Thursday, August 1, 2024

Trump crashes and burns at Black journalists' convention

Trump wanted to crash and burn.

How dare those uppity and ungrateful Black nobodies disrespect him? 

Trump was on message. Trump is sticking with his team

Robert Reich called the interview "a meltdown" and "calamitous." Aaron Rupar said Trump "self-immolates." 

Here are highlights of the confrontation between Trump and Black journalists. ABC-TV correspondent, Rachel Scott began:

A lot of people did not think it was appropriate for you to be here today. You have pushed false claims about some of your rivals, from Nikki Haley to former President Barack Obama, saying that they were not born in the United States. That’s not true.

You have told four congresswomen of color who are American citizens to go back to where they came from.

You have used words like “animal” and “rabid” to describe Black district attorneys.

You’ve attacked Black journalists, calling them a loser, saying the questions that they ask are stupid and racist.

You’ve had dinner with a white supremacist at your Mar-a-Lago resort. So my question, sir, now that you are asking Black supporters to vote for you: Why should Black voters trust you after you have used language like that?
Trump responded by saying:
First of all, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner. The first question. You don’t even say hello, "Hello, how are you?" Are you with ABC? Because I think they’re a fake news network, a terrible network.

Trump's supporters see him as a man with a grievance. Everybody picks on him, like right here, where he sits getting criticized by a Black woman. His base agrees with Trump that he has been treated unfairly by the news media. By Democrats. By prosecutors. By the Justice Department. By his own disloyal cabinet members and White House staff, who wouldn't back his plan to stay in office. By ungrateful Republicans who became RINOs. By ungrateful Jews, who ignore how much he did for Israel. By ungrateful Christians, some of whom fail to vote. By ungrateful Blacks, whom he helped as much as did any former president, including Lincoln. 

Trump's multiple grievances and complaints give his supporters permission to minimize to minimize or endorse Trump's past and present behavior. He was provoked. He was picked on. What about Hunter Biden's laptop? He is just lashing back, defending himself.

And now, here at the convention, there was a technical problem and he was kept waiting for 35 minutes. Trump complained that it was disrespectful of them. How dare they?

This image of Trump in the chair, defiant, while being picked on, is exactly what Trump wants. Trump is a salesman. Even the most clueless of salesmen know that insulting Black journalists is not the way to win votes with a Black constituency. Instead, you find common ground. Trump is doing the opposite. This wasn't an accident. Trump didn't crash and burn. He was making a statement.

This was a highly racialized encounter. Trump kept race front and center in his comments. It wasn't "presidential candidate" and "journalist." It was "White presidential candidate" versus "Black female journalist." How dare they disrespect him

In the days after the assassination attempt, Americans wondered if Trump would push "reset." He could be a unifier. It might improve his popularity. No.  

Donald Trump isn't a unifier, and it wouldn't improve his popularity. There are more Whites than Blacks in America. There are a great many people who feel aggrieved by Blacks pushing into formerly all-White, all-male spaces of votes, jobs, and elected offices. These are his base voters: White males. A great many of them don't vote, but might, if they felt motivated. They don't want Trump to make nice with Black journalists, with their set of demands to crowd into new spaces. It is a zero-sum world. If a Black man or woman gets the job or promotion or public office then a White guy didn't get it. 

Democrats put a stake in the ground with their policies. They are the diversity-is-OK party. They are the party of professional women. They confirmed their policy preference with a Black female presidential candidate.

Trump isn't about getting along. Trump's America recognizes competition. If somebody wins, then somebody loses. Immigrants don't make new jobs, they take jobs; your jobs, Trump said. The culture is talking about diversity and sharing power. Many White Americans feel nobody is sticking up for the interests of White people amid all that sharing. Trump is, and he isn't being friendly about it. He understands who his friends are, and he is demonstrating that he will take on their racial rivals. There are sides in this competition and he is fighting for his team.

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Mike Steely said...

As Rachel Scott made clear, Trump is a racist. His only qualification to run for president in 2016 was as the biggest blowhard in the birther movement, or BM. White supremacists went berserk when Obama was elected and quickly became his base. When he was president, Trump tweeted: If Chicago doesn’t fix the horrible “carnage” going on…I will send in the feds. So now, as he campaigns against a woman of color that he’s called stupid names, he walked into one of Chicago’s most dangerous neighborhoods, the National Association of Black Journalists, and proceeded to mock and taunt them. I’m sure their response confirmed the prejudice of his White nationalist base that, like progressives, Blacks are subhuman.

Rick Millward said...

The Republican nominee for President of the United

I watched the whole thing on CSPAN. I was wondering why we kept seeing the same clips and it was because that other than the weird "is she black?" attack on VP Harris he was just reciting his stump speech. This should have been a serious forum, but it quickly went downhill into a rant.

