"I was appalled to learn that Jeffrey Epstein was found dead early this morning from an apparent suicide while in federal custody."
William Barr, Attorney General.
William Barr knows this looks bad for Trump. Epstein died in Trump Administration custody.
First, announce an investigation by an entity who brings a report to you. Look like you are on the side of justice. Simultaneously have political appointees point to "the usual suspects" speculating on Twitter that Hillary Clinton did it. Within an hour Fox News hosts begin describing Epstein as a "close Clinton buddy" and say that Democrats George Mitchell and Bill Richardson had reason to want Epstein dead.
Within six hours the rest of conservative media is echoing the Clinton-Democratic motive. Breitbart, the Daily Caller, Red State, The New York Post, and Drudge Report have a common theme of outrage that Epstein was dead and then speculation that Prince Andrew and several Democrats had reason to worry. Name Democrats, not Trump.
InfoWars has a video "Dead Men Tell No Tales" that names Bill Clinton. It is off message by bringing up Donald Trump at all. Better not to mention him than to attempt to absolve him. https://www.infowars.com/dead-men-tell-no-tales/
InfoWars tries to help by publishing this photoshopped image of Hillary Clinton, purported to be Epstein's last known visitor.
Meanwhile, Trump adds to the speculation by re-tweeting a comment by a conservative comedian who wrote:
"Died of SUICIDE on 24/7 SUICIDE WATCH? Yeah right! How does that happen #Jeffery Epstein had information on Bill Clinton & now he's dead
I see #TrumpBodyCount trending but we know who did this!
RT if you're not Surprised #EpsteinSuicide #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonCrimeFamily"
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Stirring the pot. |
Trump's re-tweet of that created the predictable outrage. What is Trump doing speeding conspiracy rumors like that??? Blaming the Clintons? Really?
Yes. He is throwing up distraction and staying in the news as an accuser, not the suspect.
Yes. He is throwing up distraction and staying in the news as an accuser, not the suspect.
KellyAnne Conway gives further legs to the distraction by going on Fox and defending Trump's tweet, saying it was an earnest effort by Trump to get at the truth of how Epstein died. Investigate the Clintons. Trump wants answers to the question of just how guilty the Clintons might be.
Who had opportunity? Trump's team.
The simplest explanation of what happened is simple incompetence. There need be no conspiracy to silence Epstein. He was an obvious suicide risk, based on the charges and embarrassment he faced, and federal officials, from Barr down to the shift commanders at the Metropolitan Correctional Center didn't monitor him closely, but should have.
They screwed up. Or were told to screw up. Conspiracy speculation is rampant.
How did this happen? Trump has successfully diminished overall respect for institutions seeking truth. News is fake, the FBI is corrupt, the establishment is a swamp. Democrats who attempted to defend institutions learned they were out of touch. This is the new normal. Justice is acknowledged to be political and corrupt.
They screwed up. Or were told to screw up. Conspiracy speculation is rampant.
How did this happen? Trump has successfully diminished overall respect for institutions seeking truth. News is fake, the FBI is corrupt, the establishment is a swamp. Democrats who attempted to defend institutions learned they were out of touch. This is the new normal. Justice is acknowledged to be political and corrupt.
The problem for Trump is that the people with motive plus opportunity, all point up to Trump. Barr makes a virtue out of being Trump's loyal AG, not like Jeff Sessions. Barr says a president deserves an AG who represents the President's interests--the unified executive theory of law. The Department of Justice serves the president, personally.
A lot of people have motive, including Trump, had reason to fear what Epstein might say. A single word by Epstein, or jotted down in a little black book, would create damaging speculation. Trump palled around with Epstein. In June, 2016 a woman named Katie Johnson filed a lawsuit in Manhattan naming Trump as the man who had sex with her (i.e raped her) in Epstein's apartment in 1994, when she was 13. She backed out of the lawsuit shortly before election day, saying she feared for her life. She is still out there.
And who knows what Epstein might have said to corroborate. Or not.
And who knows what Epstein might have said to corroborate. Or not.
Trump and his media allies are focusing attention on motive, not opportunity, because that implicates many people, including the predictable Clintons, while opportunity implicates Trump alone. So the media blitz is underway: what did Clinton do and what was his motive?
That sets up a frame that is very convenient for Trump--Trump as accuser and investigator, not the prime suspect.
That sets up a frame that is very convenient for Trump--Trump as accuser and investigator, not the prime suspect.
A. Not surprised...this was a very ill person.
B. I'm voting for Benign Neglect...conspiracies in full view? Hardly. Sit down.
C. Complicates civil litigation...without a conviction civll suits, and the resultant judgements, may have trouble moving forward.
D. One thing can be true. Regardless of who it may or may not be, THERE ARE OTHERS.
E. The question remains whether prosecutors and media will continue to dig.
F. A story tailor made for Trumplicans, whose gullibility seems to have no limit. Another tabloid sideshow to titillate and feed their paranoia and distract from reality.
I vote for a Trump - Barr scheme to get rid of the possible testimony from Epstein. No one else seem to have had the opportunity, while many seem to have had a motive.
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