Some things can only be said by a person inside the group.
A Black man talks about Herschel Walker.
He says that Herschel Walker is a walking, talking, caricature. He embodies every racial stereotype White racists have about Black men.
The commentary is by Thomas Bishop, an actor and poet. He goes by "Thomas, the Villain, Bishop," on TikTok, where he does "social commentary from a villain's perspective." Here it is on video--three minutes.
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The text of his commentary:
"So USA Today put out an opinion piece and it's basically something I've been saying all along about Herschel Walker. You see, in the annals of the Republican brain Herschel Walker is the perfect representation of Black people--without question.
He is every stereotype we have been called for 40, 50, 60 fucking years. Every single one.
Absentee father-- check.
Will listen to what his masters say--check.
He's a perfect representation, and sadly he might just win. He might just win, you see because Black men like Fred Hampton, Huey P. Newton, Malcom X, and Martin Luther King at no point would they do the step-and-fetch-it for American society. They weren't going to do it. Too much pride, too much dignity, too much manliness for that to happen. But the racist tropes never went away. They never did. We never confronted them unless we confronted them in the Black community, but we never confronted them nationwide, society-wide. So they persisted. And to look at someone like Raphael Warnock who embodies the spirit of the Fred Hamptons, the Malcolm Xs, the Martin Luther Kings--well how do you beat that? You beat it by putting someone so polar opposite but so acceptable because he's under your banner that he might just win. And they found it.
Lusting after White women--check.
He is everything we have ever been called in society. I keep saying all along, if they find a picture of Herschel Walker eating chicken and watermelon you will have inward bingo. And sadly he might win. So when people start talking to me about how much we have progressed as a society the only thing I'm going to say from this point forward is 'look at Herschel Walker and tell me that you still believe that.'
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If Walker does win, Republicans can give him a toy badge and put him in charge of attacking the “woke,” or whatever they’re currently calling uppity blacks.
Come, come. This simply won’t do. Thomas Bishop either needs to do his homework, or else take off his partisan blinders. Start with his own questionable checklist. Warnock is—per an ex-wife and the children of that marriage—himself a physically abusive deadbeat dad. Warnock was also arrested in connection with a child abuse scandal at a camp he oversaw. His “masters”? His voting record is a Biden rubber stamp, including where black Americans are poorly served thereby. Is Walker actually illiterate? Please. Then Warnock is half-literate. He’s no Dr. King, a legitimate scholar of Western intellectual tradition.
The rest is hodgepodge. Black civil rights leaders split between the America-hating, race-militant line of W.E.B. Du Bois, Stokely Carmichael and Malcolm X (until he left the Black Muslims who assassinated him), and the post-racial, Booker Washington, Dr. King line which loves America and believes in her promise. Which is Warnock, even from King’s pulpit? Where does ersatz Marxist Huey Newton fit, who died the (gasp!) stereotypical violent cocaine dealer’s death? Lust for women is a wash here across the board, excepting perhaps Bayard Rustin. The worst stereotype? Reflexive black obeisance to establishment Democrats.
Bishop is denigrating a fellow black man for stereotypes he thinks are held by (presumably) white people. Herschel Walker bears no responsibility for the thoughts of bigoted people.
Bishop confirms another stereotype: the left in this country is determined to see every single policy or person they dislike as “racist,” regardless of the applicability of that epithet. Bishop gives the game away when he denies that our society has made any progress on racial matters. ‘Racism” is apparently too good a rhetorical weapon to put down just because progress has rendered it irrelevant in many places that the left still wants to contest.
Blacks can eat at lunch counters — check. Blacks can go to school — check. We had a black president — check. We have a black vice president — check. There is a thriving black middle class — check. Discriminatory laws against blacks are gone — check.
Race hustlers like Al Sharpton, Ibram X Kendi, and Robin DiAngelo claim that no progress has been made — check.
The backlash against gratuitous accusations of racism is going to sweep all of this away very soon — checkmate.
Hmm... Newsweek (online) has an article from 10-17-22 "Domestic Violence Claims Explained" about these two men.
First responders found no evidence that Senator Warnock "ran over" his wife's foot.
It helps to do a little research before posting false information.
Mr. Walker dropped out of the U. of Georgia to play professional football.
Senator Warnock graduated from Moorehouse College, cum laude, with a degree in psychology in 1991. He also earned three graduate degrees, including a Ph.D., from Union Theological Seminary, which is affiliated with Columbia University.
Why are so many Republicans afraid of facts these days? The truth will set you free. Racist rants are very unbecoming, to say the least.
According to an online Newsweek article dated 10-18-22, the obstruction charges against Senator Warnock and another pastor were dropped. The charges were related to an investigation at a camp. Come, come. Homework time, indeed.
According to an Atlanta Journal-Constitution article online dated April 2, 2022, Senator Warnock's ex-wife wants increased custody of their children so that she can attend Harvard University.
In addition, she wants more child support because Senator Warnock's income increased after he became a U.S. Senator. (No doubt his expenses also increased.) She also is claiming additional childcare expenses, but I can't recall all of the details. Anyone can find the article and read it.
None of this makes Senator Warnock a deadbeat dad. She is seeking to change their prior agreement. None of this is particularly unusual when people get divorced and children are involved.
I suspect that she is using his position and re-election campaign as leverage.
For the record, Mr. Walker was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, a mental illness. He wrote about it in his memoir, "Breaking Free." This information was obtained from an online Atlanta Journal-Constitution dated May 4, 2022.
I should have added that the book is still available, "Breaking Free: My Life with Dissociative Identity Disorder." Wikipedia also has information about the book and Walker's struggles with DID.
Indeed, much depends on the careful use of and comparative trust reposed in various sources, and in words like “per”, “according to”, “charged”, and “evidence”. I simply note tendentious geese as well as ganders. It’s Morehouse, by the way, not “Moorehouse”.
The race between Warnock and Walker epitomizes the midterms: an intelligent man with dignity and principles vs. a buffoonish parody of the values once professed by the GOP. Of course, If Walker had any integrity, Trump wouldn't have endorsed him.
Wester Shadric Cooley was our second district congressional representative 26 years ago. If memory serves, and I remember him well, no one ever said he was white. So why is it important to contextualize the Georgia senatorial candidates by pointing out that they are Black, and then explaining how Blacks should behave, in relation to Malcom X and Huey Newton? The only reason that makes sense to me is that racism is still an important factor that affects how Americans see one another and see themselves. As Stephen Dedalus said, "History is a nightmare from which I'm trying to awake." Stephen Dedalus' quote probably expresses what some Black people think when they read discussions like this October 22d post (or the discussion about Jeff Golden's Watermelon Summer). The progress that has occurred since the 1950s in race relations doesn't stop us from getting into the "who is the real Black man" rut. By the way, the late Wes Cooley was white. Does that cause you who are white men to compare yourself to him--favorably or unfavorably--because he is a fellow white man? Or do you think he was just different from you?
Your otherwise well-taken points are best directed to Thomas Bishop and his race-determinist ilk.
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