Saturday, August 26, 2023

Mug Shot

Trump Glowers.

He had time to think about how he wanted to look. 

Serious. Defiant. Angry. His head slightly down as if in a boxer's stance, protecting his chin, ready to take a punch and return the blow.

He has a a look of menace. After all, he plans retribution. 

Trump must have considered a head-up-and-smiling pose. It was an option. It might have communicated a "I'm not afraid of you" stance. It is nonchalance in the face of one's enemies. 

Tom Delay

It is how Tom Delay handled it when he was arrested and charged with money laundering. Imperviousness demonstrates strength. Trump has slapped away opponents with a dismissive insults in the past: "Little Marco," "Sleepy Joe." 

Trump went the other way. Trump is not dismissing opposition this time. He plans to crush it. Democrats aren't sleepy anymore. Trump says Democrats are powerful and at war, fighting dirty, doing election interference. Trump says that Biden and his allies including George Soros, the media, federal employees, the Deep State, the Department of Justice, RINOS like his former Attorney Generals, his former Secretaries of State, his former Defense Secretaries, his former National Security Advisor, his former Chiefs of Staff, his former Army generals, his former Vice President, current state and local prosecutors, the current Senate Minority leader -- heck, nearly everyone -- are tyrants out to get him.  

And he won't surrender to them. I got seven fundraising letters from him on Thursday, the day he was arraigned. These tee shirts were on sale Friday.

Trump is good at this. Democrats have consistently underestimated Trump, especially in the arena of political body language. Democrats avert their eyes from the body language of Biden's age. Old men can embody and communicate wisdom and continuity, but not a bright new future. No matter how talented the actor, he cannot be cast as Shakespeare's Juliet. Nothing Biden says -- no Chip Act, no Bidenomics --  communicates a first-glance brand of new-and-improved. At best, the Biden brand means continuity. Repair, perhaps, but not new.

Democrats call Trump's lawlessness criminal. Trump is selling it as breaking the chains of a corrupt status quo. After all, Americans are deeply skeptical of their institutions. Trump says the institutions of media, all three branches of government, the CDC, so-called experts, and federal law enforcement are all corrupt and out to get him. Trump represents a new deal, hope and change. Trump has stolen the Democratic message.

Trump looks like he is going to fight for change, not just tinker and dither, so of course the oppressors are out to get him.

We will see more of this photo. If the 2024 election plays out as seems increasingly likely, I suspect Trump will present two photos to encapsulate the choice facing America. Democrats will complain that it is unfair and over-simple and false, which, of course, it is. But it is the Trump case to advocate and he will do so:

Trump's frame:

"Trump: fighting the corrupt institutions of the status quo."

"Joe and Hunter Biden."

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  1. Lookin' like a perfect candidate for dog catcher. Nobody that ugly could ever be President!

  2. Our society, divided and imperfect as it surely is, has delivered a criminal to our justice system which now will machinate for the next year or so and perform its function of protecting the democracy and maintaining order.

    I don't think there's much to be gained by watching the process. There will be some mileposts along the way, but for the most part I think we can turn our attention to other scenery.

    Now we must simply wait.

    I have a theory that Trump's supporters are actually those who are responsible for his downfall. After all, hasn't he been doing their bidding all along? They have been giving him the attention he sorely craves and it's his fear of losing that esteem that has driven him to this end. That, and insatiable greed.

    Just a thought...

  3. The mugshot of the GOP crime boss goes well with his recent all-caps post: “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!” It reminds me of an old blaxploitation parody, “I’M GONNA GIT YOU SUCKA,” except the movie had more class.

    Trump’s unprecedented criminality has assured his position as capo di tutti capi of the Republican Party. Ironically, Republicans call Biden an “illegitimate” president in a lame attempt at distracting us from how illegitimate they’ve become since they degenerated into a criminal enterprise, ready to seize power if we don’t give it to them.

    In 2016, Hillary Clinton said that half of Trump’s supporters were what she called a “basket of deplorables.” At this point, half would be a gross underestimate and ‘deplorable’ is far too kind a word for it. On January 6th, Trump and his Republican allies and supporters declared war on American democracy and rule of law.

    Treason: The crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to overthrow the government.”

  4. Just like I figured, Democratic prosecutors have handed Trump a huge weapon. They may have just “held him accountable“ right into the White House.

  5. I, for one, totally support holding trump et al responsible for their actions. Maybe some folks prefer anarchy?

  6. Concern over Trump’s prosecution propelling him into the White House is based on a false premise. His four indictments and 91 felony charges have solidified his popularity among the MAGA whackos who already embraced his lawlessness and anti-American antics, but not among the general public.

  7. I would just suggest a google search for the image of big brother from the film 1984. I can’t seem to paste it in here, but it’s telling. Fascism, not pretty…

  8. Tom -
    For a chilling picture of how close we still are:

    The first picture in this set is even worse than the mugshot.



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