Sunday, August 6, 2023

Easy Sunday: A judge's instructions. A defendant's response

Thursday, Judge
 Upadhyaya to Trump:  
Mr. Trump, I want to remind you it is a crime to intimidate a witness or retaliate against anyone for providing information about your case to the prosecution, or otherwise obstruct justice. 

It is a crime to try to influence a juror or to threaten or attempt to bribe a witness or any other person who may have information about your case, or to retaliate against anyone for providing information about your case to the prosecution.

Do you understand these warnings, sir?

Trump nodded "yes."

Friday, Trump issues a message to witnesses, associates, co-conspirators, lawyers, future jurors, and the public:

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  1. The picture Trump includes of himself reminds me of the QAnon shaman – all he needs is the horned fur hat. He seems to be doing all he can to make it as clear as possible that he’s stark raving mad. Those who still can’t see it are either really stupid or as crazy as he is.

  2. it wouldn't be surprising to me if will be held in contempt of court. but will he get away with it?

    1. The judge should fine him, say, $100,000 per occurrence.

      There should be a gag order.

  3. I'm not an Attorney but if I were, or a prospective Juror, I would only see one way to interprete that message, and it ain't "free speech".!

  4. I don’t think Jack Smith is easily intimidated and is the wrong person to go after. May you have bad luck Mr. Trump.

  5. I think it would be interesting if Trump violates the judge's order. Would they really detain him? Lock him up for a while? Orange suit tux?

    I think it will be hard to contain himself. So, he might slip. Here's hoping...

  6. I'm wondering, if he did go to jail, would the Secret Service have to go with him?

    1. That is a real interesting question. All this could have been forestalled, forever if only McTurdle hadn't been Party ahead if Country, not once, but twice.

  7. The Secret Service would probably have to be there, too. But, they would be sitting outside the cell just staring at him. For hours. His wife would take the opportunity to holiday in Paris until he gets out.



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