Beto O'Rourke is in New Hampshire.
He packed in a crowd.
There were some seniors, as is typical in events during working hours, but lots of people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.
I saw six different TV crews, who were placed in the back. Under these circumstances, I didn't call myself media. The staff looked at me and concluded I was a voter. The let me be right up front. I sat two feet from Beto's water glass and table, on the floor.
The staff for the event asked if I wanted a pillow. They must have mistaken me for an old guy who would want a pillow. I said a pillow would be nice.
Here are some photos below. Most of what he talked about was immigration. He is in favor of it.
More about the event in future posts, this is just a brief mention.
Here are photos of the outside of the venue, the inside, the media, the crowd, the signing in, the water-glass setup, Beto, and the photos taking place after it, including one of me. Beto is tall.

Geez, Peter. Next time stand up.,
"What's Your Response to White Male Privilege, Dude?"
The "intersectionality" aspect of these white privilege campaigns will be obscured-- until they explode. Beto, Biden, Bernie, Buttie et al must be asked:
(1) Do you think voters should have woke focus on a candidate's "intersectionality" (ie ethnicity, gender, sex orientation, and developmental economic disadvantages)?
(2) Why should the Democratic party nominate anyone other than highly qualified ethnic candidates like Senator Harris, Senator Booker, Secretary Castro, and Congresswoman Gabbard?
(3) Aren't white males like you actually in the way of progress by trying to defeat these candidates of color in the primaries?
Biden tried to take the nomination away from Senator Obama in 2008, and now wants to try the same to Senators Harris and Booker now? Biden, Beto, and Buttie think they would be better for America than Kamala Harris as the first woman president-- and one of color no less? Ot do these white guys just think not one of our minority candidates can win?
All these white men need to be confronted with these questions now and repeatedly, because that is what is going to drive seismic resentment in our base as they win most if not all the primaries, and a chaotic convention time bomb of white male privilege tolls.
WOW!! Is that Bobby Kennedy in the photo with Peter? I'm starstruck!
Why should gender or color be a qualification for office? And why are white males disqualified?
Old white Jewish.... I’ve got no problem. O^O
"Qualified" to be President is a fuzzy concept these days.
Our Democracy is currently dysfunctional. The President is given powers to direct policy under the assumption that he/she will act with the public good as a primary goal. The President, however, does not operate in a vacuum and must operate in both a legal and political environment. This demands a high standard for character ("power corrupts"). Republicans have abandoned character as their Regressive base has taken over. Democrats made a massive error in bringing back the Clintons. Character was now moot.
Enter Trump.
Ethnicity, gender and age do not matter in this situation as much as the candidate's ability to be seen as someone who is free from the vulgarity and moral deviance they will face in the coming election. Obama's qualifications as an executive were secondary to his clear idealism and humanity. McCain and Romney both looked disreputable measured against this and it mattered.
America needs a Progressive woman President to make the changes necessary to erase the stain on our Democracy.
Democrats should start there.
Why does being a woman and a person of color, despite solid credentials, get a candidate virtually ignored by the media? White men alternate as the “candidate of the moment” with their every move captured by a hungry press while the women in the race are virtually ignored. We might be progressive enough to elect a gay man, but apparently putting a woman in charge is still too much in America.
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