Sunday, August 4, 2024

Easy Sunday: Trump insists on looking backward.

Democrats are catching a break.

Trump was in Georgia, bashing popular Republicans, complaining that they wouldn't cheat to let him overturn the 2020 election.

Keep talking, Mr. Trump.

Today's Atlanta Journal-Constitution website

I asked a Trump-supporting attorney who reads this blog to explain to me his version of Trump's effort to stay in office following the 2020 election. Maybe it could be a guest post, I said.

He declined to do so. He said, "You keep asking me for responses to old news. I am done with the Monday morning quarterbacking and want to focus on keeping the anti-American Kamala out of the White House. She is a threat to democracy as we know it while 45/47 will make America great again."

Trump supporters are right to want to avoid the subject. Shining a light on Trump's actions after losing the 2020 election puts the focus on Trump's worst, least defensible behavior as president. It is Trump who won't change the subject.

In yesterday's rally in Georgia, Trump spent 10 minutes tearing into popular Georgia Governor Brian Kemp for refusing to overturn the Georgia vote back in 2020.

He’s a bad guy. He’s a disloyal guy. And he’s a very average governor. Little Brian, little Brian Kemp. Bad guy.

The rally comments were preceded by Trump posts on Truth Social that complained that Kemp and Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger were disloyal and ungrateful and failed to help him reverse the election result. He wrote

[Kemp} should be seeking UNITY, not Retribution, especially against the man that got him the Nomination through Endorsement, and, without whom, he could never have beaten Stacey Abrams. He and his wife didn't think he could win. 

Trump said Kemp could have stopped with a phone call the Georgia prosecution of him and the electors who signed false affidavits of election. Kemp refused to interfere. Trump wrote that Kemp was a "bad guy," and added the complaint that Kemp's wife had said she would not vote for him.

Kemp, in Twitter, told Trump that he would not be "engaging in petty personal insults, attacking fellow Republicans or dwelling on the past. You should do the same, Mr. President, and keep my family out of it."

Georgia is a battleground state that had slipped badly out of contention for Democrats. Polls taken in Georgia after the debate showed Trump leading Biden by five to 10 points.

It is all different now. In the most recent poll, taken July 29 and 30, Harris led Trump by one percent.
And that was before Trump came back to Georgia and drew headlines by complaining that Kemp and Raffensperger wouldn't consent to overturning the Georgia election.

Trump is self-destructing. Democrats shouldn't interrupt him.

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Peter C. said...

If Trump dares to debate Harris on a network other than Fox, he knows he might have a problem. He can't win a debate with her because she's sharper than him and won't fall for any name calling or some such garbage. She'll probably point out that she's a tough prosecutor and he's a convicted felon. Them's the facts. He'll attack her on her race. What's that got to do with anything? She's a woman. Yep, even has a real pussy. Don't even think about grabbing it. He's been using the age factor at his rallies. Now, that's out the window. But, Harris might use it. A declining 78 year old. Way past his prime. Pasture time.

I so look forward to their debate. Just don't be surprised if he avoids it.

Mike Steely said...

The Trump-supporting attorney Peter quotes says of Vice President Harris, “She is a threat to democracy as we know it…" In other words, he’s accusing her of what we all know to be true of Trump. It’s the old “I’m rubber, you’re glue…” playground defense. I thought attorneys were supposed to be intelligent.

Ed Cooper said...

"Never interfere with an enemy busy destroying himself".
Attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte, a man who knew quite a bit about warfare . It's not easy for me to declare the Republican Party the "Enemy", but their own actions are creating that need.
I wish the Trumper Attorney had the courage to explain what Kamala Harris has ever done to become "A threat to Democracy", but like cockroaches scurrying for dark places, I'm quite sure, that Attorney will do his/her best to remain anonymous.

Rick Millward said...

538 has Harris up 1.5 points, RealClear has Trump ahead by .8.

I've always felt that once Democrats pulled ahead that would signal a non-reversible trend that would continue to widen. I believe that seeing their ticket faltering the disaffected, fickle MAGA base will revert to their traditional behavior and stay home, content with sitting on their hineys and yelling at the TV.

It's still early, margin of error, etc., but it's looking like given a VP pick and convention bounce Democrats could be on their way.

If this happens it will be interesting to watch the Republicans circle the wagons, with many of them forced to come off the sidelines and ramp up their Trump worship. Watching Lindsey Graham and the rest degrade themselves even further will be quite the spectacle.

It will still be close, though, with RFK Jr. still lurking about, though he's dropped to 5%.

Anonymous said...

They don't have to be.
I can understand why this attorney wouldn't want his name associated with his comments.

How many boxes of national security documents does VP Harris have in her bathroom? How many times has she met privately with Putin?

Or blocked military aid to a country at war with a US adversary?

I don't recall seeing any Harris 2024 signs in the Capitol January 6, 2021.

Anonymous said...

It's clear the republican party has been taken over by domestic terrorists.

So, yes, the party is a threat to America.

Ed Cooper said...

I haven't checked, but I don't think the Junior Kennedy has even managed to get in enough Ballots to be considered viable at the Convention.
Sign me willing to be corrected.

Dave said...

Poor Trump blaming the 600 seats not being filled in his Georgia rally a result of thousands being turned away. No empty seats for Harris though. I view the empty seats as a tell and so does Trump.

Jennifer said...

Trump won’t pick up any new voters by whining about 2020 and attacking those Republicans who won’t buy into the Big Lie. People like your friend who spew talking points about Harris are unreachable, but I have confidence that Kamala and her team have a good plan for bringing in new voters and converting the undecided. VP bump plus convention bump are still in her future. Trump can keep being the nasty old racist, no one new is buying what he’s selling.

Mike said...

Regarding the possibility of a debate between Harris and Trump: fuggedaboudit. Debates don't include boldfaced lies with no supporting evidence. But Trump is a pathological liar, so he's incapable of real debate.

Ed Cooper said...

Reality occasionally breaks through into his lizard brain, and so he doubles down with the lies.