Trump has a plan. He spoke it in his own words. He republished it on his own Truth Social website.
It is 36 seconds. It should be seen.
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The status quo is totally corrupt. His enemies are pure evil and they must be destroyed. To a soundtrack of a beating drum and rising audience enthusiasm we hear him say:
This is the final battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the deep state, we will expel the war mongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists, Marxists, and fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country, we will rout the fake news media, and we will liberate America from these villains, once and for all.It is textbook example of the fascist message that came to power in Italy and Germany in the 1930s. He appeals to fear, resentment, and the core human emotion of disgust. There are foreign bodies -- vermin -- inside the body politic, and he will utterly destroy them.
The video was re-voiced and condensed from a speech Trump made in North Carolina a week ago. "Roll out" the news media was changed to "rout." In the North Carolina speech he had a tone of world-weary sadness. Here he is resolute. It was shot in black and white with Trump glowering. He is the face of the retribution he promises in a second term. In the North Carolina speech text he began by saying
We are a failing nation. We are a nation in decline. And now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement. It's totally corrupt and we can't let it happen.
He also included "we will expose the RINOs for what they are," that he would defeat Joe Biden, and concluded with:
The silent majority is rising, and under our leadership, the forgotten man or woman will never be forgotten again.
Am I beating a dead horse? Isn't Trump old news, a has-been? Isn't he soon to be labeled a criminal and discredited?
If only.
Trump is popular with about 70% of Republican voters. A great many of them feel intense support, and that creates the leverage. A minority controls a larger party, and the party controls the majority. About 60% of the American electorate rejects Trump, but the mechanics of a two-party system, first-past-the-pole winners, and the electoral college give Trump an excellent chance of re-election. Republican leaders don't want to cross him, lest they be called RINOs, and lose support within the group that controls their party. Republican aspirants to replace him are already announcing that they will pardon Trump for any federal crimes. All but Christie want to replace him, without opposing him. By dangling the pardon maybe -- possibly -- a wounded Trump will endorse him.
But Trump is wounded, not dead. This is still the era of Trump. A victorious Trump would be in better control than ever of the GOP. One need not invent an image of the dark turn for America in a second Trump term. He is telling us.
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Hard to imagine that anyone supported by only 40% of voters could win the election. Anybody know if that’s ever happened before?
This is an act of desperation.
It has a certain "chicken little"/SNL/over the top quality...I laughed. The intensity doesn't match reality. De Santis beats this phony doomsday drum also and so there's some one-upsmanship at play. With Giuliani flipping, and a pending Georgia indictment the panic is palpable.
This is an incitement to violence. Some armed lunatic might attack a mailbox, god forbid. His prosecutors will take note.
This is a cornered animal. Sort of like a pissed off raccoon stuck in a sewer.
I think Hitler was supported by about 40%. If Trump is re-elected then the state of Washington needs a divorce. The nightmare is Biden gets sick and dies right before the election and then Trump is re-elected. May need to buy a gun. Ugg, nightmares galore.
Trump and those who embrace his madness are a danger to themselves and others. They belong in an insane asylum. Oh, that’s right – they’re in one: the Republican Party. As Lindsey Graham said back in 2016, “My party’s gone batshit crazy!” Truer words were never spoken.
Some say we should have empathy for them, but I’d be worried about anyone that could empathize with such malevolence.
In answer to Malcolm's question, Trump won (the electoral vote) in 2016 with a 36% approval rating, according to Gallup. People like imagine that what happened in Germany can't happen here, but those who blabber the loudest about "American Exceptionalism" are trying hard to bring it about.
Look at how corrupt and dysfunctional “the system” has become: a blind bureaucracy blundering through our lives, heedlessly screwing things up, impossible to influence. Occasionally it even does something right, but mainly out of random good luck.
Examples abound: the export of manufacturing to China; the Iraq war screwup; the southern border; homelessness; military procurement. Corruption is everywhere you look: Shemia Fagan for a local example.
People get angry and don’t know where to turn. Then Trump comes along and at least he talks about it. Who else is doing that?
