Thursday, September 19, 2024

Three corners of an intersection

Today I describe an intersection.

The photographs show the confluence of two neighborhood streets in Medford: Harvard Place and Princeton Way. The neighborhood was platted and built out in the late 1960s. There is also a Stanford Avenue, an Oxford Place, and a Yale Drive. The lots are a half-acre to an acre.

I have seen Trump signs in Medford and the rural areas surrounding it continually since 2019. Sometimes "Trump won!" Sometimes "F--- You for voting for Biden." Most often just "Trump." Some signs were never taken down from the 2020 election and its aftermath. I have not seen a Biden sign in this election cycle. Nor had I seen a Harris sign on a Medford street until this week, beginning with my sign four days ago.

The house in the first photo is where my wife and I live. Three days ago I put up this three-by-five-foot sign in my front yard. I wanted to show that there were Harris-supporters, too. The sign faces west and into the middle of the intersection.

The neighbors across the street put up extensive Christmas decorations, including a large illuminated cross high over their house. The day after my sign went up they put up their sign. It faces east and into the middle of the intersection.

The day after that, a third neighbor, in the home catty-corner from mine and across the street from the Trump sign, put up their sign. It faces northeast and into the center of the intersection. 

Here is a close-up of their hand-painted sign:

So far, the fourth house at the intersection has no sign.

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  1. I have been pleasantly surprised by the number of Harris signs popping up in East Medford.

  2. I wear a Harris, Walz hat and get about 3 compliments a day for my hat. As a Christian myself, I find it very disappointing that someone who thinks of themselves as Christian would support such an evil man. What Christian values does Trump have as I don’t see any. Now if you asked what values Satan has that Trump has, I could make a long list. Apologies to non religious readers, but I couldn’t help myself.

    1. I am not a Christian, but I have read that there is a Christian belief that sinners can end up doing God‘s work.

  3. Should make for some interesting conversations at the next neighborhood block party… 😱😀

  4. Trump supporters say that if Trump loses, there's going to be a Civil War. So, Peter, you might want to start constructing your machine gun nest soon. Never too early. I suggest the M60. It's lightweight and rapid fire. Also, a nice camo outfit at the gun store. Tell you wife "feed me, baby, feed me."

  5. A good friend put up a Kamala Harris sign in front of his house on a dead end street in Gold Hill, and it was stolen a few days ago, probably by one of the neighbors.

  6. Across the street from me we have a Harris/Walz sign and a Black Lives Matter sign. I am tempted to put up a “None of the Above” sign.

  7. The neighbor with the third sign nailed it. How does anyone allegedly sane rationalize putting such a psycho in our nation's highest office? Talk about not learning from history! Republicans are trying to emulate the Weimar Republic.

    1. The Republican M.O. for decades, since at least St. Rayguns, has been to underfund/understaff any Government Programs which work, and point to those programs as "Proof" that Government is the Problem. And a Plurality of undereducated people believe them. And this slide into mediocrity may well be this Countries Weimar Republic moment. January 6 was a Beer Hall Putsch, except the Instigator is still running free, instead of rotting in Prison, or hanging by his heels from a Lamppost.



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