Peter Sage:
Here is another quick Guest Post by Thad Guyer. I consider the media coverage to the event actually to be "the event" for most people. Events I have attended in person are dominated by the primary experience of overcrowding. I am scheduled to attend a Trump rally on Sunday in Boca Raton, a city north of Miami. The venue holds 6,000 people. The arena opens at 3:00 p.m. Trump is scheduled to arrive by helicopter at 6:00 p.m. I went to the Trump website to get the Eventbrite reservation, i.e. ticket. There is no suggestion at the site that only people with tickets can be admitted or should come to the event. I will report tomorrow on the Trump event.
Meanwhile, the Fox media version of the Chicago cancellation is relentless. "Mass Chaos" "Violence!" "Protesters shut down the rally." They show the same two clips of about 5 seconds each where a black man is pushing his way to a microphone while being restrained by police and a second clip where a black man is punching a white man. (Inserted note: During the 20 minutes I have taken to write this introduction I have seen the same two clips 3 times.) There is not enough context to either clip to see who supported what cause but the struggle-without-context supports the original headline of "chaos". Commenters are settling into the frame of "hypocritical liberals" versus free speech and honest political activism.
Meanwhile, on CNN and other news outlets, there is no shortage of protesters happy to step in front of the camera to say that they are delighted to have shut down the Trump rally as their direct acton against Trump, which is being framed as their direct action against free speech. The "victory for Trump" that I predicted 12 hours ago as I saw the protests falling into a Nixon or Wallace version of the "real hard working American silent majority" versus "liberal freedom-hating agitators" is clicking into place. And Trump can now change the focus of his attacks from Republicans over to freedom-hating-Democrats.
Thad Guyer: Guest Comment

Trump Says "They didn't shut down my rally, it is now on global television"
With stunning acumen over using the media, Trump in an interview with Greta Van Sustern answered her question on how he felt about his rally being shut down basically with this: "They did not shut it down, it is happening now inside and outside the arena on worldwide television and the debate is whether protesters should be able to use force to silence voices who want change. These protesters have tried to take away free speech from 25,000 people tonight". He's right, his rally was projected at 1000 times the size it would have without the protesters.
In fact, none of the media actually supports the protesters, but at best suggests various blame allocations for their disruptive and lawless tactics. The media commentary on the chaos varies ideologically between media outlets, from CNN and NYT who lump protesters and Trump rally attendees as equally at fault, to Fox which clearly condemns protesters who intentionally shut down the rally. However, even on Fox there is a difference between commentators, with Greta Van Sustern initially being aghast at the protesters' conduct, to Trump enemy Megyn Kelly suggesting Trump has caused the chaos. Second most notable to Van Sustern's interview with Trump was the Kelly interview with Marco Rubio who suggested that these are "professional protesters", some of them are "probably paid", but they are all acting on the 7 year long racially divisive messages from President Obama. However, later during Van Sustern's interview with Trump, she took up the Kelly blame-Trump approach, but Trump completely handled her with calm and rational argument over the 1 to 100 protester to supporter ratio, protecting the First Amendment, and voter anger. If Republican voters are most influenced by Fox than CNN, then the Chicago chaos is likely to be a total victory for Trump. This gives all new meaning to his line that "I love protesters, they make the cameras turn to see the size of my crowds". Tonight his protesters drew the worldwide media to his campaign, with the debate being not his policies, but the efforts to silence him and his supporters. Trump wins again.
Here is another quick Guest Post by Thad Guyer. I consider the media coverage to the event actually to be "the event" for most people. Events I have attended in person are dominated by the primary experience of overcrowding. I am scheduled to attend a Trump rally on Sunday in Boca Raton, a city north of Miami. The venue holds 6,000 people. The arena opens at 3:00 p.m. Trump is scheduled to arrive by helicopter at 6:00 p.m. I went to the Trump website to get the Eventbrite reservation, i.e. ticket. There is no suggestion at the site that only people with tickets can be admitted or should come to the event. I will report tomorrow on the Trump event.
Meanwhile, the Fox media version of the Chicago cancellation is relentless. "Mass Chaos" "Violence!" "Protesters shut down the rally." They show the same two clips of about 5 seconds each where a black man is pushing his way to a microphone while being restrained by police and a second clip where a black man is punching a white man. (Inserted note: During the 20 minutes I have taken to write this introduction I have seen the same two clips 3 times.) There is not enough context to either clip to see who supported what cause but the struggle-without-context supports the original headline of "chaos". Commenters are settling into the frame of "hypocritical liberals" versus free speech and honest political activism.
Meanwhile, on CNN and other news outlets, there is no shortage of protesters happy to step in front of the camera to say that they are delighted to have shut down the Trump rally as their direct acton against Trump, which is being framed as their direct action against free speech. The "victory for Trump" that I predicted 12 hours ago as I saw the protests falling into a Nixon or Wallace version of the "real hard working American silent majority" versus "liberal freedom-hating agitators" is clicking into place. And Trump can now change the focus of his attacks from Republicans over to freedom-hating-Democrats.
Thad Guyer: Guest Comment

Trump Says "They didn't shut down my rally, it is now on global television"
With stunning acumen over using the media, Trump in an interview with Greta Van Sustern answered her question on how he felt about his rally being shut down basically with this: "They did not shut it down, it is happening now inside and outside the arena on worldwide television and the debate is whether protesters should be able to use force to silence voices who want change. These protesters have tried to take away free speech from 25,000 people tonight". He's right, his rally was projected at 1000 times the size it would have without the protesters.
In fact, none of the media actually supports the protesters, but at best suggests various blame allocations for their disruptive and lawless tactics. The media commentary on the chaos varies ideologically between media outlets, from CNN and NYT who lump protesters and Trump rally attendees as equally at fault, to Fox which clearly condemns protesters who intentionally shut down the rally. However, even on Fox there is a difference between commentators, with Greta Van Sustern initially being aghast at the protesters' conduct, to Trump enemy Megyn Kelly suggesting Trump has caused the chaos. Second most notable to Van Sustern's interview with Trump was the Kelly interview with Marco Rubio who suggested that these are "professional protesters", some of them are "probably paid", but they are all acting on the 7 year long racially divisive messages from President Obama. However, later during Van Sustern's interview with Trump, she took up the Kelly blame-Trump approach, but Trump completely handled her with calm and rational argument over the 1 to 100 protester to supporter ratio, protecting the First Amendment, and voter anger. If Republican voters are most influenced by Fox than CNN, then the Chicago chaos is likely to be a total victory for Trump. This gives all new meaning to his line that "I love protesters, they make the cameras turn to see the size of my crowds". Tonight his protesters drew the worldwide media to his campaign, with the debate being not his policies, but the efforts to silence him and his supporters. Trump wins again.
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