Friday, December 1, 2023

Last night "debate": Unwatchable.

It was a shout-fest version of professional wrestling, set up to make Newsom, California, and Biden look bad. 

It was a near-total waste of 90 minutes.

I learned four things.

1. We learned the event was a setup. The opening question by moderator Sean Hannity settled that. It showed this graphic, with Hannity wondering why so many people are escaping Governor Newsom's hell hole and going to Florida.

Throughout the evening the questions emphasized California's problems. Its gasoline taxes. Its marginal income tax rates for its wealthiest taxpayers. Its number of homeless. 
Hannity could have shown statistics about California's high median income, its job creation, the wealth created in California that spills out to enrich the rest of the nation. Hannity could have shown graphics comparing Biden's employment record with Trump's, the USA's inflation record compared with other comparable countries, our post-Covid GDP growth compared with Europe's.  But no.

2. We learned that Newsom tried to defend Biden and California but that framing matters more than argumentation. Fox set the frame. The U.S. is a disaster and Biden is senile: what say you, Governor Newsom? Newsom occasionally got off some un-interrupted statements when he looked forceful and in control. But most of the time Newsom looked like a swimmer trying to swim upstream in fast water against the premise of Hannity's questions. 

3. We learned that Newsom has a presentation flaw that will serve him poorly on the national stage. He smirks in the face of criticism of him or California. That re-enforces what people don't want to see coming from any politician, smugness. A smirk projects "We are rich and have Hollywood and Silicon Valley, and you are darned right we feel superior because we are the engine that drives the American economy."

Nobody likes a smirk. The country might accept a strong and articulate governor of California with a sincere and earnest demeanor boldly defending his state. But not one with a smirk. That is especially so if it comes from a guy with big, pampered hair, a movie star's good looks, and with kids in private schools. He looks like he is laughing off criticism, not refuting it. That is a bad look. He could fix this dismissive gesture if he got good coaching and has the humility to learn from it. But he undoubtably already gets very intense coaching, and there he was on camera, doing it. This isn't a good sign. Someone who knows him well enough to tell him the truth should speak up.

I wish he represented a purple state on the Great Lakes, a state with more Archie Bunkers in it. That would knock some humility into him.

4. DeSantis did not look terrible, but his situation looks terrible. Nikki Haley has become the remaining lifeline of the non-Trump GOP, and Donald Trump is swatting DeSantis away like a nuisance. Gavin Newsom said so to his face. There was no response from DeSantis, because what Newsom said is true and everyone knows it, including DeSantis.  

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  1. All too predictable, but Newsom volunteered for it. Perhaps they’re both setting themselves up for a run in 2028. Once Trump is out of the picture, DeSantis could become the great protector of Christian White Nationalists. Maybe they’ll ignore the fact that their self-proclaimed “fighter” can’t even beat up Tinkerbell.

    1. Beating up Tinkerbell is an image could do without. Stop violence against women. It's not funny.

  2. Tinker Bell is actually a fairy, not a woman. But perhaps I should have said Mickey Mouse - unless you have pet mice.

  3. Arguing about a cartoon fairy as metaphor?

    You deserve a Trump reelection.

    Btw, totally agree about smirks, and hard to top Kamala for those.

  4. If Newsom is as smart as I had thought, he would have known he was being set up as a Deseptic punching bag. I suspect overweening hubris got the best of him, and he figured his good looks and charm would just overwhelm the malignant midget from Floriduh. A lesson former President Obama learned the hard way; one is not dealing with our parents,Republicans, who actually believed in the Constitution and the Democratic Republic.

  5. "Nikki Haley has become the remaining lifeline of the non-Trump GOP..."

    For the record, where the Republican nominees stood as of yesterday were tRump with 60%, DeSantis with 12.6% and Haley with 9.5%. There is no non-Trump GOP.

  6. Gavin Newsom is an entitled arrogant pretty-boy. He’ll have the Ivy League elite vote in his pocket, but the working class will never go for him.

    For the Democrats’ sake, he’d better not be the best they have to offer in 2028.

    1. I'm not a fan of either but
      Newsom has done a lot of good things in California, resulting in being elected twice and beating a recall attempt.

      He won't have the TFG-enabling "non-college-educated" vote but no Democrat will.
      Newsom has been a union supporter, which has helped California families. I know this because my relatives live there (and CA is a neighbor). I'm glad they don't live in Florida.

      His policies would be good on a national level.

      His corporate background, sense od entitlement and pedigree however, scream GOPee.

      I don't think he's electable in many states.

      I did not watch this debate because it's pointless and, being on FAUX, would be a crapfest like the rest of its programming.

  7. Managed to watch for 16 minutes, but couldn't take any more. Agree 100% with your assessment, Pete. The "smirking" came across as helplessness. Wondering if there's a bit of buyer's remorse this morning in the Newsom household.

  8. I'm with Rodney Crowell on this one. I, too, am "Ready To Move On," his latest masterpiece:

    I'm tired to the bone
    And I wanna be left alone
    Let my memberships expire
    Read Don Quixote by the fire
    Now there's a man apart, indeed
    Perched upon his stalwart steed
    Fighting windmills with a stick
    And his friends all think he's sick
    You know there'll come a day when none of this will matter
    It will all be so much mindless chatter
    And we won't look at each other and scoff
    The day we turn the TV off....

  9. Even though DeSantis is one of their own, the Ivy League elite probably would prefer Newsom’s open-mindedness if they had to make a choice, while the Ivy Leaguer could count on the votes of those who swallow the notion that the great replacement and wokeness are the biggest threats we face.



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