Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Don't believe your eyes and ears

A bloody glove left at a crime scene doesn't "just happen." 

It cannot be ignored. It requires an explanation. 

On Sunday Donald Trump wrote a Truth Social "tweet." Like a bloody glove at a crime scene, it is an object to confront and absorb. 

It is the Republican Party's turn to face reality. Their guy is ill. He is living in his own reality.

Democrats had a problem and they faced it. President Biden's age was known. What was widely suspected was that he had declined past the point of being an effective president in a second term. Democrats dithered and bickered. Then the debate. The debate was a document, a bloody-glove-equivalent. It resolved an ambiguity. Loyal Democrats could not deny Biden's blank stare and confused words. Democrats faced the unpleasant reality that Joe Biden was not competent to serve another term in office. A change upset a lot of inertia. Still, Democratic leaders, pushed by rank and file Democratic voters, did the hard work. They forced Biden to let go. 

It is the Republicans' turn. The event that Trump claims was fake and created by artificial intelligence was experienced by thousands of people who photographed it on their phones. C-SPAN broadcast it live. This tweet is worse than Biden's blank stare. It documents Trump flagrantly making stuff up and doing so with wild carelessness. He is delusional. 

Even Fox News had to admit the obvious, and it did so in a headline. 

Trump denied an event everyone could see. Republican partisans wonder if the Big Lie on the 2020 election maybe, possibly, could have been true, even if Republican investigators couldn't find evidence of it. One can always cling to "doubt." This is different. This is Trump bending a reality of something that took place right in front of us. Trump is troubled when others draw larger crowds than he does. He returned to claims of his huge crowds repeatedly in his Thursday press conference. This grandiosity is how Trump markets himself. We are accustomed to it. But the tweet claiming that events did not happen go past the tipping point into delusion, which is why even Fox could not protect Trump. Trump re-worked reality to protect his ego. He is seeing things. He is blind to what others see. He is desperate for others to see what he sees.  

I don't expect Republicans to replace Trump. The GOP is Trump's party. Republican leaders equivalent to the Democrats' Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are Trump loyalists. Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, George W. Bush, and Mike Pence have been exiled. There are no GOP leaders who will face the reality that Trump is delusional and unwell. There are Republican voters who consider themselves serious and responsible people. They would not entrust their money, their businesses, or their families' health and welfare to a potential employee who lives in a fantasy conspiracy world. They would see that someone "isn't right." Trump gave us a document. It is right there. We can re-read it and consider whether Trump is healthy enough to have the nuclear codes.  He is not.

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  1. He is becoming weaker physically as evidenced by his lack of campaigning. His walk looks less steady to me and his verbal gaffes are nearly constant, but the republican brand is not based on truth, so how can they face an unpleasant reality? It requires a total reboot that will come from an electoral massacre, otherwise republicans will just keep up with their delusional narrative.

    1. The delusions won't go away
      Four years later these clowns still think they won the election.

  2. His claim about the crowd being created by A.I. is really no different than his claims about the election being stolen or climate change being a Chinese hoax. That’s his M.O. and yes, it’s crazy. He’s crazy, not to mention a convicted felon. That’s what Republicans love about him, so of course they’re not going to dump him.

    Worse than Trump are his supporters. Without them, he’d just be another common criminal rather than the leader of Putin’s fifth column.

  3. "A bloody glove left at a crime scene didn't 'just happen'". Indeed. Explanation? It was planted by a racist police detective. Acquittal! Social justice was served.

    "What was widely suspected was that he [Biden] had declined ...." Well, it was not just suspected but widely known, and cravenly minimized, even denied and suppressed.

    "Republican leaders equivalent to the Democrats' Pelosi and Schumer are Trump loyalists and flatterers". Hmm, as were Pelosi and Schumer....until they turned on Biden.

    No, Trump should not have the nuclear codes. Just wait for the unhinged, self-referential--and self-reverential--2 a.m. posts during the Democratic convention next week.

    1. Trump surrounds himself with people who tell him what he wants to hear.

      Biden surrounds himself with people who tell him what he needs to hear.

      Biden's rope-a-dope surprised the GOPee and will go down in history as a move that saves the nation.

  4. Pelosi and Schumer didn't turn on Biden. They finally admitted the obvious, something Republicans will never do - which was Peter's point.

    1. And I believe the Country owes Nancy Pelosi, and I suspect the Presidents family a huge thank you for changing the course of the Election.
      And now, it's up to us to do as Dave suggests and provide enough legitimate Votes to create an Electoral Massacre.

  5. I consider Nancy Pelosis conversations more if an intervention, similar to what one might have with an elderly family member, and I hope and suspect she was supported by Dr. Jill Biden, and Hunter.
    His frailness was getting more obvious all the time, and I'm Fs contention that The Former Speaker and Leader Schumer "turned" on the President is frankly a bit insulting, in my humble opinion.

  6. I suspect some in the GOPee realize TFG is going to cost them this election.

    Fortunately for America, the GOPee does not have any bench to speak of.

    This is what happens when your "side" wants to execute its VP.

    During their debate Walz needs to ask Vance who his VP choice will be were he to become POTUS. That would drive home TFG's mortality and the GOPee's lack of talent.

  7. My mistake (and Biden’s?). They turned on their extended pretense that Biden was fit, which Biden himself still maintains, except for his acknowledgement of inconvenient, unfair public perception. Thank goodness he’s still on the job as the world’s cauldron bubbles.

    1. But to Peter's point, now it's time for Republicans to do likewise with their delusional psychopath, but of course they won't.



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