Trump is a symptom.
That's right: I lack for nothing, but I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore! I have an idea: let's elect a psycho. That should solve all our problems.
Thanks, Mike S. Good point about Trumps 2016 Approval rating of 36% . More importantly-I hope- is shown here, from Wikipedia:
“ Clinton won the popular vote, taking 48% of the vote compared to Trump's 46% of the vote, but Trump won the electoral vote and thus the presidency. The election is one of five presidential elections in American history in which the winner of the popular vote did not win the presidency.”.
As this makes clear, Trump had a lot more than 40% approval rating, when push came to shove.
Still, winning the election with even 46% of the vote indicates to me that our election system is seriously flawed. DOWN WITH THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE, UP WITH A PURELY DEMOCRATIC VOTE!
Trump is a cistern
It’s worse. He said:
“Today I’m announcing a new plan to protect the integrity of our immigration system. Federal law prohibits the entry of communists and totalitarians into the United States. But my question is, what are we going to do with the ones that are already here, that grew up here? I think we have to pass a new law for them.”
We’ve seen this movie before: first they came for the “communists,” then ...
Through laws like the Denaturalization Law of 1933, the Reich Citizenship Laws and the Eleventh Decree to the Reich Citizenship Law of 1941, the Nazi government deprived hundreds of thousands of Germans of their citizenship rights on the grounds of their socialist views or Jewish or Roma background.
Florida Senator Rick Scott said: “Let me give you a travel warning. If you are a socialist or communist, I would think twice if you are thinking about taking a vacation or moving to Florida.”
This is really happening...
Difference is that I would (will) try to help the pissed off raccoon.
As I recall, Mizz Lindsay turned his coat and became of of Former Guys most devout defenders about 90 seconds after the Insurrection Attempt of January 6, or was it right John McCain was buried ?
To Malcolm -
Trump may have gotten 46% of the vote, but it was from only 26% of eligible voters. So few voted that a quarter of the electorate was able to install a madman in the White House. They could do it again.
There is a significant pool of political energy available. So far, only Trump has tapped into it. If no one else tries pick it up, it will be all his, regardless of your opinion of him.
It would be smarter to offer something better to that political energy. Or, you could just bitch and moan about what racist idiots they are, and watch helplessly while they elect their candidate again.
Trump's base may not be racist idiots, but they are racist crazies well represented by those who attacked the Capitol. God forbid that Democrats should try and compete with Republicans for their loyalty. A successful campaign would continue to emphasize Republican complicity in Trump's madness as evidenced by their ongoing support for him, while also promoting all that Biden has been able to accomplish in spite of them.
Well, Mike, I’ll acknowledge it’s a theory. I wouldn’t want to bet on its potential for political success.
I’m still hoping for someone who can unpollarize us.
As long as one of the poles doesn't care about climate change or believe in election results, I don't even want to be unpolarized.
Sure, just like I want to see the woke crusade against competence and excellence conclusively defeated. But we all still have to live in this country with each other, despite our different beliefs and attachments. The current levels of political rage aren’t good for us.
The difference is that climate change is destroying life as we know it and coup attempts undermine our republic, but your culture war is just a distraction.
People, including me, care about what they care about. Politics is the art of aligning enough people to get something done in the context of what they each actually care about. In a Democracy, you don’t get to tell people what to care about.
Trump broke some very serious laws. His coup attempt was treasonous. Republicans have done their damnedest to cover for him and continue supporting his malignant lies. People who don’t care about that don’t deserve a democracy.
I agree, Mike S. But people who don’t care about that apparently don’t WANT a democracy. They want autocracy. It proves the cliche about a sucker born every minute. They think they’d prosper under a dictatorship.
Republicans support TFG because he openly wants to destroy our system of government so corporations and churches have more power and US citizens have less. It's Ronnie Raygun on steroids.
If anyone thinks that will work out well for you then you have another thing coming.
We need to keep all Republicans out of power. But that's impossible due to gerrymandering and the Electoral College.
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