Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Body Language of Masks

Biden says he will wear a mask. He says he follows the science.

Trump says he won't wear a mask. He says he follows his instinct.

Reporter in a mask.

Trump is right.

Biden and Trump are politicians running for office. We connect with people through our faces and tone of voice. 

The wearing of masks in public is a matter of custom. A significant number of people wear face masks on the streets in Chinese cities and in Saigon. It was especially common among people riding motor scooters, which are ubiquitous in Saigon. The air pollution is shocking for an American.

Masks in the USA are--were--uncommon, and in some places illegal. Masks hide and protect a face. Except in physicians doing surgery, in sporting gear, or on Halloween, they are associated with criminal behavior. Why else hide your face?

Masks obscure ones face. Of course. Duh. There are social implications. When one wears a mask people cannot see you smile. Indeed, they can hardly read your emotions at all. That is catastrophic for a politician.

A masked face is not hiding communication. It is communicating loud and clear the unwanted message of guardedness, secrecy, emotional distance, and fear. 

A mask comes close to communicating hostility, which a grocery store shopper can mitigate by other physical actions that demonstrate cordiality, i.e. friendly nods, giving lots of space, slow movements, back-steps. No doubt Biden intends to communicate that he is being smart, careful, considerate, and respectful of science" but what he is actually communicating is, at best, that he wants separation from us.

Iowa speech
It isn't fair. It isn't objective or rational. In fact wearing a mask is an act primarily of consideration for others, to reduce ones own potential airborne virus spread. But that is not how it appears, because of how, in fact, people communicate. We do it with our faces. Masked people are walled off. You wonder what they really think.

It has become common for well funded political campaigns in Iowa and New Hampshire--and now virus briefing talks by governors--to have a sign language interpreter.  My seating at an Iowa event gave me an especially good view of the sign language interpreter for a Biden event in Iowa, one that got national attention because of a NY Times report saying Biden did not excite the crowd, using a photo of a ten year old boy lying on grass facing away from Biden, playing a video game. (I thought that was an unfair cheap shot. What 10 year old wouldn't rather play a video game than listen to a politician?)

My own take-away was the Biden's use of a teleprompter for a campaign speech was the big story, him using a speech crutch on so easy a speech, and that he looked a bit frail and the teleprompter added to the of fragility--as would have a cane or, even worse, a walker. My other take-away was that his sign language interpreter was far, far more interesting than was Biden. He had the voice of earnest compassion, but not the look of it, not with a teleprompter. His language interpreter did have the look. The combination of listening to Biden and watching her gave the animated, exciting connection that is the life's blood of politics.

Take 30 seconds to watch the video. Observing it confirms a point that Biden appears to be ready to ignore. We communicate with our tone of voice, plus our faces, our expressions, our hands. Indeed, that is how we communicated the most important things--what we authentically care about. It isn't the words themselves. It is how we present them.  Watch. 

Click: YouTube clip. Just 30 seconds.
Biden--like everyone--needs to be personally careful regarding the virus. Trump is handling safety by appearing around people, maskless, but the people have all been tested and re-tested. That fact isn't apparent. What Americans see is the face of their leader in close proximity to advisors. Fearless and open faced.

Biden, too, needs to be seen maskless. We need to see his mouth, nose, and face confirm the smile-crinkles in his eyes. We need to see he cares. Biden in a mask communicates he is a fail, fearful old guy with something to hide. Sleepy Joe, protecting Hunter's secrets.  Disastrous.


  1. Strongly disagree.

    All these guys should be wearing masks. Set an example.

    The US has the highest infection rate of any country in the World nearing half the total cases, and no end in sight. Irrational. ignorant and politically motivated behavior will lead to more death. A second wave is coming, perhaps unavoidable, which will be worse if people stop taking the plague seriously.

    We very may well be in quarantine for the duration.

    Here's a thought. Trump's lie about his great relationship with China is exposed. Why didn't his friend XI warn him personally in December? What geopolitical motivation would China have in not sounding the alarm? If the plague has started in France the West would have known instantly, right?

  2. Biden is speaking mostly by Zoom at present. I watched a long interview with him on the James Corden show last night, and Biden looked vigorous, relaxed, informed, and --- Presidential. Look up this interview on April 21. For a while, other than trump, that is how we will see the various politicians.
    There was a problem with lighting, which is a big problem with all of us using Zoom. Lighting and makeup are mostly poor there.

  3. The nonverbal unarticulable components of charisma are so important. They make politics very unpredictable.

  4. I am thoroughly fed up with Trump's 'hunches'. These hunches are only a reflection of an intellect that is utterly barren. I suspect that a review of this idiot's tax records would show that he squandered away the millions he inherited from his father and was saved from yet another bankruptcy only by the infusion of Russian money, which explains why he is so deferential in his
    dealings with the KBG thug, Vladimir Putin. LIke Joe Biden, I too am a senior citizen, and the last thing I would want to do is infect a young person who still has a life to live. Wearing a mask is not a sign of weakness, it is a
    sign of respect for both humanity and an acknowledgement that science is based on facts and not the 'hunches' of a bigoted misanthropic ignoramus like Donald Trump.
    Bob Warren

  5. Heartily agree with both Bob Warren and Rick Millward. I have no desire to catch it, but would feel far worse, at least in my heart, if I unfailingly gave it to a younger person who could quite possibly die.



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