Thursday, May 9, 2024

Good ol' boys.

"Them good 'ol boys drinkin' whisky and rye
Singin', 'this'll be the day that I die.'"
       Don McLain, American Pie, 1971
Southern Oregon has Good ol' boys. 

They fund the opposition campaign to the three Jackson County charter update measures.

The old school notion of good ol' boys included elements of White, Southern, racist, conservative, and male. Picture "Bubba" in a bass boat, drinking beer with chums from elementary school, complaining about politics having gone to hell thanks to uppity Blacks and women's lib. A traditional good ol' boy was friendly and unpretentious. They were noteworthy for their loyalty to the team but not for their ambition. Good ol' boys never left their small town to find work in Atlanta or Birmingham.

Oregon's Jackson County has a good ol' boy network, updated to the 21st Century. They are Oregonian, not Southern. Women are in it now, although professional women tell me the network is still misogynistic. The network includes some of our community's leading citizens and public benefactors. The local good ol' boy network retains two essential characteristics of the idea: Conservative attitudes and politics and loyalty to the other members of the peer group.

In Southern Oregon, that makes them Republicans. It also makes them leaders in the Greater Medford Chamber of Commerce, which has a PAC of its own that washes and anonymizes campaign contributions made to Republican candidates. 

The three measures are minor adjustments to the county charter. Making the commissioners nonpartisan puts them into sync with the nonpartisan judges, the district attorney, the county sheriff, and every other city and county office. Nonpartisan commissioners shouldn't be a big deal. Nor is going from three to five of them, to get a little more breadth of opinion. The current commissioner salary of $150,000/year is completely out of scale, and political conservatives would be outraged if that salary were being paid to Democrats. A few of Republicans reluctantly defend the salaries since they are going to their team members. 

There is no clear reason for local businesses to care one way or the other about the three charter update issues and I presume they don't care. They gave to the opposition campaign because a friend asked them to give. The good ol' boy circle that funds Republican candidates for local office allied with the local GOP to defend the tiny fortress of three Republican commissioners and a county administrator. There is no reason to think a larger board would end the county administrator's power -- County Administrator Danny Jordan does have that extraordinary three-year's income severance deal -- but the Republican establishment decided to nip in the bud any potential threats. The good ol' boy network went along. They are team players.

Oregon election law requires disclosure of campaign contributions and expenditures on the Orestar website. Then enter number 23389 under filer ID#.  The StopBiggerGovernment PAC is the primary vehicle for opposition to the ballot measures. Here is what it reports as of this morning:

These are what we would expect. We see the husband of a GOP state representative; relatives of a county commissioner whose salary is at risk; a member of the county budget committee who approved the salary increases; the owners and managers of companies that contract with the county to build its buildings and pave its roads; the garbage and landfill company; landlords of local real estate; and the Chamber of Commerce.

There is a small, tight group at the county courthouse allied with a cozy group of business leaders, a classic example of 21st century good ol' boy politics. Who runs things here in Jackson County and how do they retain power and influence? It is vendors showing tribute to the people who hire them. It is friends helping friends. 

Again, I am in favor of the three measures. Group-think conformity is dangerous in a board of directors. I would like more opportunity for variety. When the commissioners' office is conceived of and paid like a career position with step increases for longevity, then incumbents seek conformity and self-protection, and we are seeing it right now. It means we don't get clear, honest communication on the hard issues facing the county including funding a jail. I want to get the commissioners out from behind their locked doors and guarded offices. Let's open things up. 

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  1. “Good Ol’ Boys” by Waylon Jennings was the theme song for “Dukes of Hazzard.” No doubt the Good Ol’ Boy system is just as fun for those it includes, but its homogeneity makes it inappropriate as a form of government. A representative democracy requires diversity and inclusion.

  2. The current partisan structure effectively allows 30% of registered voters in Jackson county to control the entire board of commissioners. As Jackson County is one of the largest gop controlled jurisdictions in the state, I can see why the party (and those aligned with it) are fighting tooth and nail to hold onto it.

    1. Voter Suppression, even unspoken like now, is always somewhere in Republican Agendas, because they know they have nothing to offer besides Fear , no programs a majority of a voting populace might like and cannot win an Election if everyone gets a vote.

  3. I am a well-known conservative. The Chamber of Commerce hates me more than any other politician in Medford. I can tell you for a fact that the Chamber of Commerce good old boys are not conservatives. They are socialists. They want local government to subsidize their building projects. They continually want government "grease". That is not conservative. They support tax increases, such as for their new aquatic center-convention center. That is not conservative.

    I know most of the good old boys in town, and I don't know one of them who is conservative. Many are liberals, such as Bill Thorndike. Some are moderates. Politics don't matter to the good old boys. What matters is which politicians will financially scratch their backs. They are organized crime, looking for a free ride from the government. Their political candidates only register as "republicans", because the republican party is the party of "business".

    Randy Sparacino is their new puppet, because he has already signaled to the good old boys that he supports no-bid contracts to them. The good old boys love no-bid contracts. Sparacino is in the back pocket of the good old boys, which is why they've already spent $1 million on him.

    Curt Ankerberg
    Medford, OR

  4. Curt,
    Conservatives ALWAYS want taxpayers to subsidize their projects. That's not socialism.
    Conservatives simply don't want government to subsidize things that help people. They think the money should go to businesses to make their peers richer.

    Conservatives don't care about deficits or fixing immigration until a Democrat is in power, then it's all they scream about.

  5. The County Elections Office?

    Bill Maentz must be doing well with his multiple 5 O'clock Marketing donations. Definitely part of the network.

    1. Is it even legal for an elective County Office to make donations, or am I missing something.

  6. Mc made a comment about Bill Maentz (from 5:00 Marketing).

    I'm familiar with the sleaze in the County, and Bill Maentz (and 5:00 Marketing) were paid more than $80,000 MONTHLY from the County during the Covid crisis in order to make bogus public affairs commercials. Maentz and 5:00 were paid more than $1 million annually from the County in 2020 and 2021 to make lame commercials with Federal slush fund money. The County Commissioners have the power to make monthly operating expenditures, and they usually do business with their friends and political supporters like Bill Maentz. All the names on the attached Orestar page (like Adroit) are the usual suspects that feed at the government trough.

  7. Ed - You are missing something. The Elections Office was recipient of an expenditure made by a private party on behalf of the PAC, not a contribution by the Elections Office. Probably filing fees of some sort.

  8. County Elections was an expenditure. Contributions and expenditures are listed together chronologically. 5:00 Marketing Maentz contributed more than $3000 in kind. His other big client in local races is Bartholomew for DA.

  9. Thank you, I did catch Peters explanation. I feel much better now.



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