Sunday, April 28, 2024

Easy Sunday: Bizzaro World

In Bizarro World everything is backwards.

If you were a child in the 1950s you know about Superman and "Bizarro World." In Bizarro World all the Superman characters are distorted opposites of themselves. Earth is a cube. Superboy is a brat. Everything is the opposite of normal. Bad is good.

The U.S. Supreme Court has gone Bizarro World. 

Justice Sam Alito:

"Now, if an incumbent who loses a very close, hotly contested election knows that a real possibility after leaving office is not that the president is going to be able to go off into a peaceful retirement but that the president may be criminally prosecuted by a bitter political opponent, will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country as a democracy?"

Justice Sonya Sotomayor asks Trump's lawyer:

"If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military. . .to assassinate him, is that within his official acts for which he can get immunity?" 

John Sauer responds: "That could well be an official act [and therefore immune from prosecution.]"  

Robert Reich, professor, author, and former secretary of labor comments.

"Alito had the chutzpah to claim that if a president thought he might be prosecuted for whatever he did to cling to office — including inciting a riot at the U.S. Capitol — he would likely keep clinging by any means possible. Ergo, according to Alito’s upside-down logic, the possibility of post-presidential prosecution could 'lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country as a democracy.'

Hello? Surely Trump’s insurrection destabilized American democracy more than special prosecutor Jack Smith’s attempt to hold Trump accountable for it."


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Dave said...

Trump’s corruption has permeated down into the Supreme Court along with the Post Office. Imagine the military would be next if he is re-elected along with the federal reserve which Trump intends to take over. Imagine mister bankruptcy man being in charge of that. I wish my kids had a brighter future. I always thought myself lucky to have been born in the US, but are my grandchildren lucky?

Mike Steely said...

We are definitely living in truly bizarre times when we have the Supreme Court considering whether a president is above the law and whether a coup attempt is an official act. If nothing else, the Supremes have guaranteed that Trump won't be held accountable anytime soon. So much for our fantasy of an independent judiciary.

Ed Cooper said...

I find myself wondering if John Roberts has enough self awareness to realize that his dream of a "Legacy" has gone up in black smoke ?

Ed Cooper said...

The persistent fantasy that no one person is above the Law has been delivered a death blow these last few days and the Roberts Court histories will record its Infamy.

Mc said...

If the SCOTUS rules in favor of immunity Biden knows what to do.

And TFG is already near the jail, so ....

John C said...

One of the realities that Free Speech absolutists face is that even bizarre speech that is foolish and nonsensical can resonate with enough people that it shapes their very rules of logic. Idiocy seems to have spread like contagion. I’ve listened to Nina Totenberg report on the Supreme Court for years. The judges’ questions always seemed so insightful and wise. What happened? They were even unconcerned for their own potential untimely demise by an unhappy President performing an official act with no consequences. Banana Republic here we come.