Sunday, November 26, 2023

Easy Sunday, Part One; Thanksgiving greeting from a stable genius

Trump on his TruthSocial website. Thanksgiving morning, 2:02 a.m. 


"Happy Thanksgiving to ALL, including the Racist & Incompetent Attorney General of New York State, Letitia 'Peekaboo' James, who has let Murder & Violent Crime FLOURISH, & Businesses FLEE; the Radical Left Trump Hating Judge, a 'Psycho,' Arthur Engoron, who Criminally Defrauded the State of New York, & ME, by purposely Valuing my Assets at a 'tiny' Fraction of what they are really worth in order to convict me of Fraud before even a Trial, or seeing any PROOF, & used his Politically Biased & Corrupt Campaign Finance Violator, Chief Clerk Alison Greenfield, to sit by his side on the 'Bench' & tell him what to do; & Crooked Joe Biden, who has WEAPONIZED his Department of Injustice against his Political Opponent, & allowed our Country to go to HELL; & all of the other Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, Democrats, & RINOS, who are seriously looking to DESTROY OUR COUNTRY. Have no fear, however, we will WIN the Presidential Election of 2024, & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!"

Biden is old, inarticulate, experienced, cautious, and measured in his manner.

Trump is old and profoundly unwell. 

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  1. Thank you for sharing that vile Thanksgiving vitriol from the psycho who wants to do for our republic what Hitler did for his. Which raises the question: Is the MAGA movement really fascist or is that just hyperbole?

    Fascism is generally understood to be an authoritarian, far-right system of government in which hyper-nationalism is a central component. Check. It also features a cult of personality around a strongman leader. Check. It justifies violence or retribution against opponents and the repeated denigration of the rule of law. Check and check. Past fascist leaders rose to power by appealing to a sense of victimhood: We’re entitled because we’ve been cheated, we’ve been robbed, we’ve been victimized.

    Yup, sounds like MAGA – a bunch of malcontents who can’t tell fact from fiction or right from wrong. On this last day of the Thanksgiving weekend, I’m thankful we still have some semblance of democracy in spite of them. Let’s hope it continues.

  2. This half-literate, scorched-earth jag in the wee hours of Thanksgiving provides another meaning altogether to Trump derangement syndrome.



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