Sunday, June 30, 2019

Democrats off a cliff

Democrats are pushing each other leftward. 

They are locking in the progressive woke college town activists, but risk losing the country.

McGovern 2020.

Democratic candidates are jostling to prove they are the most progressive, the most compassionate, the most woke, the most indignant over the slow rate of progress in America.

Reminder to Democrats: the House majority was not won by winning back college towns and bright blue urban districts they had somehow lost. It was won because swing districts switched from red to blue. At the presidential level, Democrats lost because they lost swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida, and North Carolina. Those states are up for grabs again.

Democrats are moving out of touch with the sensibilities of most Americans on some issues, as their positions get stretched to their limits: 

Democrats are now open to voting by people in prison. (Unpopular.)

Democrats are now open to paying financial reparations to black Americans. (Unpopular.)

Democrats are open to taking away private health insurance in order to establish Medicare For All, even if a person likes the insurance situation he or she has. (Unpopular.)

Democrats are now open to providing free health care to people here illegally. (Unpopular.)

Democrats say that even very late term abortions should be available to any woman, based on her sole decision. (Unpopular.)

Democrats say that these abortions must be payable by your tax dollars. (Unpopular.)

Democrats now say that there is essentially no limit on entry, continued residence, and then citizenship in America, because once a person has arrived here, if they are not found guilty of serious crime, they can stay. (Unpopular.)

Click: New York Times
Democrats are telling people who played by the rules to immigrate and become citizens that  people who jumped the lines by coming here illegally get the same benefit they waited and struggled to get. (Unpopular.)

Democrats are open to cancelling college debt, payable with the tax money of people who sacrificed to pay off their debt, or who did not attend college in order to avoid that debt. (Unpopular.)

Democrats are saying they want a rich array of public benefits (free college, free K-12 education, free child care, free health care) provided to everyone, including people here illegally. (Unpopular.)

Democrats are open to 70% marginal tax rates to pay for all those free benefits. (Unpopular.)

Democrats are saying that they distrust men in matters of harassment allegations, with a presumption of guilt against the man. (Unpopular.)

Trump is unpopular, and he is vulnerable, but these Democratic positions will tend to solidify the Trump GOP coalition of men, married women, whites, social conservatives, religious people, blue collar workers, people distrustful of government, and people resentful of economic and social elites. It will heighten resentment against woke, coastal urbanites. 

That is a big coalition and a resounding electoral majority.

There are Democrats who in fact could project a different point of view on these issues--Hickenlooper, Delaney, Bennet, Bullock, Moulton, Ryan--but there are too many of them and they are invisible under the shadow of Biden, and Biden's deep message is restoration, not forceful, proud, incremental progress. More importantly, none of Biden's moderate rivals demonstrate the presentation skills and charisma to seize the message from Biden and take it to fellow Democrats and the American people.

So there is a singular Democratic message being projected, a message of the woke, populist, progressive point of the spear. It is an exciting message with an enthusiastic base of support: the McGovern coalition.

It may not be enough. 

Trump is thrilled.


  1. All the things listed are issues, not policies. Each has merit and areas of compromise.

    You left out the biggest: Climate Change (let me!) Democrats say that human caused CO2 emissions and pollution are threatening civilization. (unpopular)

    Regressives are scared of debating them, preferring to bury their heads and pretend all is well as long as the lines are short at Chick-fil-a.

    The Obama election demonstrated that cynicism and apathy are the real challenges facing this nation, also called "moderation", and Democrats will need candidates who will rekindle that hope.

    History will look back on a society supported by building and filling prisons, subjugating women and minorities, with armed mentally ill roaming the streets, and a ever growing percentage of tax dollars supporting a military to keep the rest of the World at bay. A compliant Fed may keep the economy looking relatively well. So be it, but history has also shown it's not sustainable.

    1. The largest percentage of tax dollars long ago stopped going to the military industrial complex and now goes to the medical industrial complex & entitlements. You have the "not sustainable" correct. Peter should have added "people who know someone, even their kids & grandkids, has to pay for things" to the anti- "all things free for all people" coalition.

  2. The House of Representatives was won by the Democratic Party, while the Republicans were telling lies, lies, and more lies about the Democratic candidate's positions. Whether the Democratic nominee supports all of these things listed, or none of them, the campaign messaging from the Republicans will be that they support crime, and open borders, hate the troops, and on and on.

    It's hard to find these mythical persuadable voters. It's not really if people are going to be persuaded to vote for Trump or the Democratic nominee, it's whether people choose to vote at all. In 2016, many left-leaning voters stayed home or voted for one of the third-party morons. The key is getting them to vote for the Democratic nominee, and perhaps the issues you listed above are the ways to get them to do so.

  3. "Bad news for Democrats — none of these candidates can beat Trump"

    Former California State Assembly speaker and San Francisco mayor Willie Brown has declared, in the wake of the first Democratic Party presidential primary debate, that there is still no candidate who can beat President Donald Trump.

    Brown wrote:

    The first Democratic debates proved one thing: We still don’t have a candidate who can beat Donald Trump.

    California Sen. Kamala Harris got all the attention for playing prosecutor in chief, but her case against former Vice President Joe Biden boiled down in some ways to a ringing call for forced school busing. It won’t be too hard for Trump to knock that one out of the park in 2020.

    Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders came across as Rip Van Bernie, looking and sounding as if it were still 2016.

    Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., was asked why there weren’t more blacks on his city’s police force. His response was, “Because I couldn’t get it done.” OK, so do better as mayor before you try to be president.

    Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren was dominant against a Night One lineup of pygmies.

    Brown’s criticism included Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), whom he infamously dated in the 1990s, appointing her to state jobs commanding significant salaries. He wrote in January:

    Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

    And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

  4. Peter, thank you for identifying all the opposition ads against Democratic challenger in 2020.

    Despite what Rick writes, these are policy positions that almost all the debaters supported this week. Imagine a candidate who would say "no" to a majority of them.

    Which candidate will get a simple message that interests a majority of voters?

    It's not so much that Trump will win because of his platform, but rather what caused Hillary to lose. Not-Hillary won in 2016.

    If what Peter writes becomes the Democratic nominee's platform, Not-Democratic nominee will win the election.

  5. Kamala Harris hates Americans. Harris is currently sponsoring legislation that will increase by five-times the number of East Indian professionals who can receive green cards, so that they can steal American professionals' jobs. Kamala Harris represents Indians, and not Americans. She hates you. Why would you like her?

    1. She actually loves americans as long as they are in the 1% and will help her get there too in the tradition of the Clintons and Obamas. She is in no sense that matters a true progressive and will continue the loss of good jobs for American citizens just as surely as Trump will. With leaders like her, Americans will lose and the elites will win again.

  6. Democratic Party 2020 Platform & Goals:

    -Open Borders.
    -Sanctuary Cities.
    -Elimination of ICE
    -Disarming Americans.
    -Voting rights for illegal aliens.
    -Pack the courts with radical liberal judges (Like the 9th circuit)
    -Increase refugee's from the third world.
    -Illegal aliens allowed to hold public office.
    -Free Abortions for all (Taxpayer funded)
    -The green new deal.
    -End of Electoral College
    -Free Medicare care for all including non citizens (taxpayer funded)
    -Raise Minimum Wage
    -Have adolescents vote
    -!00% free college for all, including non citizens. (tax payer funded)
    -Reparations for every race "harmed" by the white man.
    -Convicts, Terrorists voting.
    -Susie & Bobby using the same restrooms.
    -Late term abortions.
    -Pay check for every person in the US even if they choose not to work.



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