Monday, July 29, 2024

If you can believe your eyes and ears

     "Though boys throw stones at frogs in sport. Yet the frogs do not die in sport but in earnest."
Bion of Borysthenes 325-250 BCE

Elon Musk tweeted, "This is amazing."

The X algorithm made it pop up on 150 million accounts, including mine. I was curious. I clicked.

I saw Kamala Harris' face. I heard her voice. There was her campaign logo. It was a two-minute video ad. It was fake.

Click here to see the video on YouTube.

It is easy now to make realistic misrepresentations of others. Google "voice clone apps" and see for yourself how easy it is to clone your own voice or someone else's. You can read a minute of text into your phone, or paste in a minute of someone else's recorded voice, and the program can duplicate that voice saying, with perfectly natural-sounding intonation, whatever text you insert for it to say.

I tried it. It is uncanny how realistic it is.

The video starts with "I, Kamala Harris, your Democrat candidate for president, because Joe Biden finally exposed his senility for president at the debate. Thanks, Joe. I was selected because I am the ultimate diversity hire. . . ."

Its production values are excellent. Its artificiality is revealed by content. The fourth word, "Democrat," is the word Republicans use instead of the correct "Democratic." 

The original creator of the video labeled it parody. Elon Musk did not. The 150 million people who saw the video saw Musk's version. Musk has begun playing the role of political provocateur and troll. He throws chaos into the mix for sport, like boys throwing stones. The ability of candidates to control their own faces and voices dies in earnest. Viewers will have heard both Kamala Harris' voice "for real" praising Biden, but also her manufactured voice criticizing him. This puts counterfeit and real side-by-side. She is no longer the sole and authentic "first person" spokesperson for herself. 

We are entering the final months of a campaign. We have dangerous tools of self-destruction available, and we have people with enormous power willing to handle these tools carelessly. The frogs die in earnest. That last bastion of "reality" has been removed. We cannot believe our own eyes and ears.

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  1. As its developers warned us, A.I. has the potential to wreak havoc. In this case, Peter nailed it when he said, “its artificiality is revealed by content.” The only people likely to swallow such nonsense are those who would no matter how obviously fake it was. The majority of Republicans believed President Obama wasn’t born in the U.S. without any help from A.I. Why? Because they wanted to. Now they’ve convinced themselves that a criminally insane pathological liar is going to fix everything for them. They’re truly hopeless. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of them.

  2. Elon Musk is a pretender. He pretends to be providing a platform where all speech is welcome, but he suppresses legitimate voices. Former White House photographer Pete Souza posted a photo of Trump’s ear (miraculously not a scratch on it) and Musk suspended his account. Musk has created algorithms that favor right wing speech. I get tons of MAGA nonsense on my feed (labeled “for you”) and there is nothin my profile or usage to justify it. I have muted about a hundred accounts that are obviously bots. He hasn’t solved the Russian bot problem, he’s enabled it.

  3. The republicans are just weird, especially Musk. I find him kind of yucky. Never will buy a Tesla.

    1. I'm the target audience for a Tesla. I'll never buy one.
      If water was called Elon I'd rather die of thirst.

  4. David(in Ashland)MigaJuly 30, 2024 at 12:24 PM

    You wanna know what else is weird?
    The man who created that video has a page on YouTube and goes by the name "Mr. Reagan"(his name is Chris)He has had a mildly successful YouTube page over the last 5 or so years and I have been a subscriber of his for as long. This year he decided to start a panel discussion for live stream events called "Toxic Masculinity". Very apt and timely name, wouldn't you say?

    Certainly a far cry from the white boy limp dick simp parade that occurred yesterday in of all obvious places, Hollywood.
    I have to say that it is truly frustrating when "The Dude" a.k.a. Jeff Bridges ends up being nothing more than a dipstick for Democrat drudgery.
    I at least can rest on the fact that "The Dude" is a fictional character, and Jeff Bridges is a fantastic actor who I will always love.
    God only knows how many of these terrific actors were strongly coerced into taking part into this career killing roll call.

    And by the way, speaking of dicks, my middle name is Richard, so you all can call me Dick. There, I've just given you what you would consider a crude attack, I simply take it as who I am.
    Fire away, lingam is insurmountable.
    (HA! That should be Trump's new campaign slogan)

    Well, "Toxic Masculinity" goes on every Tuesday and Thursday at 4 PM Pacific time, just in case any of you would like to troll your way in. There's nothing I enjoy better than hunting trolls. Its easier than you think.

    You know I've had to think about that a bit lately Peter, am I trolling you ...or are you trolling me??

    Yesterday Chris, a.k.a. "Mr. Reagan" Came on beaming but exhausted because Elon Musk just blew up his YouTube page and his persona with several million views of that video. He was thrilled out of his gourd.

    I merely ask that you suffer through only the first 3 minutes so that you can see the very first chat stream post that he brings up, and lo and behold it's me.
    My YouTube persona just as I described it the other day.
    What I want you to also notice, and is pretty hilarious to me, is that when he reads it, he says "...and SHE says..."
    There you go, he misgendered me🤣, Even though I've been on his chat stream for the last several months and have interacted with them several times over the course.
    I take no offense, I mean, I do have a pussy as an Avatar picture😹

    Here is yesterday's toxic masculinity, episode 35
    The Kamala Harris video is the main discussion for the day
    I stated later down in the chat that the best part of that video is not the AI embellishments, but the actual quotes she has made.
    So apparently, according to Kamala Harris, we have a treaty with... NORTH Korea??
    Weird, huh?

  5. David (in Ashland)MigaJuly 30, 2024 at 7:00 PM

    Sorry, correction. Toxic Masculinity is on Mondays and Thursdays. Tuesdays is for Americas Untold Stories with Eric Hunley and Mark Groubert which is on Tuesdays and Fridays @2:30 pm pacific time.
    Here is the link to today's raucus stream



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