Sunday, September 8, 2024

Easy Sunday: A word from a Trump supporter

Many of my readers won't like today's post.

The guest post is hard to read, and many won't like the content.

Lynn Myrick is a Trump supporter. He is a retired Southern Oregon family law attorney. He practiced for 47 years and still serves as an expert witness on attorney ethics and billing practices.

Myrick is a regular reader of this blog. My critique of Trump's criminality, his business frauds, his sexual crimes, and his seditious effort to overthrow the election did not dampen Myrick's support of Trump. 

Myrick dashed this off, typing with his thumbs, creating a Gertrude Stein-style unfolding of the continuous present in a stream of consciousness. Critics may think he sounds drunk, stupid, willfully uninformed, profoundly biased, or worse. They may think Myrick is mired in the alternative reality of a religious cult led by a con-man guru. But Myrick is not stupid. This is what he thinks. Something along the lines of this interior monologue takes place in the minds of a near-majority of our fellow citizens. Read it as literature. Read it for insight on how it is possible Americans might choose to elect Trump.

I am publishing it verbatim.

Lynn Myrick and wife Meredith

Guest Post by Lynn Myrick
I keep wanting to see Peter's face and crossed fingers when he gaslights me to say he is better off now. 3 wars by biden - none with 45 - 20 + %cost of living - $7k in lost purchasing power for for Americans - crime stats odd when harris and dems defund police - up to 20m illegals bringing crime, drugs and sex trafficking of children (sickening) - lost over 300 of the children - housing costs through the roof (and that is a bragging point?) - elevated rental costs - Hamas supporting dems and college campuses - the inflation accelerating inflation reduction act (she brags she was the vote bringing that home) - ballooning debt - the failed new green deal - 7 EV charging stations for those billions - homeless populations at record levels - illegals taking available jobs - killing 13 service members and a withdrawal from Afghanistan that made us the laughing stock - giving the enemy $80b in military equipment - losing both air bases in Afghanistan - killing Ashli Babbitt - and the failed build back better - failed student debt debacle - covid mismanagement - school and unnecessary school closures - fauci (says it all) - incompetent reversal of remain in Mexico and 80 other successful executive orders - the most secretive and divisive leader since obama - describing half the country as evil/anti democratic and Maga as an existential threat - all the while the dems were the penultimate underminers of democracy - the 'woke' federal beauracracy - diminished military readiness - bidens lawfare against his opponents - kamala promoting extremist gender ideology (men in girls sports) and in general a corrupt and intellectually bankrupt regime. We can't afford an incompetent, empty vessel, secretive kamala to get close to the Whitehouse. She is so afraid of talking to America it's totally weird. I have more but…… 😊

Photo appended to the end of Myrick's comment

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Woke Guy :-) said...

I'm skeptical about the claim that Lynn Myrick isn't drunk. But one thing is for certain: he was out of his mind on cocaine when he wrote that screed. The style is very reminiscent of Don Jr's mile-a-minute rantings when it's quite clear that he's got about half the national product of Bolivia up his nose.

I'm not sure what insight anyone is supposed to get from reading that other than that we all need to work extra hard to make sure that the Madman-of-Mar-a-Lago and his batshit crazy supporters never regain power.

Anonymous said...

Definitely off his meds.

Mike said...

An interesting litany of Fox Noise talking points, most of them totally bogus. Let’s take just one example: “killing 13 service members and a withdrawal from Afghanistan that made us the laughing stock.” Anybody who follows actual news knows that the withdrawal was negotiated by Trump. If Biden is responsible for a suicide bomber killing 13 service members while carrying it out, then Trump is also responsible for the 65 service members killed in hostile actions on his watch.

Trump is a rapist, a fraud, a compulsive liar, a thief, and the leader of an attempted coup. Who could possibly want such a lawless ignoranus to be president of the United States? People as crazy and malicious as he is.

Dave said...

Still testifying as an expert witness? His News filter seems remarkably skewed and biased, but he obviously doesn’t believe or realize that. Humans are so easily manipulated as shown by his thoughts. I get it that he is intelligent but he is blind and doesn’t know it. I’m cautious in writing this as maybe I have a log in my eye and am focusing on his sliver in his eye, but, alas,I don’t think so.

John C said...

Unlike other comments here, what I read here someone who is full of anger, fear and desperation. It proves to me again that anyone- no matter how well educated or professionally successful is immune from the seduction of a cult leader like Trump- who stokes those fears.

