Saturday, June 29, 2019

Brief Labels

"Don't be naive, Peter. Voters don't know seven things about a candidate when they vote. They know maybe four things, and one of them is factually incorrect."

                              Observation of a twenty-year Senate Chief of Staff


Dress rehearsal was over. For many voters, the  Democratic debates were a first introduction to the candidates. 

We have seen them in friendly interviews on late night TV, or in announcement speeches, but the debates presented them as combatants. Head to head.

We imagined seeing them standing in the Rose Garden or sitting in the Oval Office. Mostly, we saw them standing adjacent to Trump in the campaign. How would he or she match up?

This blog received several comments from readers. Here is one person's short take, a retired businessman, a Democrat, Rolls-Royce rich, liberal. He wrote this before the debate:

"Would it be Biden?  No, much too old.
Would it be Sanders? No, too far out.
Would it be Harris?  No, not enough experience.
Would it be Mayor Pete?  No, we're not ready for a gay president.
Would it be Beto? Maybe, but sounds kind of crazy.
Would it be Warren?  Pretty good but Trump would destroy her.

So, who would be the ONE?  Who could possibly stand up to Trump? "

After the debate he changed his mind: Kamala Harris looks good to him. California is the size of France and the UK, he observed. She distinguished herself.

Or this, from an Ashland Oregon attorney, writing shortly after the debate: 

"Harris plus Castro. That is the 2020 Democratic dream team. And for what it's worth, you can lay off Bernie. He already won by starting the revolution that turned the Democrats left. He is like Moses, who didn't get to the Promised Land."

A retired teacher, had these short takes:

"Biden: old worn out smile.
Harris: strong woman.
Warren: bright nerd.
Bernie: Old Commie, like my father.
Booker: enthusiastic.
Beto: Nah, he's a kid."

Trump won't be the only one to brand these candidates with a single word or two. American voters will do it, too. 

Trump will choose the most humiliating, and disqualifying label he can sell, and it will be sellable because voters will see some vulnerability and truth in the label. The label Trump may use will be ones that the Democratic candidate will need to anticipate and deflect:

Trump's list:

Crazy socialist Bernie.
Swampy demented Joe.
Slut Harris.
Pocahontas fraud Liz
Man-hater Gillibrand.
Pete the Gay Kid.
Wall Street Booker.
Open borders Beto.
De Blasio, a disaster.

Trump will label other candidates if they emerge from the scrum, but for now they are all "losers" and "nobodies."


  1. I would caution Progressives to avoid the cynicism and demeaning behavior exhibited by Regressives.

    Clearly, some of these candidates will drop out. After all, only one will be the nominee. That does not mean they have no value. From here on out I'm going to watch what I say and make more of an effort to respect the achievements and ambition of Progressive candidates. We have 25 because all of them are deeply concerned about the assault on democracy, not to mention decency, being waged by what was once the Republican party.

    My choice is Sen. Warren, and looking over the others I don't see anyone who has both the policy depth and the charisma that will be needed to get Progressives back in power and the country back on track. Even if Trump is replaced, the Senate is still corrupted and the justice system compromised. I'm also concerned that the VP choice will be consequential and at present Sen. Harris seems to be best suited, however, as much as it would please me personally, two women on the ticket feels like a stretch.

    But oh man, would they take Trump on a walk or what!

  2. Dem candidates to Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan working class voters:

    "We promise free health care for illegal border crashers, we'll bring back integration busing for your kids and add slavery reparations to your payroll deductions,you're a racist if you want a census count of citizens, a fascist if you defend your police dept, a bad Christian if you oppose partial birth abortion, and despite you not needing a degree to be a mechanic, plumber, electrician, or factory worker, you are going to pay off the student loans owed by high paid California government employees with pensions"

    And in each of the next five debates, we're going to double down on these promises and cultural insults.

    Trump must be terrified.

  3. I just don't put any stock in what juvenile nickname Trump will give the Democratic nominee. The people that care about what Trump calls someone, are people that are going to vote for him regardless.

  4. Thad, +1
    Rick, -1 for thinking a Progressive will be elected President

    It's ok to hope for a Progressive to want that, but there simply aren't enough of you.

  5. It appears that senility is finally staring to set in for Peter Sage.

    On Friday, Sage said, "Joe Biden surprises me with the vigor in his early responses. He seems strong, verbally adept. Not old".

    While on Saturday, Peter's friends said, "Would it be Biden? No, much too old". Or "Biden: old worn out smile". Or "Swampy demented Joe". Who you gonna trust? Peter....or his Pals?



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