Friday, February 2, 2024

The Great Taylor Swift Conspiracy

It's all rigged! It's a plot!

NY Times headline: Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, and the MAGA meltdown

Coincidence? Don't be naive.

Trump and MAGA have figured it all out.

Steve Bannon:  NO coincidences

Don't you see the pattern? 

Democrats rigged it so that Taylor Swift would be Time Magazine's "person of the year" instead of Donald Trump, the obvious and rightful winner.

Plus, Joe Biden and Democrats connived so that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce would date. 

And they picked Travis Kelce, not just any NFL player. Kelce did an ad for Covid vaccines and for Bud Lite. That's an obvious give-away.

They also rigged it that Kelce would receive and make spectacular catches, making him a star almost worthy of Taylor Swift.

It took some doing, but Democrats arranged that heartland Kansas City would go 11-6 to get into the Super Bowl. They have rigged it so that the Chiefs will beat the liberal-city San Francisco 49ers when they play. Democrats are re-positioning themselves toward the center for the general election. 

Democrats rigged it that game cameras would repeatedly cut to Taylor Swift as she watched Chief games, masterfully linking Taylor Swift, the NFL, the abortion issue, and the youth vote.

It is in service of a master plan. Isn't is obvious? The plan is that Taylor Swift would endorse Biden and swing young voters and persuadable homeland middle-America types to vote for Biden, and thereby steal the election. 


The source and impetus for the MAGA-team attack onTaylor Swift may have come from Trump's own disappointment that Swift is getting as much bright-light attention as is Trump. Maybe more. Certainly better. Who knows? Anonymous sources supposedly close to Trump say it goes back to that Time Magazine recognition. I don't know the reality of the source. I do know that Fox, Newsmax, and pro-Trump allies like Vivek Ramaswamy are on board with the attack, however it started.

I also know Trump could have shut down and reversed the Taylor-Swift-is-bad story -- and still can -- with some simple tweets or comments in a rally speech. He need only say that he thinks Taylor Swift is an extraordinary woman, a great entertainer, a great businesswoman, and an all-American star. Say he is a fan, not that he likes her 25% less than before.

The fact that he isn't doing this means he politically owns the meme.

CNBC Headline: Trump allies ramp up attack on Taylor Swift in advance of the Super Bowl

Regular readers of this blog recognize its recurring theme that political communication often backfires. The intended, denoted message is one thing, but the actual message is often the opposite. The primary, delivered-and-received message of the MAGA attack on Taylor Swift is that Trump picks utterly unnecessary fights because Trump and his allies are unhinged. "Unhinged" is a word Nikki Haley is using now.

This attack sends a message that is in perfect sync with the Democratic narrative for the 2024 election. Sure, Biden is old, Democrats concede that. They must. But Biden isn't dangerous, not in the way that Trump is dangerous. Trump is unstable and consumed by such jealousy, resentment, and insecurity that he lashes out at anything. That's the simple Democratic message: old and calm Biden versus batshit crazy Trump.

When Trump and MAGA world attacked Colin Kaepernick they chose someone easy to malign, a Black man with afro hair who took a knee in protest to injustice. It was easy to mis-characterize his action as an insult to all-American patriotism. He was an easy target.

Not Taylor Swift. Not an attractive, wildly popular, White, female country-pop crossover singer-songwriter following her heart. 

I fully accept the criticism some make of this blog that I give too much attention to facile impressions instead of serious matters of policy. Yes. I consider that criticism evidence not that these impressions are unimportant, but rather than their effects are unacknowledged and therefore especially powerful. Impressions do not operate on a rational mind considering denoted content. The impressions aren't conscious. We have a gut reaction to this MAGA attack.

Trump and his allies are sending out a simple message that they are wacko.

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  1. Apparently MAGAs have nothing better to do than worry about made up stuff and worship Orange Jesus. Maybe we need to repurpose the phrase, "A mind is terrible thing to waste."

  2. I agree with most of the sentiment here, attacking someone as barely political as Taylor Swift makes Republicans look absolutely batshit crazy. Which in fairness to them, they are. The odds of it backfiring seem high.

    My only quibble is that the Chiefs absolutely did NOT beat my San Francisco 49ers to get into the Super Bowl, they beat the Baltimore Ravens and are going to face off against the 49ers in the Super Bowl. You need to brush up on your sports knowledge haha

  3. I don't follow either sports or currently-popular music closely. I appreciate the help of my readers in telling me what is going on in both arenas. An early versio of this post had the Super Bowlteams wrong.

    We get by with a little help from our friends, and readers.

  4. From Swiftboating to Swiftvoting, eh?

    This silliness does benefit CBS and the NFL, at least, in terms of buzz and ratings. And President Biden and his supporters should not look a gift horse in the mouth. Will he do a halftime interview this year? Why not invite--literally or figuratively--Taylor Swift into the conversation, and have some fun with this opportunity to marginalize the by-then thoroughly consternated Trump sillies? Should Trump then take the bait and fulminate wildly (when doesn't he?), he and his base might be chasing their own tails in a fatally unserious manner. A cunning plan after all!

