Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Un-edited Eight Minutes

People asked me to show an unedited section of video of President Biden in Hanoi.


This is Biden's answer to a question about climate change. He goes on for well over seven minutes. If you tire of this before seven minutes are up, decide if other voters will tire of watching Biden. Then skip to minute six, where he begins his story about a John Wayne movie and the words lying dog-face pony soldiers before he segues back to climate change.

Readers should decide for themselves whether they have confidence in Biden starting another term. And think how other voters will feel.


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  1. All right, so what? I see no alternative to Biden in the 2024 election who could win over trump. If we keep pointing out all of Biden's flaws, I think that we are in trouble. I would rather cover up a speech where he was obviously jet-lagged and tired from a trip that would exhaust most people. Just get him in office!!
    We will have enough trouble with no-shows,(apathetic assuming Biden is a shoo-in), RFK Jr votes, and such as it is.

  2. I watched the whole thing and... Yikes. For the good of the country Biden needs to do the right thing and announce he's not running again. It is beyond imperative that Trump and many of the other Republicans such as DeSantis never set foot near the White House or it's game over for our country being a democracy as well as climate change being possibly overcome.

    Him being that senile is a lifeline to Trump that needs to be taken away. Joe has accomplished alot as President, arguably more than anyone since FDR, but man he needs to step aside or all he's accomplished will be wiped away by Trump.

  3. There's no question that Biden is too old to be president, and he's not the only one. To be fair and balanced, Peter should provide equal time exposing Trump's rambling incoherence. Here is just one example of many (unfortunately I can't provide the link as Peter does):


  4. There is no such John Wayne film with that quote nor anything like it, first off. Biden often glitches this way even after repeated public correction. Likewise Biden’s reflexive, self-serving fabulism, such as his first family dying at the hands of a drunk driver. The man at issue was not drunk nor even at fault. Beau Biden died as an Iraq War casualty?

    The day after this disjointed appearance featured here, Biden in Alaska “recalled” being at Ground Zero on 9/12/01. But he was actually was in Washington, D.C., captured on video. Like Trump, Biden’s dishonest self-aggrandizement is almost reflexive. With specific foreign policy stances at issue, this trait is an ongoing hazard to national security.

    Age has only calcified a longtime Biden character flaw. He blustered in 1988, at the peak of his powers, that he was top of his law school class, and this after plagiarism accusations surfaced. He subsequently withdrew from the presidential race in disgrace. Now he trots out his oldies, along with new hits, without either awareness or compunction.

    Trump v. Biden is a cross-partisan disaster, whether or not the influence-peddling conduct with Hunter is proven up.

    1. Biden's a threat to national security?
      It's TFG who stole classified documents, who overrode security experts to give his children access to classified information, and whose children have enriched themselves through dealings with US adversaries.

      But, yeah, Biden's forgetting facts from 22 years ago is the real threat.

      Give me a break.

  5. Biden blurting for instance that the U.S. would defend Taiwan militarily, and that Putin must be removed from office, as he did recently, before his WH staff cleaned up his mess, are diplomatic disasters of the sort which can cause wars. And he himself boasted about ousting the Ukrainian prosecutor into Burisma, the company paying Hunter, by threatening to withhold 1B in U.S. aid to Ukraine.

    Biden in the foregoing instances didn't "forget facts" from twenty years ago. Forget "facts". He ad libs autobiographical puffery--arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela; nominated to a military academy; first in his poor family to go to college, etc., etc.--out of whole cloth, then repeats the whoppers even after being called out by legacy media fact-checkers like Glen Kessler and Daniel Dale.

  6. Request for Low Dudgeon:
    Joe Biden has weaknesses, as I have written. Would you please send a comment or guest post that articulates the argument, if you care to make it, that Trump is the superior candidate. If you feel Trump's misstatements of facts are fewer, or of less significance, than Biden's please say so and make the argument. If you feel that Trump is a smaller risk to the rule of law and an orderly government than Biden, again, please argue the point and explain.

    I believe that Trump is far more dangerous. Biden misstates -- babbles--about stupid things while Trump asserts with adamant certitude that he won the 2020 election by a landslide, that the Department of Justice had no basis whatever for investigating and prosecuting him, that any judicial decision that goes against him was caused by corrupt or cowardly judges.

    I have a hard time making a positive case for Trump except for his extraordinary skills in salesmanship and political judo. And he is entertaining, rather in the way Eval Kneval was. Or shock jocks on AM radio. Or insult comics like Don Rickles. Trump is a performer.

    But since you are back commenting, I would like to hear your thoughts on Trump. Write something at length, please.

  7. Biden and Trump are two old geezers, both prone to rambling incoherence. They’re like tumors on the body politic, the difference being the former is benign and the latter malignant. The choice couldn’t be more obvious.

  8. This is not exactly “at length”: Trump is far, far worse, and more dangerous than Biden in almost every respect. Especially the ones that matter most. End of story. He wasn’t qualified in 2015, and he’s functionally DISqualified himself since then. Period. He’s not had this Republican’s vote so far, and never will. Republicans should jettison the all-toxic albatross, yesterday. It is to their collective shame that they have not as a party already. America cannot have his malignant narcissism anywhere near power.

    When it comes to career-long, tone deaf self-promotion, however, via persistent and often oddly inapt dishonesty (or self-delusion?), the Biden/Trump difference is one of degree, not kind. The President gets an unearned pass on character from commenters here, and from (suddenly dwindling in number) legacy media types. This helps Trump. The clips of a vigorous Biden from the 1988 race lying like a dirty rug about his family and career are instructive. Then he blustered and lied about his lies.

    Nor is it solely concerning “stupid” things. His foreign policy gaffes, I mentioned—a flat “yes” to military defense of Taiwan, e.g.. Meanwhile, the “no evidence” of Biden’s corruption refrain is silly. Hunter himself has provided evidence. Biden’s unexplained wealth. The globetrotting, Hunter’s-business gladhanding. The Burisma prosecutor. Corruption has not been PROVEN, which is something else altogether. Trump was baldly named Russian catspaw with similar or even less evidence. This helps Trump.

    A pox on both their houses. Okay, Trump can be first. But he’s not, nor likely to be, President.

  9. Harry Truman might have said that the ability to think clearly is an important qualification for president. I wish he or President Eisenhower were running the show now.

  10. I don’t get why you color it with the phrase ‘if you tire of it.’ I found it interesting and his knowledge is excellent. Whether I believe anything can be done about a changing climate in the long run is neither here nor there. Truly the only thing he got wrong was the nonsense about solar power in Angola which has large oil reserves, huge wealth and huge poverty. In addition these guys keep talking about hydrogen pipelines that don’t exist and never will so take issue with what he says that’s incorrect and learn what he’s talking about so you understand before criticizing the good old guy. I feel lucky to have astute people surrounded by astute people in the White House whether I like their politics or not.



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