Friday, April 19, 2024

The absolutely perfect juror

Is there anybody that MAGA shouldn't try to discredit and de-legitimize? 

An oncology nurse.

"Juror No. 2, who was dismissed Thursday, said she was already facing questions from friends and family after basic details — including her work as an oncology nurse and residence on the Upper East Side — circulated online.

 Like other networks, Fox News' Jesse Watters aired a segment Tuesday that highlighted extensive details about Juror No. 2, including her neighborhood, occupation, marital and family status."          
          Axios, this morning, April 19, 2024

Donald Trump has already prepared half of Americans -- maybe more -- to discount as meaningless a conviction in the New York hush money/election interference case. He and his allies say whatever he did wasn't a crime, that even if it were a crime it shouldn't be prosecuted against anybody, and that it certainly shouldn't be prosecuted against a leading candidate for president. Moreover, they say the judge is biased, so any trial would be as well. Moreover, a jury verdict of guilty, if it comes, would be meaningless because the venue is New York, which is full of Biden voters and liberals, and hardly a place for a fair trial, just because the crime took place there. Besides, the judge is holding court on Fridays, which discourages observant Orthodox Jews, who love Trump, thereby biasing the jury pool. Plus whatever sentence gets handed down will surely be biased because, again, the judge is biased.

Trump and his allies have a message: No one is legitimate to hold him to account for anything. Everyone is flawed. Therefore, no prosecution, trial, conviction, or sentence can change the central premise that Trump is a victim of a rigged system. 

Everyone has something "wrong" with them. MAGA media can sneer at everyone for some reason or another. Bankers and lawyers on the jury are elitists and resent Trump's common touch. Blacks are historically Democratic. Hispanics are biased against his crackdown on illegal immigration. People in news and entertainment industries resent Trump's criticism of those industries. People in retail, food service, and other lower-paid occupations are envious of his wealth. Muslims are Muslims, enough said. Young people are pro-Palestine. There is always a toe-hold dismissing that person for presumed bias.  

Trump caught a bad break with the woman identified as an "oncology nurse." If she had just been "a nurse," then she might have been accused of being a feminist working in or around abortions. If she were a doctor, then she might be imagined to be a money-grubber concocting fees or pushing vaccinations. If she were a teacher, there would be "woke curriculum" or teachers unions to bash. If she were a nurse and male, there might be some whiff of bending of occupational gender stereotypes. If she lived uptown in Harlem she might be Black or at least "ethnic;" downtown might put her around SoHo and the trendy arts scene; the Upper West Side would confirm her to be uniformly liberal. She avoided all that. What we know is that she is an oncology nurse living in the Upper East Side, like Trump. No one sneers at oncology nurses. It is hard, useful work, requiring education and training, and there is no big money or glamour in it. You think "oncology nurse" and you think compassionate care by somebody with some life-saving smarts. You don't think politics or bias.

Trump and his MAGA allies picked a bad person to intimidate off the jury. In fact, he picked the worst one I can imagine. Trump wants to be the sympathetic victim. He isn't. She is.

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  1. Trump, Trump, Trump...

    People who plan to vote for Trump are tired of hearing how disgusting he and his cult are. They prefer him because they align better with his values: greed, lust, anger, hatred and White nationalism. Biden spent his life serving the public – boooring! A good movie needs plenty of sex and violence.

    Why wouldn't MAGA attack an oncology nurse? Dictators and their followers get their way by inspiring fear. If they made an exception for people who take care of cancer patients, next they'd be expected to do it for teachers and then election workers and then people seeking asylum. It's a slippery slope.

  2. Whether or not Trump gets convicted in this trial, it’s just going to be Russiagate all over again. The result of the trial, whichever way it goes, will be the equivalent of the Mueller Report. The country once again will have seen the Democrats making a huge big deal out of something which turned out to be nothing in the end.

    Trump screwed a porn star and then paid her her off to be quiet about it. Everyone already knows this. Everyone has already made up their mind about Trump‘s character and whether they want him to be president or not.

    Trying to turn this into a case of “election interference“ is a flight of legalistic fantasy that only a Democrat apparatchik like Alvin Bragg could have thought up. It’s just more free publicity for Donald Trump. Nice work, Alvin… 🤔🤡😠🤷‍♂️

    1. You think all of TFG's criminal behavior is nothing.

      That makes your ethics very questionable.

  3. All TFG and his co-conspirators have it hate, especially for anyone with a real job.
    Remember when TFG said veterans are suckers? We know he likes people who are uneducated. He hates ordinary Americans and wouod cringe if he had to visit the Rogue Valley.

    Imagine how much TFG would hate a nurse who, by trade, helps others who are sick.

    Had this nurse been a pimp (ahem, model scout) or grifter she would have been met with open arms.

  4. Germany had the Third Reich led by Adolf Hitler. The USA has MAGA led by Hitler Pig. Looking forward to the day when this is history, not current events.

  5. I'm afraid he's winning, it's no small wonder I'm feeling fatalistic.

  6. If he’s convicted, it will be appealed anyway right? Meanwhile according to the Washington Post “Fifty-four percent of Republican primary voters in New Hampshire also said he would still be fit for the presidency if convicted of a crime, according to exit polling. Not sure a conviction would mean much.

    1. That's among republican primary voters.
      The November election will hinge on Independents and NAVs, where Biden excels and TFG fails.

      No one is questioning whether a convicted felon can be POTUS; the question is should a convicted felon be POTUS.

      Any day TFG is gagged is a good day for the USA.

  7. It's true that paying for a porn star's silence during his election is just the sort of sleazy corruption we've all come to expect from Trump. Compared to stealing top secret files and trying to overthrow the government, it seems pretty minor. What makes it significant is that it may be the only prosecution he'll face before the election, so three cheers for Alvin Bragg. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of reaping what he's sown - poor, poor pitiful Trump.

    1. Apparently tRump did not consider the matter "minor." If he thought that it was minor, he and his cronies wouldn't have gone to all the trouble in the first place. The issue is hiding information from voters shortly before the election. We will learn much more during the trial. tRump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, already served time in prison for his participation in the illegal scheme. Ordinary Americans are sick and tired of the rich and well-connected not being held accountable. A presidential election is not small potatoes.

    2. The bigly-er they are the harder they fall.

    3. It also shows how corrupt republicans are, as if we needed further proof. I don't.

  8. I am in evaluating the Trump trial in terms of political effectiveness, not in the abstract intellectual realm of ethics.

    Politically, I think it will turn out to be nothing, regardless of what anyone might think of the ethics of it.



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