  5. Let’s see, it’s estimated that Taylor Swift brought an additional $350 million to the nfl. My 34 year old daughter is now watching every Chiefs game because she is a fan, but not a pure Swifte , of Taylor. By many accounts Taylor is genuine, generous with workers tipping freely. I like it every time a person complains about her on tv as it shows their ridiculous bias. Tony Dungy of the nfl complained it hurt the nfl and boy did he get a lot of negative feedback. Bringing in fans like my daughter, a younger consumer can only be good. The republicans are fighting a losing cause on this and it’s so obvious that I fear they will stop, but then again they don’t strike me as too bright on many things. Yea, it’s a big plot and democrats drink children’s blood.

    1. And an analysis if her oncamera time during that game showed that out of 3+ hours the telecast was ongoing, Taylor Swift appeared for 24 seconds. My calculator doesn't appear capable if figuring out how much per second that amounts to.

  6. We all have our fingers crossed that the voters will choose elderly over nuts. But that’s an unfortunate choice, and it’s a significant comment on the state of American politics that the outcome is uncertain.

    A long time ago, someone coined the perfect phrase for this: the evil of two lessers.

  7. Posted for Michael Trigoboff:

    We all have our fingers crossed that the voters will choose elderly over nuts. But that’s an unfortunate choice, and it’s a significant comment on the state of American politics that the outcome is uncertain.

    A long time ago, someone coined the perfect phrase for this: the evil of two lessers.

  8. Olivia Rodrigo could eclipse Taylor Swift by November. LOL

  9. After one of her performances on her World Tour, at which she urged her fans to get involved and vote, an estimated 50,000 new registrations happened. I wish there was a way to determine how many of those were Rs and how many Ds.
    And midway through her tour, she gave every one of her employees a 6 figure bonus.
    The Trumps stole $2.5 Million from a bogus Veterans Charity they had created. I only hope the D leadership has the brains and moxie to take advantage of the gifts they keep getting handed by the Seditionist Party of Drumpf.

  10. Can't wait for the day she plays the Expo. You know it will happen.

  11. First those nefarious elites rigged the presidential election! Now they’re rigging the Super Bowl!! No wonder the MAGA cult is so up in arms. You can’t win them over by ridiculing their legitimate grievances, but you can’t reason with them either so what the hell. I used to think they were batshit crazy, but then I realized that’s disparaging to guano.

    1. Guano is a superb fertilizer for gardens. The batshit MAGATS aren't good for much of anything that I might be aware of.

  12. Let's not kid ourselves. Taylor Swift is a corporation.
    She may be a nice person and all but she's a business.

    Let's not give any more space to these MAGA-induced conspiracy fantasies.

    A theory is a plausible or scientifically acceptable principle, according to Merriam Webster (dictionary).

    These MAGA conspiracies are not plausible nor scientifically acceptable.

  13. Don't you wish Democrats were clever enough to come up with such a comprehensive plan and then had the ability to pull it off?

    I do.


    1. I asked my MAGAT Rep why he got elected if we were smart enough to steal it from Trump, why would we let derps like him slither into office.

  14. Ed’s calculator must be one of those ancient technologies, like a row of pebbles… 😀

    3 hrs is 10,800 secs. 24/10,800 = 0.00222…, which is approximately 0.2%.

  15. I read Breitbart, and a bunch of other newspapers daily, and I don't see Republicans "up in arms" about Taylor Swift. Most people who are serious about politics don't listen to her music. She appeals to a younger crowd who is unknowledgeable and apathetic about politics. I don't care if Taylor Swift supports Biden. Biden is going to need more than Swift's help. Taylor Swift didn't go to college, and she's not an educated professional. Taylor Swift appeals to the uninformed and uneducated. Besides, most of the entertainment industry is liberal (and out of touch with reality), so it's expected that Swift would endorse a liberal.

    Curt Ankerberg
    Medford, OR

    1. Appealing to the uninformed and uneducated is el centro for Chump support. Why don’t you look around at your neighbors and their incomes; decay and wage disparity of the town you live in wasn’t caused by having too many college degrees.

  16. Since Trump’s chumps are so fond of conspiracy theories, they need to be reminded of how Trump conspired with Dr. Fauci and the medical/pharmaceutical complex to inject them with vaccines that implant microchips enabling the government to track them. Maybe they’d forsake him for the anti-vaxxer, RFK Jr.

  17. What will the MAGA ding dongs say when the 9ers win?

  18. Taylor Swift is an extraordinary woman, a great entertainer, a great businesswoman…
    Music? Meh, not so much.

    1. That opinion is definitely in the minority my friend. It is precisely because her music is so good and liked so much by so many people that she has become successful. It's not for everyone, you obviously for one, but in terms of success her music unequivocally qualifies as "good" regardless of whether you like it.

      I'd try giving the albums Folklore and Evermore a shot, both of them sound WAY different than what I'm guessing you think she sounds like...



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