Saturday, September 19, 2015

Bernie Sanders at the New Hampshire Convention: Progressive Voice

The crowd went wild for Bernie Sanders.   It was a liberal group.

The kinds of people who show up at Democratic conventions, including the 1000 or so college students who were  bussed in from New Hampshire and Massachusetts, like strongly progressive candidates, and Bernie is their man.   I have included a few video clips, which you can access there on the upper right.

The cheering for Bernie Sanders was louder and more fervent than the chanting for Hillary.   More people, more signs waived, more applause.

He never said a single word about Hillary Clinton, never spoke her name.   But in his 30 minute talk he described several positions in which he differed from Hillary:
    He opposed the Iraq war.
    He opposed the end of Glass Steagall
    He opposes the lack of prosecution of Wall Street malefactors
    He opposes the Trans Pacific Partnership and NAFTA

He mentioned Obama's name a couple of times but in the area of opposition, he did not phrase it in terms of his disagreement with the President--or Clinton either.--by name.   He disagrees with Clinton and Obama in some areas, but discusses the policy, not the proponent of the policy.   I didn't hear any future Republican sound bites to appear in anti-Clinton ads.  Bernie was protecting the Democratic brand, and did not want to be used as a bludgeon to attach the potential future nominee.

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