Friday, March 29, 2024

Good Friday Blues

No boundaries.

No sense of limits. No sense of restraint. No class.

Sometimes the spectacle speaks for itself. It needs no explanation or commentary. It is the purest expression of the "body language" of political communication. 

In time for Easter week, Donald Trump endorses and promotes the Bible, and you can buy it right now, directly from him.

Only 59.99, plus shipping and handling:

     "I'm proud to be partnering with my very good friend Lee Greenwood, who has the lovely song "God bless the USA" in connection with promoting the "God bless the USA" Bible. This Bible is the King James' version and also includes our founding father documents, yes, the Constitution, which I am fighting for every single day, very hard, to keep Americans protected. Also the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the Pledge of Allegiance are all part of this "God bless the USA" Bible. . . . "

I write a political blog, so I am accustomed to disagreement with my observations and opinions. Maybe some readers don't "get it." They may not have any sense of crass tastelessness in this new bit of "merch" he is adding to the hats, logo-wear, flags, water bottles and other items promoted by Trump. After all, he has created and sold heroic images of action figures of himself -- Superman Trump; Gunslinger Trump -- so what new boundary is this? Maybe people want to buy the King James version of the Bible from him and think it is perfectly appropriate for him to sell Bibles at this splendid mark-up. Maybe there is a market among patriotic, Trump-supporting Christians for a copy of the Bible, bound in leather.

I see it differently. I see it as showing that Trump has no limits. He will commercialize anything. He will mix the sacred and profane without apology, and indeed proudly. Trump will do anything. There is no bottom. And that is dangerous in a political leader.

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  1. “Maybe some readers don't "get it." They may not have any sense of crass tastelessness in this new bit of "merch" to be added to the hats, logo-wear, flags, and water bottles promoted by Trump.”

    Don’t forget the golden sneakers. They bring to mind the movie “Oh, God!” when George Burns (God) tells Reverend Big Mouth he should sell shoes. Trump is a natural-born peddler, and his most successful products are fear, anger and hatred. Why Bible thumpers find that so appealing is an interesting question.

    By the way, brand new Bibles are available on Amazon for less than a third what Trump is asking. Of course, they haven’t been personally endorsed by a guy who never read one.

  2. Not only is there no bottom for Trump, there is no bottom for his allies, in fact it’s a requirement. Just expect lawyers, staff who work for him to be eventually charged with crimes.
    One of the strongest predictors for which inmates come back to jail when they are released is who do they hang with in jail and outside of jail. If they are hanging with the obvious criminals, they are coming back.

    1. When I first heard about this I thought of the movie Paper Moon.
      It's about a conman who teaches his child how to grift.

      It's not a TFG biography but ....

    2. Am I the only one who saw an image of jesus in Rudy's running hair dye?

  3. Trump claims in the promo that the Bible is his "favorite book". Youbetcha. I picture him spending hours in pious devotional study.

    I recall when John Paul II visited the States, folks peddled Pope on a Rope Soap, Popesicles, Popecorn, and even a Pope sprinkler head.

    Of course, it's Trump himself that's grasping and tacky here. His Tawdriness, not His Holiness. Yet the sale site declares no proceeds go to Trump. Perhaps this is his love gift to accompany his regular tithing.

    1. I have no doubt the money is going straight to his Lawyers.

  4. It contains "the Constitution .. . Also the Bill of Rights"


  5. Factoid:
    The company website includes a list of "FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS" and one of them is, "WHAT IF MY BIBLE HAS STICKY PAGES?" I am not making this up:

    Maybe it has a centerfold.

    1. Hmm. We don't have the usual chorus of TFG fans defending this current grift.

  6. Trump is the most successful con man in history. Without question.

    Of course Trump has no scruples, no conscience, no limits, no bottom. We've known this for years.

    People with contracting businesses unfortunate enough to work on Trump's properties often went bankrupt, losing everything including their home, because he refused to pay their invoices. I wish the NY attorney general had gone after Trump on their behalf, years ago.

    Instead the NY AG wants to bankrupt Trump now because he used creative accounting on bank forms. Fighting for those poor victims, the big banks. I'm giving the DA the side-eye for the chosen prosecution strategy. Doesn't look reasonable to me, which is the last thing we need if trying to keep a con man out of the White House.

  7. Trump could just be demonstrating the blind fanaticism of his White-wing supporters. They couldn’t care less that he makes a mockery of democratic and Christian principles, he’s their man. Next, just to prove a point, maybe he’ll shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave.

  8. Here’s a very interesting podcast by Ezra Klein of the NY Times that explains Trump’s appeal in a potentially more useful way than the snarky sarcastic invective that we often see around here:


  9. Rather than listening to some fake news city boy try to mansplain them, better to let Trump supporters speak for themselves. Fortunately, Jordan Klepper has done a lot of that:

  10. “Fake news city boy”

    Spoken like a true Trump supporter with a mind like a steel trap: an old one, rusted shut.

  11. "Spoken like a true Trump supporter with a mind like a steel trap: an old one, rusted shut."

    My my - such snarky sarcastic invective!

  12. That's true. A mind like an old, rusty steel trap snapped shut does well describe Trump supporters, as they themselves make so clear in Jordan Klepper's interviews.



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