Friday, March 22, 2024

Bill Clinton/Donald Trump

"The past is never dead. It's not even past."
          William Faulkner

Democrats had a problem dealing with the Clinton/Lewinsky mess.

Republicans have a problem dealing with Trump's effort to overthrow the 2020 election.

The problems are different.

I mention Clinton/Lewinsky to remind Democrats not to fool themselves. Bill Clinton dallied with a star-struck young woman and then lied about it. "Move on," most Democrats said. Republicans impeached him, saying this was a high crime. Democrats said it wasn't OK, but it wasn't a high crime. Politically engaged people have an instinct to stand behind their party leader. The leader represents a set of policy ideas and a coalition of people. If the leader falters, so does everything else.  

Most Republican voters support Trump. They deny or minimize some of what Trump did openly and in public. Most officeholders and partisans want to "move on," saying they want to "look forward," not backward. Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and the other rivals to Trump take that approach. This is a kind of "safe harbor" of thought and talk for Republicans. Don't look back. 

Clinton, 1998

I make a distinction between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. Lying about improper sex play with an employee does not endanger the republic, whereas a multi-faceted effort to overturn an election most certainly does endanger it. But that is not the distinction I am making. More important is that Bill Clinton was deeply ashamed. He recognized what he did to be morally and legally wrong. Democrats -- and Americans -- could "move on" because Clinton was not trying to define his behavior as good or legitimate. Quite the opposite.

Donald Trump is repeating the Big Lie, still claiming he won by a landslide. He validates political violence to stay in power. He praises people who were videotaped and convicted of crimes on January 6. He defends taking classified documents, then sharing them with country club guests, hiding them, and lying to the courts about hiding them. He condemns Mike Pence.

Saluting January 6 rioters

The announcer at the rally in Ohio this week introduced Trump saying "Please rise for the horribly and unfairly treated January 6 hostages." They played a recording made by the prisoners. Trump began with these words:
Well, thank you very much and you see the spirit from the hostages, and that’s what they are is hostages. They’ve been treated terribly and very unfairly and you know that and everybody knows that, and we’re going to be working on that sooner. The first day we get into office, we’re going to save our country and we’re going to work with the people to treat those unbelievable patriots, and they were unbelievable patriots and are. You see the spirit just cheering? They’re cheering while they’re doing that and they did that in prison and it’s a disgrace in my opinion.

Unlike Bill Clinton, Trump is not ashamed. He calls January 6 rioters "unbelievable patriots."

This week Mike Pence announced he would not support Donald Trump's re-election. It may seem obvious that Pence would oppose someone who inspired a mob chanting "hang Mike Pence" to break into the Capitol to find him, then sat passively watching them do it on TV. In fact, Pence did an act of political courage. A majority of Republican voters prefer Trump and condemn Pence for "betraying" him. Pence obeyed the rules. He obeyed the Constitution. That was his betrayal. 

October, 2023. Pence presented himself as an alternative to Trump.

The split between Trump and Pence lays down a clear marker. Trump endorses political violence to retain office. This isn't merely "implied" in a speech that became famous for his prediction of a "bloodbath" if he isn't elected. The bloodbath imagery was in fact part of the overall validation of extra-judicial, extra-constitutional behavior, but his opening words are overt and denoted. He says the people who invaded the Capitol are the good guys. The people who stopped them, arrested them, prosecuted them, the juries that found them guilty, and the prisons that now hold them -- those people, the people representing law, justice system, and the peaceful transfer of power -- they are the villains.

Republicans who support and endorse Trump are not saying the past is past and Trump is different now, so we can move on. This is Trump and this is now.

There it is. That is the choice for Republicans. They are saying today's Trump OK.

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  1. Mike Pence is in my Heroes Hall of Fame. The knuckle dragging Neanderthal marks that are paying his legal bills?
    ‘Nuff said.

  2. Trump Tower selling next week at a fire sale. Maybe NY could buy it cheap and turn it into a condo for homeless people or immigrants. Even better, tear the dump down.

  3. I saw a truck at the golf course parking lot with a big American flag and I wondered if that meant that person is for overthrowing democracy in the name of Trump.

    1. If they fly the red, white and blue they must not support the orange.

  4. Fire sale Monday for Trump Tower. NY buys it at huge discount, then uses it to house the homeless or a place for immigrants. Or they just might tear it down. Rename it Trump Dump.

  5. In case you're wondering what the "Christians" are saying:

    "This is really a battle between good and evil. There's something on President Trump that the enemy fears: It's called the anointing. They're just trying to bankrupt him. They're trying to take everything he's got. They're trying to put him in prison. The hand of God is on him and he cannot be stopped."

    Quite a tribute for a pusssy-grabbing grifter.

  6. Why don't the posters on here post their full real names and their addresses, so that we know who the imbeciles in town are.

    Trump just earned $3 billion today from his Truth Social. He doesn't need your stinking money to pay his bond. Letitia James will be wetting her pants once Trump gets re-elected. Her career is shot, as is Fani Willis'.

    China Joe Biden sold-out America, but apparently none of you nimrods seem to care. You all must be so rich that you haven't noticed the 30% inflation the past 3 years.

    I can see why you clowns want to remain anonymous.

    Curt Ankerberg
    Medford, OR

    1. Nah man, alot of people want to comment anonymously because letting deranged gun-toting lunatics like yourself have any access to our personal information much less our addresses would be unsafe to say the least.

  7. About 95% of the comments submitted to this blog from Curt Ankerberg are posted anonymously or fraudulently by using other people's names.

    In this one, criticizing people who post anonymously, he signed his name.

    Ankerberg filed as a candidate County Commissioner position as a Republican and told me of big plans to reveal big secrets about local government. I saw no evidence whatever that he was able to launch any campaign. In stead, he wrote this blog repeatedly --once or more times a day -- sending unpublishable comments, most of them anonymous.

    I expect to publish few of his comments. If he becomes a candidate for local office and therefore minimally relevant as a perennial candidate, I may publish more of his comments. I will take care to pair any reasonable non-obscene ones with his more typical angry/MAGA/obscene ones so that local voters get a full view of Ankerberg.

    I am please to have engaged readers like Ankerberg.

  8. Curt, I use a simple alias that tests people's ability to determine who I am

    Not everyone is able to figure that out.

    In any case, I'm usually civil, and have reasonable exchanges with people who might agree with me, and many who do not.

    I've held public office, but did not actually run a campaign. I was elected to a local office by write-in votes.

    I have however worked to get people elected that I agreed with. I helped 3 new candidates replace 3 incumbents on a school board.

    Good luck on your campaign. I don't think you'll be getting elected unless you act with a bit more finesse and civility.



Do not be surprised or disappointed if you post anonymously and the comment never appears.

Comments attributed to other people are forwarded to local law enforcement for investigation and prosecution. Identity theft is a Class C felony.