Sunday, February 26, 2017

Trump voters think it was a terrific week.

"WEEK 5:  Achieving Results For The American People"

Warning to Progressives:  

If what you are watching is a month of Trump mis-steps, sloppiness, flawed rollouts of executive orders, self destructive insults of the press, and amateur mistakes, then you aren't seeing the whole picture.  You aren't seeing the picture that Trump supporters are seeing.

Trump voters saw a month of triumph, and Trump is communicating that triumph directly to his supporters.

Liberal viewers of late night comics heard that Donald Trump has played 6 full rounds of golf so far in the five weeks of his presidency and viewed old Trump tweets blasting Obama for playing golf.  What a hypocrite, they thought.

Liberal viewers understand that Trump's show of Carrier jobs is phony; that Trump is wasting tax money with secret service protection for the Manhattan house, the Mar a Lago trips and his children's business trips; that the travel ban hurts public safety by empowering anti-American propaganda; that he is filling the political swamp with billionaires; and that his criticism of the press and "so-called" judges is a shocking portend of a constitutional crisis.

The sense of liberal viewers of media is that Trump has empowered donors with his appointment of Betsy Devos and Steven Mnuchin to the Cabinet; that he has broken his promise to drain the swamp; and a spirt of angry resistance is sweeping the nation.  They look at the Indivisible crowds and the Woman's march and they think it is possibly a new day in America because President Donald Trump is making liberals aroused and engaged again."

Trump says it was a great week.  Attached below is the weekly email I received from the permanent campaign of Trump:

Democrats have been thrilled by the upwelling of motivation to resist Trump.  Rallies at Town Halls, pussy-hats, lots of affirmation within Facebook posts.

There is another America, too.

Point by point by point, Trump presents an alternative to the mainstream view, one reinforced by Fox, Breitbart, Drudge, talk radio, and other conservative media. 
Trump supporters have been feeling a thrill in triumph and affirmation of their attitudes and feelings.  Their patriotism is validated.  Their thoughts on gender are affirmed.  Their feelings toward foreign threats and different ethnicities are being addressed aggressively, not with politically correct nuance.

Obama presented as someone who wanted to be fair and reasonable.  Trump presents as someone who wants our side to win.

Trump voters voted for this.

Progressive victories in the courts and on gay rights, on abortion, and on freedom not to participate in patriotic and religious displays have moved the law faster than has moved the attitudes of a great many people.   This created a feeling that the law and political correctness were forcing modern, urban, elite, sophisticated, politically correct attitudes onto people faster than they wanted them.

America is experiencing a backlash and movement back of a political pendulum on affirmative action and diversity and multiculturalism and acceptance of alternative lifestyles and ethnicities.   Trump supporters are celebrating, not mourning.

Trump's electoral success within the Republican primary and the general election demonstrated that the issues that divide America are not primarily matters of actual government policy on issues of taxation, foreign policy, health care.  Republican voters readily switched positions 180 degrees, moving from free trade to protection, from trickle down possibly to something else, from opposition to Obamacare to supposedly something "better", from support for immigration to opposition to it.  Traditional Republican establishment officeholders and interests care about policy but Trump didn't care about it and neither did voters.  It is unclear how much policy change will come out of the Trump presidency as he works with a Republican Congress.   But Trump voters are happy with what is happening.  They cared about attitude not policy.

This is why Trumps nominees to the Supreme Court was crucial to his support from evangelical Christians.   His nominees are widely expected to turn a tide on modern rulings. Maybe abortion will be curtailed.  Maybe the rights of alternative lifestyles will be curtailed.  Maybe expressions of Christian faith and American patriotism will be validated.

The matters that divide the parties and the country are matters of cultural, racial, ethnic, sexual, and lifestyle sensibilities, not policy.   Trump:  "I want to be in a room filled with hardworking American patriots who love their country, who salute their flag, and who pray for a better future."  

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