Sunday, May 26, 2024

Easy Sunday: Trump Booed at Libertarian Convention

Libertarian convention theme: 
                  Become Ungovernable


Click above for one minute of Trump's contentious 31-minute speech at the Libertarian Party National Convention. He was booed repeatedly. It's a pie in the face for the bully.

Trump experienced the flip side of his MAGA movement. Break norms. Break laws. Insult. Show contempt for courts, prosecutors and law enforcement. Overturn elections. Ignore the Hatch Act. Tell oil companies if they give you a billion dollars you will make it up to them many times over. Sell flags and posters that say "Fuck Joe Biden." Politeness is for losers. Be ungovernable. Make liberals cry.

Libertarians are MAGA, but they aren't Republicans. They aren't in the Trump cult. 

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  1. He helped mainstream disrespect, and contempt for opponents. The winds of public opinion are fickle and now the gloves are off - for everyone.

  2. “Libertarians are MAGA, but they aren't Republicans. They aren’t in the Trump cult.”

    MAGA is the Trump cult. Of course, it’s also committed to a higher purpose: returning America to those halcyon days of yore, before the civil rights movement.

    1. And the women's movement. Throwback Harrison Butker of the Kansas City Chiefs is only the most recent infamous example of that. Dismantling women's reproductive rights is another prime example.

      Hopefully all the Single Democratic Ladies once again will show up in force to defeat Pumpkin Farce.

  3. Perhaps more significant than Trump being ‘booed’ at the convention is what he was cheered for. The crowd was all in when he promised on day one to free Ross Ulbricht from prison. Ulbricht was a drug kingpin, sentenced to life for six deaths that resulted from taking his drugs and for trying to have five people killed. Libertarians consider his conviction an attack on the Free Market.

  4. Libertarians are governing how many countries in the World?

    That would be none.

    By my way of thinking participating in a democracy would violate their principles, so it's unclear to me how they would actually function.

    1. Anarchy would be my guess. I dabbled in it reading some Sun Tand, but outgrew the urge by the time I was 17.

    2. "dabbled in it reading some Ayn Rand in my freshman year"
      Sorry about the typos.

  5. The Real MAGA Platform:
    *Only cooking, cleaning and having/raising children for females.
    *Black people back on the plantation.
    *Only Christians and pro-Israel Jews allowed.
    *No non-European immigrants from sh**hole countries.
    *Survival of the fittest; defund the social safety net.

    Young readers/voters, especially, need to understand that MAGA represents White, Male, Judeo-Christian Supremacy.

  6. And here is everyone consuming oxygen and writing about Trump every single day.

    Trump got exactly what he wanted by speaking at that Libertarian gathering.


    Today, people are talking about Trump, keeping him as the center of attention.

  7. "And here is everyone consuming oxygen and writing about Trump every single day."

    Sounds like someone doesn't like the Republican psycho-in-chief being criticized so much, no matter how well deserved. Of course, as Trump's supporters demonstrate so well, anyone who finds the facts offensive can easily ignore them and make up their own.

    1. Au contraire...the critics and the supporters both are keeping him in the limelight.

      Trump basks in that.

      He was critiqued and booed at that Libertarian event and he kept going.

      Yes, I know that there are unintended consequences.

      Don't mistake me as a Trump supporter. I'm one of those in the middle waiting to see what develops.

      Remember, this is a never-Trump vs never-Biden election.

      The folks in the middle will be deciding this one.

    2. Despite the successes of President Biden in leading a partial recovery from the Trump Disaster Years, M2 refers to a never Biden election, without explaining why. I can only imagine folks like him in 1932 /33 Germany were waiting to see what might happen.

  8. If, in fact, this is to be a 'never-Trump vs. never-Biden election. that would be all the more reason to keep front and center the fact that Trump is a psychopath and pathological liar. Anybody who remains unsure about him has to be as oblivious as he is.

  9. I believe him to be a Sociopath, not just Psychopathic, if "not just" is applicable. And whatever he is, his accelerating Dementia, being ignored by the Horse Race media, is making it worse .

  10. This is from Politico, and refers to the freakout by a few Democrat insiders who would rather have someone else running instead of President Biden. They like VP Harris even less.

    No need for me to identify Biden's weaknesses when D insiders will do it for me.

    It's important to listen to arguments from Ds and Rs to identify the prose and cons of each candidate.
    For some, it takes only one negative to eliminate a candidate.

    Unfortunately, (fortunately?), both Biden and Trump have a laundry list of negatives. That's why I say it's a never-Trump vs never-Biden election.



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