What also strikes me is the disjointed words that make me go “wait…what??” But he just keeps ploughing on without explanation- adopting the style of Trump.

But here’s the thing that surprises me. Most attorneys I have worked with are expert at knitting complex facts together to create a compelling and coherent narrative. In fact that’s their #1 skill. Maybe that’s more for trial law- but even with family law you need coherence. I wonder if he would be willing to unpack just one of his statements in a persuasive way?

Mike said...

Sorry, but one other in the list of bizarre talking points deserves comment: “Killing Ashli Babbitt.” Trump was president when that happened, and he’s the one who incited her into attacking the Capitol building. But Trump supporters have twisted that in their warped little minds into somehow being Biden’s fault – a demonstration of their wanton stupidity.

Ed Cooper said...

Apparently Myrick either missed or ignored Trumps orders to shut down all tha U.S. Airports in Afghanistan, except the one his envoy Mike Pompeo kept open he negotiated with the Taliban warlords from the safety of Quatar, conveniently leaving the Afghan Leaders back in Kabul. And he must have missed the evacuation off the roof of our Embassy in what is now Ho Chi Min City as engineered by a Republican Administration
He may very well be book smat, but I'd be very wary of having testify as an expert witness on my behalf.

Anonymous said...

You don't get into law school if you're stupid. Lynn isn't dumb or drunk. Lynn Myrick hit the nail on the head. Trump may be a intolerable loudmouth, but Biden and Harris are criminally incompetent. The media refuses to tell the truth, so I can understand that progressives would be angry to learn the truth. Take your heads out of your asses, folks. Trump is going to be the next president because he's the best candidate.

Anonymous said...

Which of those two drag queens is Peter Sage having sex with? Peter Sage can't win with logic, so he smears his opponents as drunks and morons. Sage, you couldn't tie Lynn Myrick's shoes.

bboxtek said...

Seems like Myrick put forth a crisp, clear, concise, and accurate summary of the last three plus years to me. I'm a long time reader of Peter's blog and agree with him on about 30% of his posts (mostly the ones about his vineyard ;-)

Ed Cooper said...

Nobody has claimed that Myrick is stupid. That he was either drunk or wired posting this incoherent rant full of Disinformation and lies leaves that point open. At least he isn't hiding behind a shield of anonymity.

Ed Cooper said...

That you consider Lynn Myricks incoherent rant "clear and " concise is actually quite frightening.

Ed Cooper said...

And that an Attorney admitted to the Bar considers it "clear and concic" is ever more concerning.

Michael Trigoboff said...

Anybody who follows actual news knows that the withdrawal was negotiated by Trump.

Biden reversed many of Trump’s actions in office. He could have reversed the withdrawal from Afghanistan as well. Not only did Biden not do that, but he implemented that withdrawal at a level of incompetence that could have justifiably led to impeachment.

Michael Trigoboff said...

We can't afford an incompetent, empty vessel, secretive kamala to get close to the Whitehouse.

Kamala is running as an opaque cipher with good vibes. Maybe those vibes will be enough to get her elected, but I would sure like to have some idea of what she’s planning to do if she wins, and I currently do not.

Maybe the debate will force something more concrete out of her. I hope so.

Mike said...

That's right, Trump supporters aren't stupid - they just prefer to make up their own "alternative facts." But they are violent, so be careful. Trump is now threatening Democratic donors (and others) with long jail sentences when he wins (I am not making this up). I hope we'll be allowed to start a prison choir like the insurrectionists Trump plans to pardon.

Mike said...

Thanks, Curt, but even when you're trying and failing to sound rational, your anger and crudity don't allow you to be "Anonymous."

Ralph Bowman said...

Great painting by numbers, following all the dots and staying within the lines with his crayon given to him by teacher Fox who outsmarted this lawyer who proudly did his homework along with the word search puzzles loaded with four letter words. Too afraid to pull back the curtain and see Rupert pulling the handles.
Sad mess of a brainwashed upper middle class man of muddled thinking.

Mike said...

No doubt it would have been better if Trump had conducted the withdrawal instead of just agreeing to the Taliban's demands, but even he probably recognized that his administration lacked the competence to do anything but talk about it.

Mike said...

Nobody raised right would feel anything but disgust for a rapist, but Trump supporters want to make one president. They’re sick.