Thursday, September 28, 2023

Request of sane, old-school Republicans

Please speak up.

None of the candidates at the GOP debate last night dared to say the simplest, most obvious thing, that Trump and MAGA are a giant departure from the party of Reagan, either Bush, Dole, McCain, and Romney — the people my Republican friends happily voted for.

Your party left you.

I did a short video asking those old-school Republican readers if Donald Trump really represents them. If not, I urge them to speak up now, before Trump gets nominated. Surely the GOP can do better than Trump.


  1. Lee Atwater, Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump. A straight line, in my view. Destroyed the very notion of civility and norms in politics.

    I feel that democracy in America died when Al Gore did not mount an effective fight and win the Florida count.

    GWBush and Dick Cheney utterly destroyed the democratic ideal of America by grabbing the White House without winning the votes and then lying the country into two long pointless bloody wars for profit.

    America doesn't even pretend to be a country for its people anymore. America is a mercenary army for use by the oligarchs. Not only are citizens mere cogs for the US military industrial complex, our taxes pay for the military to serve the world's billionaires.

    I do note that Trump did not get America into any new wars of human and environmental death. Can't really see him as qualitatively worse than Cheney and his puppet.

  2. Romney is in a different party than Trump? Just because Romney has a better haircut and courteous language while stripping the money and homes and jobs and beloved stores like Toys R Us from the American working class?

    Such a low bar you have. I see it laying on the ground in front of your feet.

  3. Romney is TFG without the crazy.
    Never trust any republican. I used tk be one and worked on a few of their campaigns back when it was sane.



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