Sunday, September 1, 2024

Easy Sunday, Part Two. A perfect right ear.


The simplest explanation was that it was, indeed, an assassination attempt. 

After all, it is one thing to stage a fake assassination, with dye-packs and fake blood, and who better to do it than a reality TV star whose show staged as real and spontaneous things that were manufactured for TV? But it goes beyond plausibility for an event to be staged in which a bystander and the shooter were killed, and two other people were seriously injured.

Shots really were fired. People really got injured and killed. 

But look at Donald Trump' ear, the source of the blood -- or what we assume was blood. It was blood, right? Not a dye pack of red liquid. The teenage Trump supporter, from a family with Trump signs in the front yard, a gun enthusiast, acting alone, decided to make a name for himself by shooting and killing Trump, and almost succeeded. Okay, I believe that. I do.

But this photo of Trump's ear was taken at the Arlington National Cemetary, on August 26, six weeks after the shooting, and it looks completely undamaged to me. It makes me wonder. Trump had the motive and means to stage something, but not this. Surely, not this. 

But it is strange.

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  1. It's pretty obvious what happened to Trump during the attempted assassination. His ear was very minorly cut from glass shrapnel from his nearby teleprompter that was hit. Head injuries, even very minor ones bleed quite a lot relative to their size.

    If an AR-15 bullet went close enough to your ear to actually touch any part of it you wouldn't have any part of your ear left due to the heat and force radiating off the bullet.

    The bullet was fairly close to Trump's head yes, but not mere inches away and his wound was only caused by the bullet indirectly.

    Of course it sounds much more exciting and dramatic to say he could feel it graze the top of his ear, then spend a couple weeks wearing a dramatically oversized maxipad over the ear in question, and yet now it's somehow magically perfectly healed.

    As with literally anything that happens with Trump, his version of the events is not what actually happened.

    1. I agree about Trump lying all the time.
      Cosmetic surgery is the likeliest answer. Perhaps it's why he was wearing the maxipad afterward? Or maybe just wants to own people who have periods?

    2. Examine the photos after the shooting. Those two teleprompter screens were intact and undamaged.

      There was blood.
      The bullet could have simply struck the tip of his ear.

    3. You've obviously never seen what a 5.56 MM Boat tail bullet traveling at near 3000 feet per second does to human flesh.
      The round was developed by ArmaLite for the Military, and designed to inflict maximum damage, without necessarily killing the Victim. A wounded soldier tied up more resources than a dead one, thereby increasing chances of a Victory (so-called) by one Force over another.
      If that bullet has actually pierced his ear, the entire top half of the ear would have been gone, and in no way would he have bounced up looking for his shoes.

  2. Crooks’ father is registered Libertarian; his mother, a Democrat. One neighbor claimed Trump signs; others, including a Trump canvasser, said no.

    Ears, like noses, typically bleed profusely even from the smallest slices, say with a razor. Such slices also can heal pretty quickly, and completely at that.

    1. That information comes from the incompetent Secret Service and Biden/deep state.

      But NOW you believe them.

  3. Did they ever find the bullet? Match it to the rifle? This should be raw meat for conspiracy theorists.

    1. What about the bullet which killed the guy behind The Convicted Felon ? Were they unable to find it during an Autopsy, or did it just magically disappear ?
      Comer Fudd and GymShorts Jordan should be investigating these anomalies instead of trying to Impeach the President. It's not like they're busy trying to write or sponsor actual Legislation.

  4. From Stand On Zanzibar by John Brunner:

    Coincidence: you weren’t paying attention to the other half of what was happening.

  5. I just posted that John Brunner quote. When you are using this website with an iPhone, it’s very easy to mistakenly post as Anonymous.

  6. What we know:
    Assault-style weapons such as the AR-15 were designed specifically to quickly kill as many people as possible, i.e. to commit mass murder. The Republican Party is paid by the merchants of death to make sure that any asshole can obtain these weapons. A registered Republican obtained one and tried to kill Trump with it. As Republicans parrot after every such event: Thoughts and prayers blah blah blah.

    1. The AR-15 shoots one shot for every trigger pull. Just like any other semi-automatic rifle or pistol.

      It's the AR-16 that is automatic. If trigger is pulled and kept depressed, the rifle shoots continuously until the magazine is emptied. Like a machine gun. Hard the shoot accurately non automatic.

      It's too bad that gun critics don't know how to accurately describe what those weapons can and cannot do.

      I do not own any guns. I do have other lethal weapons though: my wife keeps a Mickey Mantle baseball bat under the bed, and I have many sharp knives in my kitchen.

    2. The Military version of the AR-15, was designated M16, and had a little switch by the left thumb of a right handed shooter, which toggled up or down to select single fire or full Auto. The last time I looked an AR 15 could be converted for less than $25 or $30. Best of my knowledge, there has never been an AR16. Incidentally, AR stands for ARMALITE, the Company which initially manufactured the rifle.
      And an AR-15 with a fiendish little addon called a bump stock essentially converts the semi auto rifle into a light machine gun. One was used in Las Vegas not long ago to slaughter dozens of people in a matter of minutes.

  7. The AR-15 semi-automatic can fire 45-60 rounds per minute and comes with magazines that hold up to 100 rounds. Modified with a bump stock, it can fire 400 rounds per minute or more.

    There are three legal uses for a firearm: self-defense, hunting and target shooting. None of those require that sort of firepower.

  8. I mistyped. There is no AR-16. I meant to type M16.

    Yes, an AR-15 can be converted to an M16.

    I am a veteran, ex-O3, a Captain in the US Army Reserve. I was Viet Nam era, but did not serve as when I was commissioned as an 2LT, there simply were too many of us. I taught soldiers how to use the M-14, M-16, M60, and many other weapons that a soldier could or would use as a Reservist.

    It has been awhile though.

    My point being that semi-automatic weapons are legal, and automatic weapons are illegal for ordinary citizens.

    1. Our point is that assault weapons may be legal for civilians, but they shouldn't be. There's no legal need for them.



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