Monday, March 18, 2024


Trump: "Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath. That’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country."

The foreign press noticed the word "bloodbath." So did Democrats.

I woke up yesterday morning to headlines like this from India, Brazil, Australia, and Africa. Their media know the warning signs of a fragile country.

This morning was more of the same. Here is MSNBC on my kitchen TV. A panel warns that Trump threatens violence.

This is a good case for untangling the real message from the denoted one. 
Trump said "bloodbath" in the context of saluting the "hostages" convicted of invading the U.S. Capitol in search of the Vice President and members of Congress. Trump played a recording of the prisoners singing. He saluted them, called them "unbelievable patriots," and promised to pardon them. His overarching message was a threat, saying if he wasn't elected to expect violence. He was giving permission to his supporters, putting it on the table as new norm, an expectation. Connect the two events: Trump loses and bloodbath.

But not exactly. Trump's speech was scattered and confusing, but his literal and immediate context was that the American automobile industry would be a bloodbath of failed auto companies. Why? Because Biden would not impose the huge tariffs that Trump was proposing. Trump did not say it would be a bloodbath of rioting Trump supporters -- not literally, not exactly, not right then. You caught the distinction if you paid close attention.

This is Trump as his most cynical and effective. He gets across a threat while having deniability. Indeed, he and his allies call him a victim, saying Democrats are taking him out of context. Yesterday's Sunday show guests included U.S. Rep Mike Turner, in whose district Trump spoke, saying to ABC host Martha Raddatz:
I want to congratulate you, Martha, that you correctly identified that the president’s statements concerning ‘bloodbath’ were about what would happen in the auto industry.

Sometimes "accurate" is the enemy of "true." I am content to be accurate, but that does not absolve Trump. The "bloodbath" speech reveals his cunning. Trump knew better than to tell Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger to "manufacture" 11,000 votes. He said to "find" them. That was smart and careful. Trump operates in the shadows of the law. One does not create a paper record telling an accountant to "invent" deductions. Just tell the accountant what needs to happen. He will understand.

"Be there. It will be WILD," Trump tweeted.

"He wants us to make it WILD," an Oath Keeper leader wrote in response to other Oath Keepers. "He called us all to the Capitol and told us to make it wild!!! Sir. Yes sir!!!"

People get it.

And on January 6 2021:

You don't concede when there's theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore. . . . You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can't let that happen. . . .If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'. . . . I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.

"Peacefully and patriotically." He dropped in the disclaimer, his get-out-of-jail-card. The people at the Capitol on January 6 got the message to scare Mike Pence and the Congress into throwing out Biden's electoral votes. They heard the fight like hell. But he didn't say climb through windows and make your way to the Vice President. Not exactly. But they got it.

Trump is free. They are in prison. 

For decades Trump has been communicating like a mob-boss worried about wire-taps. He is well-practiced and good at it. It kept him from being convicted in an impeachment vote and it may well keep him out of prison now. 

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  1. Everybody knows that Donald Trump is the most divisive, morally depraved president in the history of the U.S. – that’s what Republicans love about him. Of course, he’s nothing without his army of psychophants, so he’s purging the GOP of anyone with a vestige of conscience.

    As has been noted before, he’s a giant orange middle finger directed at democracy and the rule of law, not to mention the idiots who lap up the crazy hate he spews. We can only hope there are less of them than there are citizens who care about our republic, but at this point it looks questionable.

  2. "When people show you who they are believe them." -- Maya Angelou

  3. It's not too late for GQPers to jump from the tRump train to the Love Train. Do it for yourself, your family and your country. Easter is coming. Jesus, Prince of Peace, was not a bloodbath kind of guy.

    "Love Train" by the O'Jays was released in 1972. It reached number one on the R&B singles chart and Billboard's Hot 100 (Wikipedia). 📣 All Aboard

    1. The Backstabbers by the Ojays in 1972 was also a #1 hit. I guess we’ll see which song captures the hearts of the voters.

  4. I just had to look and bingo, I was right. You clearly got the memo from your masters to perpetuate the niggling Nancy narrative.
    You are just such a tool Peter.

    You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all the time.
    Take note, the internet captures everything that the Master/Slave media tries to cover up...

    Here's a few examples
    And please feel free to peruse deeper into these channels and let me know if you need any more

    "When push comes to shove
    when push comes to shove
    you're afraid of love
    when push comes to shove"

  5. Trump is skillful. You don’t get to be president without major skills.

    1. TFH is skillful alright: rape, fraud, adultery, defamation, leading a failed insurrection, attempting to steal an election, lying, conning gullible supporters, making the US a worldwide disgrace, dispensing false medical information that killed people, cowardice, raising prices/taxes ....

  6. I am not quite sure what "David of Ashland" is thinking about. It looks like he failed to read the blog post all the way to the end.


    1. David in Ashlands post was argle bargle, worthy of Trump himself.

    2. I'm not sure David in Ashland is pitching about this time. "Niggling Nancy"?
      His posts add nothing to any conversation I've seen here.

  7. Trump is skillful at pandering to the paranoid and manipulating fools.

  8. Minimizing the skills of your opponent is a recipe for failure.

  9. Secret. Coded. Hidden. Messages.

    Always some hidden meaning, a dog whistle. The evidence is just in front of us, under a layer that's just thick enough to protect him. Blast it! He got away again thanks to his Muhammad Ali level tactical verbage skills.

    You can't have it both ways, either he is grossly incompetent or he is the perfect politician, able to convince 2/3rds of the population to turn out in an election during a pandemic at the stage when all of us were going to die if we hugged each other.

  10. I never would have thought of demonizing and hate mongering as major skills but apparently among Republicans, now they are. So, I guess in their view it would be true that Trump is highly skilled.

  11. Trump got elected president. Anyone who thinks that doesn’t require skills will never understand how it happened or how to prevent it.

    Moral posturing and virtue signaling are not effective politics.



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