Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Lighten up

Wash your hands

It's OK to laugh.

Take a break from the virus. The unemployment. The political rancor. The closed businesses. The daily drama of new things from Trump.

There are some very creative people doing song parodies and posting them to YouTube. Clicking on one leads you to another.  

A theme of this blog is that evidence of substantial social change is more likely to show up in unstudied acts of personal behavior than in political leadership by "thought leaders." A leader can only sell what the public is ready to believe. A block of Republicans loved Sarah Palin in 2008. Thought leaders were appalled by her, but she was popular anyway, despite it or maybe because of it. It was an early sign of the power of right populism and Trump. Officeholders and thought leaders promote distancing. People ignoring masks and social distancing in suburban and rural areas is a powerful signal of the zeitgeist. Maybe it is an early look into the future.  Black voters in South Carolina overwhelmingly preferred Biden to Sanders. It was unexpected. It changed everything. There was something huge going on.

Is this flowering of satire and public service announcements meaningful? We don't know yet. But it is here to be noticed.

Kick back. Maybe it is important. 

Click: "Lola"

Click: Beatles' "Yesterday."

Click: "Do Re Me" from Sound of Music

Click: "My Sharona"

Click: "U Cant Touch This" Music made with healthcare products

There are lots, lots more of these. On the YouTube screen you will see other suggestions in the right panel.


  1. First two links are incorrect, they both take you to the Julie Andrews parody.

  2. Links fixed. Thanks. We get by with a little help from our friends.

    Peter Sage

  3. There's so much funny stuff out there now; people "swimming" in their kitchens on skateboards, etc. Yes, we can laugh, even as the ship of state is sinking or we are experiencing the prelude to our next civil war. Meanwhile, just know that the endgame of the wealthy elites is DEBT...yours. Because when this shock passes, they will swoop in an buy up your assets for pennies on the dollar. They will have the last laugh.

    Andy Seles



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