpayers.


Anonymous said...

The current Medford School Board is a clusterfuck disaster. Under the current management, the school district has had failing test scores EVERY YEAR for more than the past four years. Karen Starchvick has had failing test scores for every year that she has been in-charge on the school board.

Starchvick is a lousy manager. You all may not like Kevin Husted's stupid comments and photo (yes, they were stupid), but I don't like the incompetent management provided by the current school board. Before you open your ignorant mouths, and criticize Husted, take a look at the school district performance results (see above), and falsely attempt to convince yourself that the current school board members deserves to remain in power. They don't. Every incumbent needs to go. They've failed.

Bill Meyer - KMED said...

Hi Peter, best news I've heard in this race. No, I wouldn't have done the social media posts, but what counts is a change of the status quo, and the performance stats for 549C leave much room for improvement. I'm so "over" the educational establishment types hiding behind the "outrage chorus".

Mandy Valencia said...

Yes, the School Board is in need of an overhaul, but electing a shady immature egomaniac like Husted would NOT be a step in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

The top comment is from Curt Ankerberg. He perpetually trolls social media with that same article. He wants to talk about management skills and couldn’t even run his own business without fraud charges. He’s now under investigation for an illegal voters pamphlet filling that lists him as a “retired” CPA when he lost the right to use that designation in the courts. Poor management indeed for a candidate professing superiority in that realm.

Mr. Husted was a Logos School board member - a school that was below the Medford School DIstrict average in 13 of 17 combined grades and subjects in 2017. Poor management? Poor performance? Sounds like he doesn’t have the ability to out perform Starchvick based on any of the examples given.

He’s out. Let him stay out.

Curt Ankerberg said...

Anonymous is right. I couldn't run my own business during the period I was audited (2012 to 2014). I went blind starting in early 2011, and I was completely blind by 2014. I had two eye surgeries in July, 2015 that allowed me to see again. It's all documented by my doctors. My blindness was brought-on by hydrocephalus. I started getting hydrocephalus (water on the brain) in 2011, and I had it until the middle of 2015. I was disabled and incapacitated during this entire 4-year period, and I worked very little professionally. I did very little accounting for my own personal finances because I was bed-ridden and incapacitated for most of the time. I was blind, and suffering from the effects of hydrocephalus. Go research "hydrocephalus". Peter Sage enjoys posting a photo of me when I was blind in order to demean me.

Before I was audited, I had filed charges with the Treasury Inspector General against 3 IRS agents for falsifying documents against a couple of my clients in an earlier audit. The IRS' fraud charge against me (a civil penalty) was their retaliation against me.

I did not file an illegal voters pamphlet statement. The idiot reporter at KOBI5 didn't even bother to speak with the state before she made her false accusation. Her news article was nothing but a hit piece. KOBI5 is run by yellow journalists. Further, I can legally refer to myself as a "retied CPA" until the day I die. I didn't violate anything.

I've managed large CPA firms (including Moss Adams), and I've managed large grocery stores (including Lucky Market). My opponent's skills don't come close to mine. She's already had 4 years of failure on the school board. I'm a far superior candidate than she is.

I'd love to see Anonymous manage something when they become critically ill and disabled like I was.

Ed Cooper said...

Well done, Peter! You got Angerburgervto to come out from behind his "anonymous" shield, and prove once again how totally unfit he is for any public office. Apparently, he and Husted share a number od unsavory characteristics.
Is this in any way a reflection of our national Constitutional Crisis?

Anonymous said...

How exactly has your opponent failed Ankerberg? She has a long history of representing underserved student populations and ensuring their voices are heard. She is well versed in the challenges faced by today’s students and educators. Have you ever spoken to teachers? Students? Can you do so without verbally attacking them? You’ve not shown you’re capable of that. Your bean counting skills are irrelevant when you’re incapable of listening, compassion and using critical thinking to address the many challenges our education system faces.

You’re concerned with your ego. Not our community. Especially not our students. Every post you make shows that. Stop wasting everyone’s time with vanity candidacies.

Michael James said...

