Monday, March 3, 2025

"Good riddance to Europe, Ukraine, and Zelenskyy, too"

The anti-establishment left may consider Europe to be a like a bad girlfriend: expensive and troublesome.

Trump knows how to ditch them.

"Go on and go, walk out the doorTurn around nowYou're not welcome anymore."

The U.S. got too "European" for many Americans, including some who spent years in the anti-establishment left. People who distrusted J. Edgar Hoover, the Dulles brothers, General Westmorland, Nixon, and big banks are still around and still suspicious of conventional wisdom. 

The establishment "international order" still exists in the minds of Western European governments and among Democrats who hope to restore the pre-Trump world of Clinton, Obama, and Biden. Greta Thunberg may have been the straw that broke the camel's back for some in the anti-establishment left. They saw a spoiled teenager scolding the adults who pay the bills. They see a goody-goody, globalist, green Europe, living in a social welfare dream-world made possible by the military defense shield paid for by the American taxpayer. And from this perspective, Zelenskyy is another fraud, getting hero worship for trying to survive in a hopeless situation, one that puts the U.S. at risk of war with Russia.

I received a letter from a long-time correspondent. I suspect he thinks his old friends -- me included -- have been too rough on Trump. He wrote me saying that Europe is like a bad girlfriend at the tail end of a relationship. Songwriters understand that situation.

"I Will Survive" was a Gloria Gaynor disco hit in 1978:
I've got my life to live
And all my love to give and
I will survive
I, I, I will survive

Trigger warning for the cocooned: Don't be shocked. The correspondent says things that perhaps 45 percent of our fellow Americans think, or would be happy to think if Trump led them in that direction, which is why the Oval Office performance by Trump and Vance was possible, maybe even inevitable.

An Anonymous correspondent writes:
Europe is like a flaky girlfriend. She's pretty. You love many aspects of her personality, you balance it off against the downsides, and as time goes on you get more tired of her. But she seems to be good company, she has a good job as a travel agent but kind of flits from job to job. She makes at least a credible contribution to family expenses, despite bouts of a few months unemployment as she flitters from one travel agency to the other with all of her squabbles with coworkers and customers. 

You are also getting sick of her self-righteous politics, with her frivolous claims to right of  privacy, the right to be forgotten on the Internet, no AI without stalling tactics in the name of guardrails, windmills, and green power fantasies, and always dreaming about defunding the military so the money could be spent to support four-day workweeks, long vacations and early retirement. We are the rich uncle who they denigrate behind our backs at every family gathering.

That's how Europe is, kind of a high-maintenance pain in the ass losing her looks, exercising self-destructive judgment in all the penniless foreigners she is always hanging around. They themselves never seem to have jobs. They are hangers-on with weird religion and unbelievably sexist attitudes towards women what with making them all cover their faces and heads, and with deep sympathy for countrymen who are pushed over the line and chop off a priest's or teacher's head from time to time. For some reason the girlfriend likes these kind of people, and even gives some of her money (which always feels like your money) to them as she virtue-signals about diversity as she gives you shit that you are too White and establishment. She gets titillated when Greta Thunberg squeals "How dare you!" 

At some point you get tired of this girlfriend. After all, you never married her, she seems to get you into more trouble than she's worth, and to be frank, you're sick enough of her to give her an ultimatum to get her act together or get out. 

That's how we are with Europe and it certainly is how I feel. I'm sick of the Western Europeans and their immigrant bullshit, their incessant infighting with Hungary and Poland over how their courts are supposed to be, and now they have dragged us into this fight for their dictator friend Zelenskyy, who literally does not have to run for reelection so long as the war is going on. Imagine if Trump did not have to hold an election so long as he kept a war going on. 

The relationship with this girlfriend has become so untenable and ridiculous that we need to tell Europe to shut the fuck up. Let Putin take his Eastern Ukrainian provinces and move on. We are not going to fight this fight for you, Trump has said, thereby averting the threat of nuclear war, because once Trump told Zelenskyy and Europe "you're on your own," Putin no longer feels a threat. He won't have to worry about any more sophisticated American weapons coming at him. He knows that Europeans are and always have been cowards, except for the UK, and they are not going to do shit about it. Friday, at the White House, Trump probably ended the war. Trump was willing to give Zelenskyy something for it, and with a little bit of credibility, but the goofball Zelenskyy, in his ridiculous trite costume, tried to appeal to the cameras, and got himself thrown out of the White House. 

Zelenskyy is finished as a leader, and Ukrainians know they have to get rid of them. It's time to call him on his bullshit, hold elections and throw the dictator out of office. Let him leave with all the money his cronies and family stole, and vote in some conservatives who are going to let Big Brother Putin have a lot to say about how Ukrainian national and local governments are run. End of story.


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Peter c said...

There’s an old saying: No matter how beautiful a girl is, there’s a guy out there who’s tired of her.

Anonymous said...

Not funny and're better than this. The "girlfriend" isn't Europe it's NATO. Be careful what you wish for.

Mike said...

“You are also getting sick of her self-righteous politics…”

Personally, I’m far sicker of Republicans’ self-righteous politics. Those who fail to swallow their stupid lies, such as whatever fact-based news media we have left, they label “enemies of the American people. Their adulation of a big, fat bully reminds me of some poor girl defending her abusive boyfriend. It reminds me of an old song by Julie Brown: I Like ‘em Big & Stupid.

Up Close: Road to the White House said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Low Dudgeon said...

It's the boyfriend that's bad in "I Will Survive". She asserts resilience against his history of lies, manipulation and exploitation.

The guest poster's complaints are not reality-based. Zelensky is the dictator, pushing war? Yet he's subject to election results...

Nor is it realistic that Putin keeps Crimea and Donbas and simply "moves on". More likely he "moves on" to the Baltic states....

Mike said...

Trump is demanding an apology from Zelensky for correcting him with facts when Trump lied about the Russian invasion. He's like a guy who hurt his hand hitting his girlfriend and then blaming her for it.

Jennifer V. said...

Thank you for posting this, Peter. Anonymous's rant is a good representation of how disinformation and a lack of knowledge and understanding can lead people to think this way. Zelenskyy is an elected president. The Ukranian parliamont recently confirmed that holding an election during a war is not feasible. Are people like Trump and anonymous jealous of his ability to lead his country through a war that everyone thought would be lost in three days? Putin is a war criminal who kidnaps children, tortures captured soldiers and civilians, and pushes enemies out of windows. Are these things considered acceptable or are they just ignored because they are inconvenient truths? It's as though the opinion/conclusion comes first and then a dialogue is created that jusifies it, rather than facts and a knowledge of the world and history are considered and a reasonable conclusion is reached.

Tom said...

Ukraine’s crime is a popular drift towards Western European style liberal democracy. Conservatives seem to hate notions of gender fluidity, diversity, women’s rights, and many other manifestations of liberal democracy. Christian nationalism is what is required, and there is sympathy with Russian versions of the same. There is a major rightward shift in politics towards fascism and intolerance going on around the world.I have deep feelings of revulsion towards our present government regime, and am bitterly disappointed with what I see happening now. If I were younger I’d seriously contemplate moving to a more liberal country, Germany being my heritage would be my first choice. Alas, this fascist bullshit is happening there too. I’m sheltering in place….