Saturday, May 7, 2022

Leaks! Leaks!

Ted Cruz: "It is very, very likely a law clerk for one of the three liberal justices. . .. I have no evidence of that, I’m just making an inference."

Mitch McConnell: "By every indication, this was yet another escalation in the radical left’s ongoing campaign to bully and intimidate federal judges and substitute mob rule for the rule of law.”

Republicans officeholders and Fox News have jumped on the idea that the leak surely came from someone opposed to the pending Supreme Court decision. 

Maybe so. Someone also leaked to the Wall Street Journal last week, though, which implies the leak came from a different direction, someone trying to nudge one of the five or six anti-abortion justices either to join a six-person Alito majority or to peel off to join Chief Justice Roberts in something less sweeping. We don't know.

Nor do we know who leaked the full draft.

Huffington Post

Here is what we do know: Republican officeholders and Fox News are shocked, shocked! that someone would interfere with the government carrying out its lawful functions. It is "mob rule," as McConnell put it. The GOP recognizes that the content of the leak hurts them politically. They are acting like a dirty secret was revealed. It unleashed a political mess in the form of Republican-majority state legislatures considering abortion bans. Louisiana is moving legislation to ban treat all abortions from the moment of conception as a homicide. That would end in vitro fertilization, morning-after medications, and some forms of IUD contraception. Multiple states are moving to ban import or use of "Plan B" pills used immediately after a contraception failure. Errors happen. These laws will frighten people and hit them where they live. These laws will change sexual practices in America. 

Democrats are acting less upset about the leak, and more about the content revealed by it. That is a messaging mistake. Downplaying the leak itself is hypocritical and that message undermines the larger Democratic project of defending the institutions of government. The great risk to our republic in this moment is that Trump-led Republicans are calling Republicans RINOs and weaklings if they did their duty in the 2020 election. They openly call for a partisan result. Cheat for your team. Better to cheat than let Democrats win an election. Democrats should be deeply grateful that norms of behavior withstood that  pressure.

Cruz blames "one woke little left-wing twit."

The Supreme Court leak and the January 6 insurrection were both lawless, wrong, and dangerous. Democrats should be consistent here. Defend the law and norms. The fact that the leak likely helps them is all the more reason to condemn it. Condemning it shows that their goal is democratic process and integrity.

Republicans are shielding the various officeholders who instigated and planned the effort to overthrow the 2020 election. Trumpish Republicans are positioned as the party that wants a result and is willing to flout the law to get it. It is a bad look. A majority of Americans are turned off by it. Even within the GOP, some officeholders are beginning to act uncomfortable that Trump-style authoritarianism has gone this far. It is a "tell" that Cruz and McConnell denounce so vigorously this Court leak. They want to condemn mob rule somewhere. Since they cannot do it regarding January 6, they will do it in reference to the Court. Hypocrisy betrays a guilty conscience.

Democrats shouldn't be hypocrites either. Criticize the leak as angrily as do Republicans. It is the ethical thing to do. It is also the strategic thing to do. Democrats need to be fore-square in support of government officials playing it straight. In the 2020 election some GOP officeholders did their duty. Good for them.

Democrats need to carry that message that democratic norms are still in place. Someone, somewhere in the Supreme Court crew didn't play it straight. Shame on them. 


  1. Big Mistake.

    I'm all for fairness, and yes, let's try to not be hypocrites, but in this instance the greater good is being served. We could have a discussion about whether it's a good thing to have an opaque SCOTUS.

    The Court is now shown to be in collusion with the Jan. 6 plotters.

    The release of the draft should be completely above board and uncontroversial. A ruling this extreme should be a public debate. Hopefully this will be a the policy going forward.

  2. The odds are six to three that the leaker was a conservative, but who cares? Why should the Supreme Court get to function in the dark – because they’re so non-partisan? Please!

    Mitch McConnell, who now feigns outrage over this attack on the court’s “independence,” is the same guy who wouldn’t even grant a hearing to President Obama’s nominee. Republicans would love for people to care more about the document’s leak than its contents, but that isn’t likely to happen.

    The GOP fully embraces Trump’s attempted coup and simply ignores subpoenas, but now would have us believe they care about the rule of law. What a bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites.

  3. I might agree, Peter, if someone could cite an actual Law or Rule which had been broken, beyond SCOTUS whining about "We have always maintained Secrecy about our decisions". It's time for a very open, public discussion about SCOTUS, ethics (or a lack thereof) and even the size of the Court. SCOTUS is a part of the Constitution, not above it.

  4. Excellent comments today. Where is the outrage over the deceptive and dishonest testimony during the confirmation hearings? This is Bait & Switch, if not outright perjury.

    If the nominees are going to lie, countermeasures are absolutely necessary.

    When the Supreme Court is on the verge of overturning a major legal precedent that Most Americans agree with, and about which several justices arguably misled our elected representatives and the American people, they need to be exposed, the sooner the better.

    This is not a right-wing dictatorship yet.

    The first civil war was about freedom for black people in America. I hope we don't need another civil war to secure the private and personal freedoms of all Americans.

  5. Most Americans, as it happens, agree with the content of the Mississippi law that the Supreme Court is currently considering in the Dobbs case. Polls show they agree that abortion should be legal in approximately the first trimester, and that it should not be legal in most cases after that.

    The poll result that says ~70% of Americans want Roe vs Wade to be upheld is too low resolution to reflect the actual detailed views of the public.

    As to who leaked Alito’s draft, count me as a firm don’t know.

  6. Rick said:
    The Court is now shown to be in collusion with the Jan. 6 plotters.

    Can you explain how the leaked draft showed this? I’m curious.

    1. It's not hard to draw a straight line from Alito to the attempted coup.
      It's Mrs. Alito.

    2. I wouldn't throw around the word lawless.
      The attempted coup was lawless.

      It's not known now if any laws were broken in the SCOTUS leak.

      That some justices are hellbent on imposing sharia law is no secret. Nor is it illegal.

  7. Oops. I meant to refer to Clarence Thomas ties to the coup, not Alito.



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