I'm not completely sure it was intentional, that's giving them a lot of credit. It's just as likely that it's just another overconfident miscalculation like the Vance pick.

Ed Cooper said...

Shame on the Black Journalist Association for even allowing him this Forum, and then making it worse by caving to his demands that there be no fact checking. Rachel Scott tried, but the blistering blister on the butt of Humanity beat them, hands down, and what credibility the Ass'n might have had went up in a cloud of noxious smoke.

Michael Trigoboff said...

For decades, the left has been doing the following:

* Dividing us up into racial tribes.

* Encouraging each tribe to fight for its own interests, except…

* The white tribe is expected to take abuse and accept discrimination against itself.

The left has also done a similar thing with sex: men are supposed to take abuse and accept discrimination.

Amazingly enough, there are some white people and some men who are willing to go along with this. But there are others, including me, who have this to say:

I never wanted this country to become the war of the tribes. I wanted to live in a country where we were all judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin or the shape of our sex organs.

But if you insist on and succeed at turning this country into the war of the tribes, I will fight on the side of my tribe.

Dave said...

Yes, I thought the outrage was what Trump wanted. Still the outrage of MAGA, like him, is becoming stale and old. He is the one trick pony who keeps doing his one trick. Will see if his one trick gets him to the White House. It’s becoming pretty obvious even to those who barely pay attention.

John C said...

The very embodiment of gaslighting

Ed Cooper said...

I need to correct my statement, apparently the NABJ did not cave to his demands, but neither did they enforce any fact checking. The rest of my opinion stands as is, he should never have been allowed on that stage.

David (in Ashland)Miga said...


"By ungrateful Christians, ...some of whom fail to vote."
Looks like you finally found the context to which Trump was speaking at the Turning Point USA speech.
Context is everything.

You are so highly educated that your brain is shot out into the stratosphere to where you can only look down on all of us and simply remain aloof to the facts on the ground
It didn't escape my notice that the few quotes you used were of a couple of white guys who cry racism

Today I'll just leave it to all my favorite Black American content creators, all of whom I've been watching and listening to for many years now, and they are all addressing this very topic. In fact, they beat you to it...

LFR Family

Greg Foreman at Black Conservative Perspective


Amala Ekpunobi

Doc Rich...

Anthony Brian Logan

...and of course, Jericho Green is ...In Tha House...!
Mind your ears kittens, Jericho likes to scrape nails on the chalkboard...

I could go on and on with the true voices of Black Americans, but I think I'll leave it "...with you on my mind"

Jennifer said...

Trump wants attention more than he wants air. He did what he had to do to get the cameras back on him. However, I think this whole line of attack is a huge mistake. There are almost 34 million multiracial people in this country and I’d warrant none of them would like to be told to pick a race and stick with it. And the absurdity of Trump’s claim that Harris somehow transitioned from Indian to Black for political reasons is absurd. As we all know, she went to Howard and joined a black women’s sorority when she was young. I’ve never cared or been confused about her ethnic identity because she’s embraced both sides of her heritage. This is the turning point in this contest and Trump will gain no new supporters. He’s just an angry old man flailing around in the racist cesspool of his party.

Mike said...

“For decades, the left has been…Dividing us up into racial tribes. The white tribe is expected to take abuse and accept discrimination against itself.”

Those poor, oppressed Whites!
Blacks were subjected to 240 years of slavery by White racists, followed by a 100-year reign of terror to keep them in their place after Reconstruction. Besides the terrorism, they were segregated, ‘red-lined’ and systematically discriminated against.

The reality is that White racists have divided us up into racial tribes for centuries and as Trump demonstrates, they’re still hard at it.

Michael Trigoboff said...

Mike parrots the Ibram X Kendi woke intersectional ideology: the only remedy for past discrimination is present discrimination.

I am of the opinion that two wrongs don’t make a right, and that the way to eliminate racial discrimination is to stop racially discriminating.

I did not do the crime; I sure as hell am not going to do the time.

I do not believe in ancestral guilt, but even my ancestors didn’t do the crime. When blacks were slaves, my Jewish ancestors were in Eastern Europe, getting the crap kicked out of them by Russian antisemites. Then they came to America starting around 1900. Jews in that era were major participants in and supporters of the early civil rights movement. And so was I until sometime around 1967 when significant parts of the civil rights movement morphed from “Black and white together, we shall not be moved“ to “Hate whitey”.

Mike can snark all he wants to, but I am still going to stand up for my right as an American citizen to be treated as an individual, not as a member of some group that he dislikes and wants to discriminate against.

Woke Guy :-) said...

I couldn't agree more. The idea that *WHITES* are oppressed has to be one of the most laughably false notions out there. The history of slavery, of Jim Crow, and the continuance to this day of systematic racism in any number of areas all beg to differ with the idea that whites are oppressed.

