Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton's Closing Argument: I am warm and nice

Hillary Clinton closes on a happy note, but without a message of change.   If voters want "safe enough", then Hillary.  But if they want change and reform, then Trump.

You can trust me.  I am safe.  I am warm.  I am likable enough.     Hillary chose to end her campaign communicating essentially nothing about policy or about what is good or bad about America.  She clearly wanted to communicate that she is a nice, warm earnestly sincere woman.  She will work hard, she said, for everyone in America, not just the people who voted for her.

Closing Ad
And she is doing it for the kids.  She said she has been fighting for children and families her entire life.  

It helps to notice what is not here, what is not said.

She does not commit herself to improving the lives of the people hurt by globalism, those frustrated white males.

She does not acknowledge that there are problems with the economic and political system that she will attempt to address.

She does not say that she understands that she wants good high paying American jobs.

She does not work to re-include whites back into the Hillary coalition that she has articulated one the past months.

Summary:  She does not attempt to reach out and give a bridge back to the people that have been lost to the Democratic Party in its current Hillary-form.  She focuses on being nice.  She looks good, younger than her years.  She seems friendly.   And that is the message, a healthy middle age nice woman.

By Tuesday night we will probably know if this message was enough, but what is certain as I write this on Tuesday morning is that she is not attempting to blunt the message being made by Trump, including the message that he is finishing with.  He is saying the elites have betrayed America by taking away the good jobs of regular Americans, and he understands this and is angry about it and will do something about it while Hillary is part of one of those betraying elites and is part of the problem.

Trump has a message of change.   Hillary's message is that she is safe and pleasant.

                                              #     #     #
  Whistleblower attorney Thad Guyer and I discuss the Trump surge and the current polls.  Thad gives a detailed report on what the mainstream polls have missed and why the econometric modeling and the LA/USC poll may be far more predictive.   Warning to Hillary supporters: the poll projects a Trump win on Tuesday.  If readers want reassurance that Hillary has the election won then re-read the Huffington Post and do not listen.

Click Here: Podcast on the Polls, the FBI, the Trump message, and Clinton fatigue


  1. Safe I get. Warm, likable, pleasant, nice? I bet we have only the vaguest, foggiest notion of how very, very much she is none of those.

  2. Great blog Peter. Hillary has many long term friends. The consistent back story is she is a good listener. Trump only has his heirs to stand witness. GOP Senators like and admired her when she was in the Senate. Change is getting things done. She has the skill set to be a much better president than candidate. Unfortunately angry constituents, whipped into a frenzy by entertainers pretending to be news sources, may have GOP office holders on a tight leash.



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