Saturday, August 10, 2024

Waiting for Biden, A parody

     "Waiting for Godot symbolizes the absurdity of existence, the purposelessness of life, and how suffering increases with the passage of time."
     Play summary, Waiting for Godot, at

Donald Trump is lost and in pain. For two weeks he has mourned the loss of Joe Biden as his 2024 opponent. He was still doing it at his press conference on Thursday.

Trump complains that he was cheated out of the opponent of his choice. He calls it unfair. Unconstitutional. A dirty trick. Trump is flailing and grasping at straws. He wondered if he could sue Democrats to make them go back to Biden. He posits that maybe Biden will change his mind, and attend the Democratic National Convention to claim the nomination. It's crazy-talk. It's absurd. The Wall Street Journal editorializes, wondering if "Trump will blow another election."

Waiting for Godot is the premier example of the absurdist movement in theater. It has two characters, Estragon and Vladimir, talking and waiting for someone or something that never arrives. Gerald Murphy has written a parody of that play, imagining Trump and JD Vance in their place.

Gerald Murphy
Murphy is a retired high school English teacher, a playwright, composer, and songwriter. He has published more than thirty plays and musicals, and had shows performed in over twenty countries.

Guest Post by Gerald Murphy

                                  WAITING FOR BIDEN

Scene: (A country road. A tree. Evening.)

(Trumpagon, sitting on a low mound, is trying to apply a bandage to his right ear. Every time he sticks it on, it droops, then falls off. He tries again, and again he fails. He gives up, exhausted, rests, tries again. Enter Vancimir. )

TRUMPAGON: (giving up again). Nothing to be done.

VANCIMIR:   May one inquire where you spent the night? 

TRUMPAGON: In a ditch. 

VANCIMIR: (admiringly). A ditch! Where?

TRUMPAGON: Not a real ditch. It is a metaphorical ditch. 

VANCIMIR: I take you are still in the dumps since Biden disappeared.

TRUMPAGON: Yes. He was my perfect foil.

VANCIMIR: Even older than you! 

TRUMPAGON: Right. Not that I’m old. 

VANCIMIR: No, no! You are forever young! No matter what the mirror says. There’s no doubt about it! 

TRUMPAGON: And what of my age? Even if I am old by the calendar, I remain young in spirit. And I will dominate again. Yes, I will.

VANCIMIR: (gloomily). But then we lost Biden.

TRUMPAGON: I loved Biden so much!


TRUMPAGON: No memory to speak of!

VANCIMIR: And that stiff walk!

TRUMPAGON: Remember when he tripped on the steps to the airplane?

VANCIMIR: What a beautiful sight! That one thing would have won us the election.

TRUMPAGON: Ah stop blathering and help me attach this bloody thing. 

VANCIMIR: Do you have any Superglue?

TRUMPAGON: No, no Superglue. Tell you what. Just use your hand and press the bandage against my head

VANCIMIR: Like this?

TRUMPAGON: Yes, like that. And hold it there. Forever.

VANCIMIR: Won’t it be hard running for office like this?

TRUMPAGON: Do as I say. Remember, you are Number Two. I am Number One.

VANCIMIR: If Biden shows up, does that mean that the woman will disappear?

TRUMPAGON: That is my hope. My only hope.

VANCIMIR: Does her popularity sadden you? And the huge rallies?

TRUMPAGON: Her rallies are tiny! Mine are much larger!

VANCIMIR: Yes, but the lying media is saying otherwise.

TRUMPAGON; Never mind them. Once Biden shows up, we can end this nightmare!

VANCIMIR: Do you think he will dismiss her easily?

TRUMPAGON: Of course he will. Did I not dismiss Pence? And he is gone now. Disappeared. Never to be seen again.

VANCIMIR: And so the woman will disappear? And that Walz man also?

TRUMPAGON: Gone! Disappeared! Poof! And all we have to do is…

VANCIMIR: Wait here? Just stay here waiting for Biden?

TRUMPAGON: He is sure to show up.

VANCIMIR: Yes, we must believe that. It is our only chance.

TRUMPAGON: Meanwhile, you can spend the time reading aloud to me, and holding my bandage.

VANCIMIR: Yes, holding your bandage, reading my “Hillbilly Elegy”.

TRUMPAGON: And waiting for Biden. . .

VANCIMIR: And waiting for Biden. . .

(As the lights dim to black, they both sit down on the mound, with Vancimir still pressing Trumpagon’s bandage.)

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  1. Nice, but I can’t imagine Trump sleeping in anything metaphorical – too polysyllabic. Only a king bed for him, if you please. Just him and his double cheeseburger.

  2. Illustrative of the fact that the Publicans have no reset for the change in candidates. Harris, et al, hit the ground running and caught them completely flat-footed. And what is TFG doing now? Trying to catch a working airplane to Bozeman to campaign against Montana's beloved Senator Tester. May as well try to keep the bandage on his ear (medical report?)

    1. If a real Doctor (,not Ronnie Dr.Feekgood Jackson,) gets a good look at that ear, not only will he not find a bullet hole, I suspect there will still be traced of ketchup or a similar substance.

    2. Incidentally, I just doubled my monthly contribution to Senator Tester.

    3. The GOPee was completely suckered by the Democrats.

      Biden's faux campaign was genius!

  3. “There is absolutely no doubt in the FBI’s mind whether former President Trump was hit with a bullet and wounded in the ear. No doubt, there never has been”. FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate, in a Senate hearing last week, officially clarifying FBI Director Wray’s seemingly ambiguous comments on the subject the week before.

    Still, we all know the FBI’s reputation these days. Depending on whose absurdist ox is being gored, that is…..

  4. The Democrats had better be doing more than egging each other on and counting their chickens.

    No battle plan survives its first encounter with the enemy. We have not yet seen the Republican attack. At this point in the race, Dukakis was ahead. It’s a long way to November.

    1. Would it give you a big chill down your leg to see Kamala Harris and Tim Walz be replaced by the Vulgar Talking Yam, MT. Your consistent downer remarks sound like it.

  5. “We have not yet seen the Republican attack.”
    Of course we have: They’re attacking Harris for her race and gender while blaming her for their refusal to address the border crisis. They’re also attacking Walz’ 24 years of honorable service, in spite of their candidate, ex-President Bone Spurs, being a draft dodger who mocks service members.



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