Sunday, May 8, 2022

Irony is not dead.

     "We can't be an institution that can be bullied into giving you just the outcomes you want. The events from earlier this week are a symptom of that. We are becoming addicted to wanting particular outcomes, not living with the outcomes we don't like."

                 Justice Clarence Thomas

No amount of shameless hypocrisy is too much. 

Clarence Thomas knew what he was doing. He cannot help but be acutely aware that his wife, Virginia Thomas, was actively involved in attempting to reverse a particular outcome to the 2020 election. His wife had done exactly what Thomas condemned. Her text messages became a public controversy involving both him and her. 

January 6: "Hang Mike Pence."

She was urging the White House stop the count of electoral votes for Biden. One of Virginia Thomas' many texts to Meadows reads:
Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!…You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.

Clarence Thomas put into practice one of the great political messaging lessons of this era. Denounce others for doing exactly what one has done or condones oneself. Don't acknowledge hypocrisy or contradiction. Keep a straight face. Be decisive and indignant. 

It seems improbable as a message tactic, but we have seen it work. Trump offered ample proof of concept. He spent years insisting that he had overwhelming proof that Barack Obama was foreign-born. And then when over half of Republicans believed that Obama was born in Kenya or Indonesia, Trump reverses field. He announced that the claim that Obama was foreign-born was an outrageous insult and lie. He said Hillary Clinton should be ashamed for having spread it. He kept a straight face. He was decisive and indignant. His partisans did not throw up their hands in disgust at having been deceived by Trump for years. Most Republican voters still believed Obama was foreign-born, and the ones who now no longer believed it thought Hillary Clinton was the guilty party. It worked!

Clarence Thomas denounced people who would flout laws and norms of democracy to get a preferred outcome. He was the sole vote on the eight-to-one decision to let the Trump White House keep secret documents that would likely include those produced by his wife. Clarence Thomas kept a straight face. He was decisive and indignant. 

But doesn't anyone hold a shameless hypocrite to account? Doesn't someone point out the obvious contradiction and hypocrisy? Yes, but it doesn't matter. In this political and media environment, it is as if partisans have no memory. Partisans believe what fits their preferred outcome. The only real impediment is the little voice in the back on one's conscience observing one's own hypocrisy. The check is internal, not external. If that is turned off, one is ready.  

Will he get away with it?  Of course. In the political arena that matters to Thomas, the world of Fox, Newsmax, One America, The Federalist Society, and in the GOP, Clarence Thomas is a good and honorable man. He will vote to overthrow Roe. He is on the team. 


  1. The Catholic Church is notoriously tone-deaf to women. But not only the Catholic Church. You gotta wonder about people who subscribe wholeheartedly to patriarchal religions that exclude and oppress women. Yes, we all know that there are women who belong to these religions because of brainwashing and fear of eternal damnation. See how that works?

    The tone deafness and mansplaining on this issue is unreal, yet predictable. I guess we need to keep repeating, over and over, that Banning Abortion Does Stop Abortion. It only makes it UNSAFE for younger and poorer girls and women.

  2. " with outcomes..."

    There's evidence right there that Thomas and his wife are of the same mind. He should recuse or, better yet, resign.

    For this court to assert that the Roe decision was wrong is right up there with the "Big Lie". They are simply making up a rationale that suits their personal beliefs and politics. What's really bad about this "reasoning" is that it is in the service of Republican pandering to religious zealots in their base, with an intellectual foundation in step with flat earthers and quanon.

    There is every reason to question what constitutes "a life", but that debate is utterly rhetorical and always will be. The majority opinion of the public shows an understanding of the arbitrary nature of the issue. The Court made a decision that was fair to all parties with Roe, as was their duty, and the facts pertaining to that decision have not changed. It was a compromise that acknowledged the rights of women, embarrassingly many years after suffrage, rights that remain suppressed to this day.

    It's also laughable that Republicans are going after whomever released the draft. He (she?) will become a hero.

  3. " The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History."

    Welcome to post-truth America. Our government is incapable of addressing problems effectively because we no longer share a common reality. People believe what they want to believe, regardless of the facts. For example, the vast majority of Republicans swallow Trump’s Big Lie and so, to get elected, Republican politicians must parrot his lies whether they believe them or not. As a result, we have a political party poised to take control of Congress that fully embraces Trump’s coup attempt. Be very afraid.

  4. Hypocrisy and the Republican Party are a good fit.

  5. Just a reminder that Joe Biden received over 7 million more votes than the double-impeached guy.

    Hillary Clinton and Al Gore both won the popular vote, but conceded and never told their supporters to attack Congress.



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