Thursday, May 2, 2024

Part Two: Jackson County District Attorney

Oregon publishes a Voters Pamphlet where candidates can describe their qualifications. 

It is best to be strictly honest. 

It is the law.

Close readers of Rogue Valley Times articles profiling the candidates for Jackson County district attorney noticed a tag at the end of one of the candidate profiles, that of Alyssa Bartholomew:

I am guessing the reporter discovered what I had noticed a few days prior. Alyssa Bartholomew's Voters Pamphlet described her occupational background as "Senior Counsel, Jackson County".

"Senior Counsel, Jackson County" was a title unfamiliar to me. I contacted the county's Human Resources Department and asked for the dates of her employment and her job titles. They reported this:

Hello Mr. Sage, 

We have received your email. 


Alyssa Bartholomew worked for Jackson County from 2/5/2007-1/30/2009 and her job title was Sr. Assistant County Counsel. The job description for this position can be located on our website at


Thank you,

"Senior Assistant County Counsel" sounds like a significant job she could be proud to report accurately. But in the Voters Pamphlet she left out the word "Assistant" and turned it into "Senior Counsel."

A reporter writing a campaign profile might feel comfortable using a Voters Pamphlet biography as a reference. After all, the Voters Pamphlet rules show a bold-type warning that any statement must be truthful. In fact, a false statement here is a felony.

I wrote Bartholomew 10 days ago asking for an explanation for how the word "Assistant" got dropped from her job experience. I said it was a terrible place to be careless or dishonest. She responded. She said she didn't explicitly say she was the County Counsel.
As you’ve noted, my voter’s pamphlet entry says “Senior Counsel, Jackson County”. Counsel is a general term for attorney or lawyer. In some employment contexts, the term “attorney” is used, i.e. the City Attorney’s Office. In others, “counsel” is the job title. An example of that is a corporate setting, i.e. corporate counsel, general counsel, etc. Jackson County uses the title “counsel” for its attorneys. I was a senior counsel at Jackson County. The lead attorney for Jackson County is called “County Counsel.” I did not state I was the County Counsel, nor did I seek to mislead anyone to think I was.
She went on:
I served in the wake of the dismissal of the attorney serving as County Counsel. This action elevated those of us who remained on staff to senior positions. This all took place before Pay Equity, a transformative piece of legislation passed in 2017. In Post-Pay Equity Oregon, job titles are much more specific and positions are more rigid in their scope. When I worked as an attorney for Jackson County, especially in the absence of a County Counsel, employees were expected to address the needs of the county, and my colleagues and I were honored to do so.

I consider her Voters Pamphlet entry misleading. A reader would infer a more senior role than the one she had. Maybe, arguably, it wasn't an outright lie. Maybe she was just describing a job function she felt she performed. It wasn't explicitly said to be her official job title, and she just created her own description of her work and posted that. We just got the wrong impression. 

I see a pattern. Further down in her Voters Pamphlet biography she wrote: "As president of the OCDLA [Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association] she oversaw multi-million dollar budgets and directed a large staff." Is that exactly true? Well, she was on the OCDLA board. The organization had an executive director. Arguably, as a board member, she "oversaw" a multi-million dollar budget. That is what boards do: oversee. But she said she "directed" a large staff. Executive directors "direct" staff. Board member don’t "direct staff," not unless they are undermining and circumventing their executive director. 

I can understand district attorney candidates wanting to show that they held senior positions and carried out senior management responsibilities. Bartholomew is making the case for herself. Some readers may think I am nitpicking. Don't politicians lie to us all the time? Isn't this all just a bit of harmless resume puffery?

I don't want to be guilty myself of "rounding up" and exaggerating in my criticism of her. Bartholomew makes the case that "Senior Counsel" wasn't a job title, even if it looks like one. Maybe, through the executive director, she can legitimately say she "directed" staff because the executive director was the board's agent. Maybe we weren't lied to. I don't think her Voters Pamphlet biography is felony-level inaccurate. We just read what she wrote and draw the wrong, somewhat enhanced, conclusion about her qualifications. 

Still, her Voters Pamphlet biography makes me uncomfortable. I prefer a straight-arrow district attorney who is scrupulous about presenting the evidence without bending it to make a misdemeanor into a felony. Bartholomew probably has adequate experience for the job she seeks, even if it is overwhelmingly doing criminal defense, not prosecution. She didn't need to exaggerate, but she did.

I won't be voting for her. Her opponent is Patrick Green.

[Note: I have invited Bartholomew's campaign to write a guest post or in some other way to share her point of view directly.]

[Update: Sign your comments. People with complaints or suggestions for or against Bartholomew or Patrick Green, must sign their posts and include contact information so that I can verify your identity. Thanks.]

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  1. Mr. Sage,

    It is upsetting to see you run a smear campaign on behalf of Patrick Green against Ms. Bartholomew. There are several things you left out.

    1. You donated $500 to Patrick Green's campaign on April 5th, 2024 making you one of his largest contributors. Your vote was sealed long before the voter pamphlet came out.

    2. Ms. Bartholomew won the Bar Poll by the largest margin in any race:

    Six respondents skipped this question. Of the remainder,
    Alyssa Bartholomew: 90 votes (59.60%)
    Patrick Green: 61 votes (40.40%)

    This metric was touted in previous articles for Mr. Pietila's qualification against Judge Orr, and yet has been completely ignored here. The Bar does not share your concerns for Ms. Bartholomew but clearly has concerns about electing someone who would be amongst the youngest District Attorney's ever if elected.

    To avoid any hypocrisy, I work with Ms. Bartholomew and have for 9 years. I believe she is an excellent candidate and had my vote from the moment I knew she was running for this position. I have also donated to her campaign ($50 - a rather small sum I know.)

