Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Trump frames impeachment: Democratic theft

Impeachment isn't about whether what Trump did was right.

Conservative media meme: Maddow's tears

He has made impeachment about the Democrats

He says they can't get over losing and are trying to steal back the election. 

There is plenty of evidence that Trump wanted Ukraine (and Russia and China and others) to help him get the goods on Joe Biden. He didn't just admit it. He bragged about it.

Trump is a street fighter, a political thug--a very able one. This isn't a debate. It isn't point-counterpoint. Trump is doing the smart thing in a fight you would lose; he is changing what the fight is about.

Trump is making it about the Democrats.
     Look at Joe Biden and his sleazy son Hunter Biden.
     Look treasonous Adam Schiff.
     Look at the witch hunt.
     Look at those lovebird FBI agents.
     Look at the totally exonerating Mueller report the Democrats mischaracterize.
     Look at how the Democrats want to let immigrants in to take over your communities and pack the vote.

Trump: It is about whose team wins
There is a big, underlying theme: that the Democrats are sore losers, that they were ever-so-confident that Hillary would win that they simply cannot accept the fact that the people won--his people, the people who listen to Rush and watch Fox and who are white and Christian and native born and "real" Americans. 

And Democrats lost. Ha!!

The argument that Democrats are attempting to reverse the results of the 2016 election is a powerful defense against the charges against Trump. Did Trump's campaign collude with Russia in 2016, and is he openly doing so now with Ukraine? Who knows, but he is only doing what the Democrats are doing.

Trump: how Democrats steal the 2020 election
After all, he says they flooded the 2016 electorate with illegal voters and are still trying to do it, and they are trying to change the rules regarding the electoral college so they can win big in cities and disenfranchise flyover country. Then they start distracting impeachment hearings for no good reason using Deep State spies, and covering up their own corruption. 

Democrats get the rigged-election meme from within their own Party. Bernie Sanders supporters, too, think the 2016 election was rigged, by "regular" Democrats and against Sanders. Hillary stole the sure-thing election from Sanders, they argue. 

In this frame,Trump is just trying to even the playing field.  That frame does not seem farfetched in the least to Republican readers who take in GOP media or get Trump's tweets and emails.

There can be no smoking gun evidence that convicts Trump in the Senate, because it isn't about Trump. It is about the Democrats.

 Below is an emailed "poll" sent to the tens of millions of people on the Trump email list.

Certified Website of President Donald J. Trump

Official Impeachment Witch Hunt Poll


  1. Trump can have his sideshow. The Democrats need to stick with the facts and act like adults. The circus outside the court house does not matter. The court proceedings are what matter, just like with any high profile case. Stand up and do the right thing. There are two ways to view this situation. Trump, Rush, Tucker, Sean, etc. do not speak for all Americans. That is a Fact.

  2. Rep. Pelosi resisted impeachment as long as she could, knowing it would start a torrent of abuse. Guess what?

    The beauty of it is that it's political, and therefore subject to public opinion, and talk about shiny objects! The public attention to this will reveal exactly where the electorate sits a full year before voting. It's my sense that following the Mueller investigation there is a growing awareness that this administration's interests are tied to business deals in foreign countries for the personal benefit of a few insiders and at the expense of taxpayers.

    Are we OK with that?



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