Saturday, February 25, 2017

States Rights Cheat Sheet

The Hypocrisy is piled so deep we need a cheat sheet.

Here is a handy guide to states rights.  

Marijuana:    Democrats want the states to be left alone to handle it.   Republicans want national rules enforced.

Transgender bathrooms.  Democrats want national standards requiring states to enforce rules allowing people to use the bathroom of their adopted gender.   Republicans want states to make their own rules.

Sanctuary cities.   Democrats want states and localities to be left alone not to enforce immigration laws.  Republicans want national standards enforced and scofflaw jurisdictions punished.

Investigate local police.  Democrats under Obama wanted the federal Justice Department to investigate controversial police interactions.  Republicans wanted local authorities to do it and wanted the federal government to butt out.

Health care.  Democrats under the ACA wanted national standards for Medicaid.  Republicans seem to be favoring block grants to states to allocate reduced dollars how they wish.

Voting rights.  Democrats want federal oversight of local and state rules relating to voting access relating to blacks.  Republicans want to block federal oversight.

Abortion.  Democrats want national rules including Row vs. Wade assuring abortion is available nationwide.  Republicans want Row vs. Wade reversed so states can make their own rules.

LGBTQ.  Democrats want national rules allowing marriage equality in Obergefell vs. Hodges enforced nationwide.  Republicans want the Supreme Court decision reversed so states can once again create their own marriage rules.

Gun Control.   Democrats want states and localities to be able to make their own regulations restricting guns.  Republicans want an expansive interpretation of the DC vs. Heller decision which interprets the 2nd Amendment to mean a national right for persons to carry weapons.

Succession from the Union.  1860  Democrats favor, Republican Oppose.  2016  Democrats frivolously circulate petitions in California, Republicans scoff.  

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