Saturday, August 19, 2023

What kills us

Americans visiting the U.K. sometimes step out in front of buses and are killed.

They are looking the wrong direction.

Warning on U.K. crosswalk

Americans die mostly of heart disease, cancer, and strokes. That fact is a sign of success in a nation's health. Those are diseases of old age. In centuries past, before vaccinations for infectious diseases and modern plumbing, people died at young ages from smallpox, tuberculosis, and typhoid.

Here is what Americans died from in 2021:

Covid was number three in 2021. It was top of mind as a health concern for Democrats two years ago. It was less so for Republicans, many of whom were re-defining Covid less as a potentially-fatal infectious disease and instead as a source of government over-reach. I use the 2021 chart because Covid is re-emerging. There is a summer spike in Covid cases.

Life is full of risks and random luck, but we all know the story of increasing one's chances of a long healthy life: Don't smoke, have a healthy weight, eat right, don't drink too much, exercise. It is important but boring. 

A poll this week reported what health risks capture our attention:

Here is a chart with another version of the mis-match between what kills us and what the media puts in headlines. "AIRPORT BOMB FOUND" gets clicks.
 "EAT HEALTHY FOOD" does not.

It is not clear to me that anything less than a N95 mask does much good to protect me from Covid, but paper masks probably help a little. The data show Covid vaccinations do reduce risk of serious illness for older people. Democrats probably should get vaccinated for Covid, along with ones for the flu and shingles. Do so proudly.

Republicans who suspect that vaccines are a suspicious plot by the Biden administration, Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, and the drug companies can suit themselves. We are at the "protect yourself" phase of the pandemic. I assume anyone and everyone could have it. I hope that between vaccinations and the post-infection interventions now available, I can survive Covid if I get it. JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, reported that because of greater vaccine acceptance by Democrats than by Republicans, Republicans had a 15% higher death rate from Covid than did Democrats. I feel sorry for Republicans but, as Leslie Gore sang back in my youth, "It my party and I'll cry if I want to." It's their party and they can vaccinate if they want to. 

By 2022 U.S. life expectancy had dropped by 2.5 years from its pre-Covid 1999 level. Over 267,000 Americans died of Covid in 2022. That year the Global Terrorism Index counted 11 American deaths from terrorism.

It is best to look both ways when stepping onto a crosswalk. Pay particular attention to the likely direction of the oncoming bus. 

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  1. Ironically, one of the most prominent anti-vaxxers is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who capitalizes on his famous name by distorting vaccine science. But most of those swallowing the bullshit were Republicans. It’s estimated that over 230,000 of the COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. could have been prevented if they were vaccinated.

    Of course, Republicans have a history of denying reality, whether it’s the pandemic, vaccines, climate change, racism or the election. If they ever overcome their infatuation with fascism, maybe they could adopt President Obama’s ambitious policy: “Don’t do stupid shit.”

    By the way, the coronavirus is spread by droplets. N-95 masks are the most effective protection, but the surgical masks are better than nothing. The Mayo Clinic is a good reference:

  2. Interesting about the Republican death rate. But was it because they weren’t vaccinated, or was it earlier in the pandemic? Perhaps they had higher rates of obesity and diabetes, (which seemed to be a high Covid death risk factor?) And a lot of elderly people are Republicans, and it hit the elderly hard too. Just curious about the data.

  3. There are many to blame on both the D and R sides regarding vaccine effectiveness, especially in the very early days of the pandemic.

    Here is a Politico article that calls to task then VP candidate Kamala Harris being noncommittal about vaccine effectiveness. This is shortly before November 2020 election day when candidates would say whatever they thought would help them win, and throw shade on their opponents.

    The frequent commenters here fail to remember what their favorite candidates said to win votes. Neither the Trump or Biden campaigns were 100% truthful.

    Perhaps they could have simply said "we don't know" at times, but that wouldn't convince most people.

  4. Peter, the fact that COVID is a communicable disease means that the ignorant can spread it to others who are cautious, all in the name of freedom.

    Many religious groups lost a lot of members due to their refusal to follow basic public health measures.

    The next pandemic is coming and our response will be even worse.

  5. Give us a break with this whataboutism.
    Republican statements killed Americans, mostly Republicans. The facts are there.
    The GOP is doing Putin's work.

    Posted by Peter Sage for "Mc"



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