"Joe Biden, who has a habit of verbal missteps on the campaign trail, is again facing scrutiny after a report that he misstated multiple details in a story about a war hero."
New York Times' description of one of their stories
"Joseph R. Biden Jr., whose habit of verbal missteps on the 2020 campaign trail has concerned some Democrats, is again facing scrutiny after a new report that says he misstated multiple details in a war story he told last week."
New York Times' lead, in that story
Donald Trump's strategy is working.
Donald Trump called Biden "Sleepy Joe" and began saying to be on the lookout because Biden has lost a step, that he is getting old and addled. Trump gave a way to think about an opponent's verbal errors: age related dementia.
Democratic candidates have not piled on. They didn't need to. Trump, Republicans and the media do it for them.
As this blog has noted, going back to posts in October, 2015, Donald Trump's extemporaneous speech is near gibberish. Spoken speech, particularly by Trump, is full of half sentences and repeats. It is understandable--even persuasive--because of the gestures and emphasis that accompany the utterances.
This blog, and others, have put that into context, observing the "real" Trump versus "teleprompter Trump." We define the extemporaneous Trump as authentic, even what he is saying is clearly and provably inaccurate. The ground rules for Trump are to take what he says seriously, not literally; to define his verbal awkwardness as proof of unguarded truth-telling; to not be surprised if what he says is inaccurate since it is simply Trump being Trump, and, besides, it might just be Trump do negotiating for a better deal.
For Trump, bad is good.
This blog, and others, have put that into context, observing the "real" Trump versus "teleprompter Trump." We define the extemporaneous Trump as authentic, even what he is saying is clearly and provably inaccurate. The ground rules for Trump are to take what he says seriously, not literally; to define his verbal awkwardness as proof of unguarded truth-telling; to not be surprised if what he says is inaccurate since it is simply Trump being Trump, and, besides, it might just be Trump do negotiating for a better deal.
For Trump, bad is good.

Joe Biden is much more fluent and grammatical than is Trump, including in the three times I watch him in extended extemporaneous speech in Iowa. But Trump--and Fox and talk radio--relentlessly define Biden as addled. More importantly, so do the two pillars of the gatekeeper serious media, the New York Times and Washington Post. It is the new straight-news reality.
The gatekeeper of progressive straight news, The Guardian, is in on it, using an appositional phrase about Biden this morning: "former vice president, who seems increasingly gaffe-prone and vulnerable, . . . . "
Biden's gaffes aren't something to be argued; they ae a given, like his age or height.
This blog has described the phenomenon of Confirmation Bias. We see what we expect to see. Believing is seeing. Humans look for patterns, and we find them in randomness if we are prepped to believe the pattern exists.
Are they random for Biden? Is he, in fact, more prone to mis-statements than are, Warren or Sanders or the others? Maybe. Probably more than them, but unquestionably fewer than Trump.
But what is important is that Biden's gaffes are looked for and sought after, then examined and evaluated on the basis of his decrepitude.
Are they random for Biden? Is he, in fact, more prone to mis-statements than are, Warren or Sanders or the others? Maybe. Probably more than them, but unquestionably fewer than Trump.
But what is important is that Biden's gaffes are looked for and sought after, then examined and evaluated on the basis of his decrepitude.
This could work out one of two ways for Democrats. One would be that Biden will survive and become the nominee and we can see now the outlines of the 2020 disqualification of Biden. He is the guy who is dangerously old, and it is better to vote for Trump.
The alternative is that Trump and the media have acted too soon, that Biden will falter, and that would leave room for a candidate to become the moderate alternative to Warren or Sanders.
Given what I now see as a full court press by the mainstream media, I predict that Biden will falter sooner than later.
"Sleepy Joe."
"Sleepy Joe."
Shields and Brooks addressed this issue well on the PBS News Hour last evening, August 30, 2019. The discussion is available on-line. Bottom line: Voters are very forgiving if they like and trust the candidate.
Prediction: Biden gets called out for his votes in favor of war in Iraq and making student loan debt non dischargeable in bankruptcy by Warren and/or Sanders in the next debate. Voters will forgive “stupid” (witness “is our children learning?” and any number of Trumpisms) but Joe can’t ‘evolve’ from his past policy choices. If Joe is the presumptive nominee- be very afraid.
Americans are skeptical and sick of the reporting side of the mainstream media telling us what to think and who to vote for. Trump knows this and drives the message every day. Trump voters overlooked A LOT in 2016. Many Democrats are willing to do the same to beat Trump, fix the damage he has caused, and get our country back on track.
Many Democrats do not appreciate the media pile on of Joe Biden. We see the glass as half full instead of half empty. Biden, gaffes and all, is pure gold compared to what we have now.
"...the moderate alternative to Warren or Sanders"...so who is that exactly?
If the VP survives Iowa, (little matters until then) he will be the nominee. He will have to win decidedly. Not ideal, but hopefully sufficient. He may be the better choice to regain the Senate. The strength of the Progressive movement will face its greatest test perhaps...ever...with a the likely result a return to baby steps, ala Obama, frustrating, but preferable to the current situation.
Biden doesn't reflect the energy that infused the '18 midterms. Sen. Warren does and is a better choice.
the 2018 midterm elections were about moderate suburban women voting for moderate suburban Democrats. That’s how D’s took back the House.
My prediction: Moderate suburban women will go strongly for Elizabeth Warren. Moderate surburban white women may not be comfortable the fire-y Democratic Socialist rhetoric and policies of Bernie Sanders—even though their kids are probably yearning to Bern. However, Warren’s intelligence and clear plans will swing them more left. Biden is still riding on name recognition and has a long history of running for President and losing. Although I feel Warren will win over the white suburban women, Democrats win when women of color get out the vote in their communities. Who will vote inspire African-American and Latinx women to make phone calls, knock on doors, drive voters to the polls and do all the grassroots organizing work to get out the vote? I don’t think Biden generates that kind of enthusiasm.
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