    1. Mr. Shores: arent you aware that OCDLA does not have multimillion dollar budgets, has a staff of six that is not directed by anyone other than the OCDLA executive director? You are a member?

      Dont you agree that anyone reading that would get the wrong impression about the “President’s” duties and size of the budget and staff?

  2. Patrick Green's voter pamphlet has Judge Timothy Gerking listed as an endorsement when he has not, because he cannot as a sitting/ Plan B Judge.

    1. Retired Judge Gerking endorsed Patrick Green but Mrs. Bartholomew’s campaign filed or threatened to file a judicial fitness complaint against the retired judge. This was done after voter pamphlet material was due. There campaign was correct that the retired judge couldn’t publicly endorse a non-judicial candidate because he was still appearing in court as a Plan B judge.

  3. I have given two contributions of $500 to Patrick Green for a total of $1,000.

    Why? Beth Heckert recommended him, and he sat down with me and then he asked me for a contribution. I said yes.

    I don't want to sound silly or wasteful, but I almost always give campaign contributions to people who ask me for them. I don't do a hard Q & A. I just give. Why? Because I remember being 30 years old, poor, and struggling to raise money for my own campaigns for county commissioner back in 1980. I resolved that if I ever made any money -- which seemed unlikely to me -- that I wouldn't jerk candidates around. I would just give. I wouldn't ask them for promises or policies. I would just give.

    Patrick asked me. Alyssa didn't. Or hasn't. Almost the only person I have ever declined to give money to is Curt Ankerberg. He calls me a communist and a pervert. So I do have some standards.

    Normally I would be far more sympathetic to someone with Alyssa's resume than Patrick's. I think being a defense attorney is an excellent preparation for being some fresh new blood in the DA office. But Alyssa chose to downplay that and instead present herself as more pro-prosecution that even career prosecutor. Her choice. I had a pleasant talk with her a month ago. She knows who I am. Patrick Green tried to sell himself to me and asked me for money. Alyssa hasn't.

    I thought she had a good answer to her endorsement statement for the Multnomah County DA. I respected her response. She owned it and said it was a mistake. That seemed reasonable to me.

    Her Voters Pamphlet represents her poorly. She was careless.

  4. I don’t think your assertion of a misstatement is fair. Saying you’re ’Senior county counsel’ is no different than saying you’re a DA when you’re a deputy DA or an atty genl when you’re a deputy atty general;. It’s common practice.

    Nevertheless I don’t care who wins or loses but if you wanted to take a swipe at Alyssa all you have to do is look at her public defender record to find she lost the longest determinate sentence in JC history.

    1. What case is that Joe? Maybe the person was guilty? And the determinate sentence would have been handed down by a judge, having first been fully apprised of the facts of the case.
      Provide details before being a drive by shooter

  5. Peter Sage is the biggest liar out there, and with no integrity, because he lies by omission.

  6. Peter Sage.....

    I'm running for Mayor, and I don't want your money.
    I would never want to be beholden to you.

    Curt Ankerberg

  7. I wonder if your close scrutiny of Ms. Bartholomew might have something to do with gender. Would the statements have been researched if it were a Mr. Bartholomew running for office? Just a thought....

  8. Well done, Peter. Stirred people up before an election, by providing valuable information. I know whose name I circled in my Voters Pamphlet.
    Have you any input on the Secretary of State Campaigns?

  9. Jennifer, thanks for the question.

    My wife is an attorney. I am just fine with female attorneys. I am also fine with defense attorneys. I gave weight to Beth Heckert's opininion. She is a female attorney. I have great respect for Christine Herbert, a female defense attorney, and I accepted Joe Charter's guest post which supported her, even though I know Joe Davis well and also respect him.

    I have met with the two partners in the RISE Law Group and have written posts which they don't like, if I understand them correctly. I think they are very able advocates, but having watched them in court I think I agree with the consensus opinion of local attorneys that they are unnecessarily combative and disruptive to the court system. They know they are controversial and have said so in public in the long court case I audited. I don't have reservations about them because they are female. I do because I suspect their practice drives up costs for litigants, including their own clients, and net-net that it is counterproductive. That is my opinion, based on what I saw. I don't consider that misogyny. I would feel the same about male attorneys with the same style of practice.

    I don't attribute Alyssa Bartholomew's Voters Pamphlet entry to be in any way gendered behavior. I think it was a mistake by her as a person and lawyer. But maybe it wasn't a mistake politically. A lot more people will see her voters pamphlet than will see my blog.

  10. Thank you, Peter.
    I sense a little Wes Cooley action.

    I won't be voting for Bartholomew, either. I've not met or donated to either DA.candidate.

    I won't be voting for or donating to Curt. I don't want to meet with him, either.

  11. Glad to know Curt doesn't want your money and that you wouldn't give it to him if he did. But in spite of his hostility, may his campaign for mayor meet with all the success of his countless previous campaigns.

  12. 1. Attack the messenger
    2. Deflect and tell us what the lawyers think (who won the popularity contest)
    3. Don’t address the resume inflation
    4. And then attack the opponent because of his age. I for one like young people. They are ambitious and hardworking.

  13. She still didn’t answer the question of being an assistant County Counsel —
    She changed the subject!!!

    I want an attorney that will be accountable

    1. I agree, and I like the idea of a younger D.A., so will be voting for Green.
      Hopefully, all those 12,000 plus Citizens who signed the Restructuring Petitions will work at countering the lies and disinformation being spread by the Chamber of Commerce and others about the effects of the Restructuring movement, which among other things, may allow some younger leaders a chance at helping Givern Jackson County for All of us.



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