Saturday, September 19, 2015

Martin O'Malley Gives it a shot

Because Martin O'Malley's campaign signs are all done in upper case block letters I had to Google Martin O'Malley to get clear that he capitalizes the "M" after the apostrophe.   And this is from someone who is interested enough in politics to travel across the country to spend two weeks attending political events.

So he is unknown, mostly.

And I saw him in person and watched him speak to 3,000 people.   He spoke clearly, forcefully, and without notes.   On a 1-10 scale of good looking he would be a 7 among Hollywood actors and a 9.5 for presidential candidates.

And he has been a mayor, then a governor.  And he speaks well.  He addressed the big issues facing America, including the erosion access to the middle class, he asserted that black lives matter, he seemed all around reasonable.

But he is overwhelmed by the passion in the Convention version of Hillary Clinton (strong, pugnacious, firm, persuasive), or by the one and only version of Bernie Sanders, the progressive beacon and uncompromising fighter for workers and the poor.

It has got to be hard to attempt to raise money and to try to keep optimistic.   His campaign currently is hopeless, but something might happen.  But if "something" happens, it probably means Biden enters the race.  I would be perfectly happy to have him be my VP, and maybe that is what he is running for.   Like Bernie Sanders, he had not a single harsh word for Hillary or Obama or any other Democrat.

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