Same with the idea that MEN are the subject of abuse and discrimination... seriously on what planet are these asinine ideas even remotely true in reality? Because they sure as hell aren't true kn this one.

Mike said...

Really, parroting Ibram X Kendi woke transectional ideology? I don’t listen to rap music.

At the risk of sounding snarky, the disparities between Blacks and Whites in wealth, healthcare, education, incarceration rates, etc. indicate that discrimination against Blacks remains systemic. But enjoy your White privilege while you can, because those pesky liberal elites are bringing about The Great Replacement. It’s a conspiracy!!!

Michael Trigoboff said...

Ibram X Kendi is not a rapper. He is an ideological promoter of the application of critical race theory to American society.

The rules of society should be race and sex neutral. The rules should not put a thumb on the scale to penalize white males in the present for things that were done to minorities in the past. The sins of the fathers are not supposed to be visited upon the sons.

Mike and WG have nothing to respond with other than snark and name calling. Sticks and stones, guys...

Mike said...

Instead of responding in kind to a personal attack, allow me to repeat the obvious: The racial disparities between Blacks and Whites in social, economic and public health outcomes is well-documented. Of course, the prejudiced consider that to be their own fault rather than the ongoing effects from centuries of oppression. However, scientific experiments confirm that prejudice remains a big problem in the U.S., and it’s not against Whites.

Michael Trigoboff said...

Whatever the causes of racial disparities may be, they do not justify warping the rules to do racial discrimination in some other direction.

I am all for helping people who need help, regardless of what race they are. But warping the rules to favor some races at the expense of other races is just wrong, toxic, and socially destructive.

Was someone hired for their competence, or for their race? That’s a really bad question to have floating around. It would be much better not to create situations which raise that question. This should be obvious…

Mike said...

White people have been given preference in hiring for ages. It was wrong, toxic and socially destructive. Now the disparity is being corrected and Whites whine about it, claiming it sacrifices competence since they don't believe other races could possibly be a qualified as they are. What a crock.

Woke Guy :-) said...

The problem here MT, which is pretty glaringly obvious, is that the "rules of society" have since the beginning of this country and continuing to this day favored one race/group at the expense of all others, and the favored group is WHITE PEOPLE. What's crazy to Mike and I is that trying to end this kind of systematic racism and actually live in a society where people can and will be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin and actually have the rules of society be neutral rather than favoring Whites appears to white guys like you to be discrimination *against* whites.

IT'S NOT. If there are 8 slices of pizza and you take 7 and I get one, am I discriminating against you if I advocate that maybe we should both just get 4? No I am not, it's common sense and it would be selfish and arrogant of you to argue otherwise. Yet that is EXACTLY what you and all the other MAGAs are doing. The funny thing is, is that the pizza analogy really isn't even that true in most cases. Trying to help people who have been enslaved and oppressed for centuries isn't taking away any of your 7 pieces of pizza, it's more like saying "hey maybe we should order a second pizza so I can have some too" and then you saying "absolutely not, if you order a second pizza it will diminish the fact that I got to have nearly all of the first and you barely got any."

I don't get why this is so hard to comprehend.

Mike said...

Woke guy -
It's hard to comprehend because it's based on an "Ibram X Kendi woke intersectional ideology" that's too radical for many Americans: the notion that all people are created equal.

Michael Trigoboff said...

Wanting everyone to have to meet the same standard (my position) is not the same thing as believing minorities cannot meet those standards (Mike’s caricature of my position).

I am in favor of the race-neutral standards that WG claims to support. And I agree with him that things were very unfair to, for instance black people, in the past.

But doing reverse discrimination in an attempt to fix the problems caused by that past discrimination is, as I have said already, wrong and toxic and destructive to important an important principle: that we should be judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin.

Mike said...

"...we should be judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin."

I'm sure that's why Republicans prefer Trump.

Mike said...

Racists claim that racism is no longer a problem (all the evidence to the contrary notwithstanding) so compensating for it is racist.

Michael Trigoboff said...

Three uses of the R-word in a single post! A new blog record! 😱😀

When your only tool is the R-word, everything looks like R.

Mike said...

Michael -
I'm glad you're keeping track, but conspicuous for its absence is any mention of what I said that isn't true. All I did was define White resentment, which could be Harris' undoing.

Anonymous said...

Harris needs to offer TFG a pardon in exchange for dropping out of the race.

Given that he's only running to avoid doing time his reaction would be priceless.

Criminals often get plea bargains and this is no different.

David in Ashland said...

Here's some white privilege for you Mike.

"Who's unhappy?"
"we're unhappy!"
"how unhappy?"
"too unhappy!?
"oh oh,
that won't do..
when you are blue...
just knock on wood..."

I know these don't come up as actual links, but you do know how to copy and paste don't you?
This is merely a clip from my favorite movie of all time, Casablanca
In essence it means nothing ...or it means a lot, but I'm just sick of this stupid conversation.