Friday, February 9, 2024

Up Close at the Supreme Court yesterday

Expect a 9-0 decision to reject the Colorado decision.

That is what attorney Conde Cox told me in a vigorous discussion this recent New Year's Eve. 

He said if and when there was an oral argument on the case in front of the Supreme Court, he would be there to witness it up-close. He was there yesterday. He wrote me to reiterate his prediction: 9-0 to reverse Colorado.

Courtroom Sketch by Bill Hennessy for PBS

I took the other side of the friendly argument at the holiday party. My predictions were based on a presumption that the Supreme Court majority would cloak a rankly political decision in a veneer of legal justification. They are expected to reverse Colorado, I argued, because they want to help Trump, and because they don't want the controversy that would come from deciding ballot access state by state. But they just might surprise us, I argued. The majority is more intent on helping Republicans and conservative policies than in helping Trump, and they see that Trump is now a liability to the GOP.  So watch for them to affirm Colorado so Republicans could replace Trump with a less-flawed candidate who would defeat Biden by a landslide. 

Conde Cox said I was wrong. He argued with the advantage of  expert knowledge of the law generally and of the Supreme Court in particular. Cox is a commercial and business dispute litigator, with deep experience in arcane federal bankruptcy court procedure. For the last decade he has been named by his peers as a Thomson-Reuters 'SuperLawyer' in the field of Business Bankruptcy. He now lives in Ashland, Oregon.

From his website

Guest Post by Conde Cox

 I was personally in attendance at the Supreme Court today for the Trump Colorado ballot disqualification case for nine hours. During the nearly three hours of oral argument in the Court’s relatively small courtroom (indeed, smaller than most courtrooms in Jackson County), I sat right behind Jonathan Mitchell (Trump’s lawyer), in a seat “inside the Bar.” As a member of the Supreme Court Bar (for 28 years), I am permitted to sit there for any case heard on any given day by the Court, even if my clients’ cases are not that days’ Court docket. 


My reaction, as a 43-year lawyer and as a 29-year member of the Supreme Court Bar, is that the Justices will issue a 9-0 decision in this case to reverse the Colorado Supreme Court. Even Justices Jackson and Kagan and Sotomayor I predict will vote to reverse. I predict that Justice Jackson will write a concurring opinion. This was made possible and perhaps inevitable, in my view, by the DC Circuit Court opinion that was issued on Tuesday in the Jack Smith-prosecuted criminal case against Trump for obstruction of an official proceeding (by Pence to count electoral college votes.) That decision declared that Trump is not immune from criminal prosecution for any and all potential crimes relating to his activities on or before or after January 6, 2021. I predict that the Supremes will deny cert in that DC criminal case against Trump (and thereby decline to review the DC Circuit opinion). This way, the Supremes can punish Trump via the criminal system, and yet do so without kicking him off the ballot in the Colorado case.  


My impression is that none of the nine Justices was enamored of the idea of resolving, in this novel and very impactful Colorado Section Three of the 14th Amendment case, the disqualification problem from the perspective of permitting each state to separately address (in potentially 50 different cases) the insurrection disqualification issue. They want a national approach, which only Congress can provide by way of a new statute. Congress has the right to adopt such a statute under Sections Three and Five of the 14th  Amendment, thereby telling all of us what sort of national procedure must be followed in any and all current and future attempts to disqualify a candidate for national office. This is a punt, but not an unreasonable one in my view.

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  1. SCOTUS had a particular problem with one state determining someone couldn’t be on the ballot. In fact, Trump shouldn’t be on any state’s ballot, but that isn’t going to happen.

    Newsweek has an opinion piece by a right-wing lawyer predicting the Supreme Court will also uphold Trump’s claim of immunity for crimes committed while president. It sounds like Biden should get Seal Team Six ready to strike. Why not? It would be less disruptive than an insurrection after the election.

  2. It doesn't take too much imagination to know that the Supreme Court would rule in favor of Trump. Do you think that individual states (and partisan hacks) should decide who gets to run in a federal election?

    Speaking of which, a federal prosecutor has determined that Joe Biden is too senile to be prosecuted for the possession of classified documents. If Biden isn't too senile to be president, then Biden isn't too senile to be prosecuted.

    Biden is history, folks! Bring-on Kamala Harris. She's gonna get shellacked.

    Curt Ankerberg
    Medford, OR

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Curt,

      States run elections at all levels. They also have discretion over what candidates must do to appear in the ballot. Colorado was right to exclude TFG, just as it would exclude a candidate who hasn't filed proper paperwork.

      The Constitution spells out who can serve.

      It is the SCOTUS job to interpret the Constitution as it applies to specific laws. Article 14 is very clear.

      You are absolutely right that this SCOTUS serves to protect TFG.
      It has, effectively, voided an extremely clear part of the Constitution. That should make all real Americans angry.

      Previous Courts have followed the law, however unpopular their decision.

      The Roberts' court is a majority of feckless cowards

      It is a disgrace to the judiciary and to America.

    3. FALSE, Curt.
      A TFG-appointed attorney decided there wasn't evidence Biden broke the law.

      I suppose you rely on legal advice from the person who voucher for cognitive abilities.

      Harris will make a fine POTUS.

  3. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment makes it clear that Trump doesn’t belong on any state’s ballot, but some think the court is caving in to him out of concern for the consequences: Trump’s chumps might get their knickers in a twist, don their camos and start strutting around with their AR-15s. So be it. They’re going to go just as berserk when Trump loses and if Biden can’t beat a traitor with 91 felony counts against him, maybe we don’t have a democracy worth worrying about.

  4. Colorado and the other states should remove TFG anyway.
    As Texas is showing, adhering to SCOTUS rulings is optional.

    I can't wait for Texas to leave the country and try to be independent of blue-state welfare.

    1. Mc- Texas reportedly has the 8th largest economy in the world at $2.4 Trillion- ahead of Canada, South Korea and Russia. They probably could do quite well on their own.

  5. I sensed things were not going well when Justice Barrett began asking Mitchell why he didn’t include what she thought was a more compelling argument in their claim. Like she was coaching him.

    The part I heard was peeling apart nuanced legal theories and definitions like “office” and “officer”.

    This is one of those legally feasible but likely, terribly wrong, destructive decisions.

    1. Reminds me of Gore V. Bush, in which John Roberts played an important part.

  6. Curt Ankerberg, a county Commissioner candidate, attempted to post a comment that was plagiarized from the New York Post. I don’t publish plagiarized material.I urge commenters to present their own thoughts in their own words. People who wish to re-publish other people’s opinions to get their own website and re-publish to their heart’s content.

  7. SCOTUS punts?! Disappointing (to me), but apparently the correct decision nevertheless?

  8. Biden may have just saved the country from a second Trump term by mixing up Egypt and Mexico. It could be the wakeup call that the Democrats need. if they can actually wake up, get unwoke, and get past the racial/gender identity politics of dumping Kamala, they might have a chance of fielding a candidate who can beat Donald Trump.

    Time is short; they had better get going.

    1. They have a candidate who has already beaten Trump once - Joe Biden.

      Trump wil be a three-time loser not counting his hundreds of losses in court.



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