Saturday, December 16, 2023

Nuggets of joy after long dark nights.

"Oh, wake up, wake up
You sleepy head, get up, get up
Get out of bed, cheer up, cheer up
The sun is red, live, love, laugh and be happy."
Harry Woods, 1927. Made popular by Al Jolson, 1947

Red morning sun. It can be good news, too.

Seven quick bits of good news about the economy.

One bit of good news about the consequences of lying.

Inflation is back down to about 2%.

Axios Visuals

The Fed notices the inflation rate, is satisfied, and signals rate cuts ahead. 

Fed publication

Treasury bond rates are back down, making borrowing less expensive. 

10-year Treasury

Mortgage rates are down. The 30-year is below 7% and the current talk is that it will fall to about 4% over the course of 2024.


Unemployment is back to historic lows, notwithstanding the Fed's having tightened interest rates.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Gasoline prices are still falling. The U.S. is a net exporter of energy.

Market Watch

A jury punished Giuliani for false claims against two Georgia election workers.

Even Fox News mentioned it.

Don't let the short hours of daylight get you down. Some good things are happening in America. It isn't the winter solstice yet, but sunset is already a few seconds later every day.

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  1. Thanks, that is all welcome news on a dreary gray morning.
    Happy Holidays, to you and all your family.

  2. And in other good news, the Federal Judge in Portland torpedoed Republican attempts to thwart the will of the People.

  3. The U.S. is the world’s largest economy. We have 4.23% of the world’s population, but over 31% of the its wealth. We also have the highest poverty rate in the developed world. 73% of our wealth is concentrated in the top 10% of households while the bottom 50% own just 2% of the nation’s wealth.

    If people are feeling the economy is leaving them behind, it’s probably because it is. And let’s not forget, much of our wealth is in the form of loans. The cost of servicing the U.S. debt is now larger than annual spending on defense.

    As for Giuliani, like Trump, his lies have destroyed other people's lives, but they're both still on the loose and still spouting them.

  4. Rudy spent a lot of time and effort lying for Trump and it cost him millions. I wonder if Trump will return the favor and pay for Rudy's lost bank account.. Somehow I doubt it. Trump will leave him hanging like everyone else he deals with. You would think they would learn.

    1. Peter c; As I understand it, Former Guy won't even take Ghoulianis phone calls, much less front him a train load of money. I saw a couple if days ago he's (Ghouliani) being sued by his former Attorneys f unpaid legal bills, he has a past due $30,000 phone bill and is close to being disbarred. And the best parts are yet to come , his Criminal Trials.

  5. Ed -
    It couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.



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