Monday, November 7, 2016

Trump Closing Argument: End Corruption in Government

Donald Trump has redirected his campaign.   Now he is the reformer to end the corrupt political establishment.

Fellow Americans, you are being betrayed.

The final days of this campaign bring us the closing argument, the distilled reason for voting for Donald Trump.   It shows a re-direction.

Trump got to this point by saying that the great problem with jobs were issues of identity: foreign countries taking our jobs, foreign people entering our country, and dangerous people already here.   Mexicans, Blacks, Muslims.

He was punching down, attacking marginalized people on behalf of the struggling white working class being put into competition with them.   That was then.

The American People betrayed by "the Establishment"
His closing argument punches up, attacking the political establishment.   It is better to show than describe.  Click here and watch for 2 minutes.   Click Here: Trump Closing Argument

"Our movement is about replacing a corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people."    

He repeatedly refers to "the establishment", and "the political establishment."  The visuals intersperse Hillary Clinton with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, with George Soros, with the United Nations, with tall buildings on Wall Street, with flashes of money.   The establishment is working for themselves, not the American people.
Here is the Trump opportunity: White, no college, who did not vote in 2012

The closing argument by Trump is an explanation of what has happened to America.  The American people have been taken advantage of by the global elites.  

Trump has already created an aroused and self aware block of white working class voters, a group that is large but under performed as voters.  He has locked in the racial and religious connection with that body of voters.  Now he is going after the white voters who are uncomfortable with the racial argument and to black and Hispanic voters, including them in the body of "the American people" betrayed.  

Hillary is not "experienced".  She is part of the system that is betraying the people of America.  It is the Bernie Sanders argument, Trump-ism stripped of its xenophobia and racial resentment, but preserving the villain, and its suggestion of a conspiracy of the privileged.

The key to a Trump victory will either be that he is already far more popular than the mainstream polls show, or that this refined focus will sound right to the white working people of the upper midwest whose votes he needs in Pennsylvania or Michigan or Wisconsin to add to Ohio and Iowa and make him president.  Union workers are accustomed to leaders who punch up, at self-serving management.   Trump is punching up.

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  Whistleblower attorney Thad Guyer and I discuss the Trump surge and the current polls.  Thad gives a detailed report on what the mainstream polls have missed and why the econometric modeling and the LA/USC poll may be far more predictive.   Warning to Hillary supporters: the poll projects a Trump win on Tuesday.  If readers want reassurance that Hillary has the election won then re-read the Huffington Post and do not listen.

Click Here: Podcast on the Polls, the FBI, the Trump message, and Clinton fatigue

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