Keep spreading this lie around, Curt. Should go well at your next compliance hearing.

I’ll make sure the BOA gets a screenshot of this.

Curt Ankerberg said...

Anonymous....aren't you bold hiding behind a pseudonym? Clearly you don't have the intestinal fortitude to speak to me in person. You deserve no respect. You're a coward. The three poorest performing schools in Medford are on the west side of Medford (Washington, Jackson, and Howard), and they are the ones with the highest concentrations of minorities. About 25% of the kids in these schools pass their exams. 75% fail. 75% FAIL. Don't tell me how my opponent has served these students so well. They're failing under her leadership, and she's had 4 years to fix the problems, and she's made zero progress. You're a racist for insinuating that she's more qualified to be on the board due to her ethnicity. You must be a democrat, who are known for their identity politics. I'm sophisticated enough to know the challenges all students face. You know nothing about me and my history. I grew-up with minorities. I married a minority person. My opponent has had her chance, and she's failed even the minorities she supposedly represents. They'll get a better education under my leadership. I don't think you know what the school board does. Board members don't go in the classroom and socialized with the students. They don't socialize with teachers either. They run a $150 million business with contracts, and payroll, and capital expenditures, and bonding. They oversee the superintendent. My opponent has zero knowledge about any of that. ZERO!!!!! Have I ever spoken to teachers? Are you that arrogant and full of yourself? Do you think you're the only person who has ever spoken to an educator? You don't have a monopoly on education, Pal. Not only have I spoken to (and dated) teachers, but I've also tutored at McLoughlin. My critical thinking skills are far superior to what anyone else on the school board has, and that's what's needed right now. I'm a problem-solver. PERS currently consumes 30% of the district budget, and it will be increasing to 40% of the budget by 2024. My opponent is a puppet of the teachers union, and she takes her marching orders from them and from Karen Starchvick. I'm an independent voice, and my loyalties lie with the students, the parents, and the community. I don't know why you'd suggest that I'd attack teachers or students. I have no history of it, so you're just speculating and fabricating. My problems lie with corrupt and/or incompetent politicians, and with self-serving administrators. I'm here to support the students, and to create a good work environment for the teachers. I'm not running for my ego. I already have a healthy ego. You don't even know me. I'm running because the school district is badly broken, and the democrats running it for the past decade have failed, and I can do a better job, and the students deserve that. If anyone is wasting time, it's you and your hot air. Why don't YOU run for the school. You have a big mouth. You've had your chance. You could have registered to run and shown us your agenda. Now sit down and shut-up, and let some competent adults like me run the show for a change. The fact is that my opponent is not qualified, and I'm more than qualified.

Curt Ankerberg said...

Michael're another dumbass liberal with a big mouth. Why would I have the need for another compliance hearing with the BOA? I'm retired. I'm not under their jurisdiction anymore.
You have a much better chance of being indicted by the grand jury for sex crimes against children.

Michael James said...

How do you intend to solve these problems? Will you provide any services using your accounting skills? Will these services be provided pro bono or volunteer?

Anonymous said...

You can keep spouting off insults and hot air Ankerberg. The fact is that both Starchvick and Caballero have worked to create strategies and policies that bridge the achievement gap for the most economically disadvantaged students. The biggest increases in test scores and graduation rates over the last 4 years have been among those students, with graduation rates climbing at twice the average of the rest of the district.

Most recently they championed the new Spanish language immersion program at Jackson Elementary School. That has nothing to do with “socializing” with students and educators. It has everything to do with listening to the real world concerns of those in the classroom, seeing what works, and responding thoughtfully.

The school district isn’t just a business. The currency is children and their future. You, Husted, Horner - you’re not offering up solutions. You’re attacking. You’re jumping in to the partisan political discourse that drives many away from participation in civic issues. You’re not showing us you could hear from the parents, the teachers, the students, the community - be open to ideas or even be safe to interact with.

You like to call people names. You like to show your explosive temper. You like to insist you already know everything and are better and smarter than everyone.

That’s never the case. A real leader knows this.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

How did Herr Ankerberg sneak into another race under the radar without the press destroying him?