Thursday, July 27, 2023

Hunter Biden plea deal blows up. Good. Start over.

Advice for Hunter Biden: 

Go to prison. 

Quit being a spoiled, privileged child. 

For better or worse, Hunter is a Biden. He has been blessed by it, cursed by it, profited from it, and is now being tormented because of it. Republicans have a way to change the subject from their own conspicuous miscreant by diverting attention to the Democrats' conspicuous miscreant. We watch the corrosion to our democracy caused by Republicans as they attempt to justify, excuse, and invent pretense legalisms to minimize Trump's abuse of the power of the presidency. I watch Democrats attempt to justify, excuse and minimize Hunter Biden's abuse of the power of nepotism. 

I am sick of it. I am not alone here. There is widespread frustration with two-tiered justice, two-tiered college admissions, two-tiered affirmative action, two-tiered policing, two-tiered everything. America feels like boarding an airplane.  People see others getting an advantage, a privilege, and they resent not getting it, too. White Republicans think Blacks get massive preferences. Blacks and White progressives think Whites live in a culture so steeped in preferences they are blind to it. Everyone resents the privilege of stock trading by Members of Congress. The $80,000 a month Hunter Biden got to be on Burisma's board while he was fighting addictions was probably legal, but it looks bad. Very bad. How can Democrats point to Jared Kushner's Saudi deal when they have Hunter Biden to contend with?

Let me just address Hunter here, me to him:

Hunter, your plea deal blew up in your face. Prosecutors were willing to give you the typical good-deal treatment that other privileged White guys with superb lawyers get.  Maybe you even got a better prospective deal -- but maybe not. After all, you did pay back the taxes and we mostly do not imprison late filers, and the gun charge they got you under is probably unconstitutional. You could fight that. The irony of you fighting for the 2nd Amendment right of an drug-impaired man to buy guns, perhaps all the way to the gun-rights-loving Supreme Court, when your father supports stricter gun laws, is exactly the sort of cross current that makes prosecutors open to plea deals. So you got your deal. But then, since you are a Biden, Republicans made a fuss that the deal would excuse you from other crimes and they want to hound you about those. So maybe the whole deal wasn't properly disclosed, making it an abuse of privilege. Fox News ran news stories with the words "SWEETHEART DEAL" on the screen repeatedly yesterday. With everyone on the lookout for privilege, the judge said "no." This time being a Biden hurt you.

Hunter, you have an opportunity here. Hit bottom. Confess that you have been a screwup and want to change. Become a reform advocate. Say you want to drain the swamp of nepotism and two-tiered everything. Say that privilege and advantage for children of politicians is bad for America and poison for the children who supposedly benefit. Use yourself as the poster child. 

Reject the plea deal. Insist you want the same deal every other American would get, no more, no less. They won't send you to a prison hellhole and it won't be for very long. It will be a minimum security prison for tax cheats, embezzlers, and frauds -- people like you.

Be selfless for a change. Take one for your father. You have done crimes. Do the time.  Set an example.

Oh. One other thing. Arrange with the mother of your daughter, Navy, that you acknowledge your daughter. It is shameful not to acknowledge her, and shameful to have resisted supporting her. This isn't for your benefit, nor for your father's. It is for the little girl. She deserves to be able to sit on her grandfather's knee and be held and hugged and know that she belongs. That can be done out of the media eye and without a lot of talk, but it is part of your redemption and her birthright. She has a father and grandfather. Fix this.


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  1. Legal experts have mixed views on whether the two misdemeanor counts against Hunter Biden constitute a sweetheart deal, but it doesn’t take a lot of research to confirm that the rich, powerful and/or well-connected tend to get more consideration from prosecutors than those who aren’t.

    On the other hand, sometimes they also get more scrutiny. Keep in mind, the gun and tax charges are the result of a five-year investigation. Hunter Biden may be pretty reprehensible, but he’s not exactly Al Capone.

    Ultimately, he’s become the closest thing Republicans have to a Weapon of Mass Distraction. I don’t blame him for trying to get out of going to jail for these charges. He wouldn’t be the first.

  2. Brilliant satire!

    Seriously, is this what anybody ever does in this situation? Think of all the celebrities with lagging attention whose "recovery" becomes their latest claim to fame.

    Narcissists gotta...but I digress.

    Nobody really cares much about Hunter Biden, and rightly so. No matter how much the Republicans (and the media) beat the drum it's not going to affect the election and in fact it's highly likely that it could backfire, after all, he is utterly pathetic. Keep in mind that if they keep after Hunter it's justification for pointing fingers at the Trump kids who arguably are much worse offenders.

    All the salacious attention on Hunter Biden is just another example of our celebrity obsessed culture. "Oh You, Hunter!" will debut on Bravo soon, sponsored by Pfizer.

  3. There you go again, Mr. Faux News. Whatever Faux News says!!!

    Comment Number One is correct.

    Hunter Biden has a right to take ANY deal available to him, just like anyone else. He is a first-time offender for non-violent crimes. The deal came from the Republican guy Appointed by the Criminal Former Occupant.

    When are the Criminal Former Occupant and his sleazy children going to Volunteer to go to prison??? This blog is ridiculous.

  4. (Received an error message - expanded/recreated)

    There you go again, Mr. Faux Cable News. Whatever Faux News says!!!

    Comment Number One is correct.

    Hunter Biden has the right to take ANY deal available to him, just like anyone else. He is a first-time offender for non-violent crimes. The investigation, charges and deal came from the Republican guy appointed by the Criminal Former Occupant.

    When are the Criminal-Traitor- Sexual Predator Former Occupant and his sleazy children going to voluntarily go to prison? This blog is ridiculous.

    The family situation is None of our business. Do you know how messy family law is? Do you have ALL the facts? Is this the new National Inquirer? Unreal

  5. Wealthy sex offenders go to jail. I never interacted with any rich inmates who committed murder, but I’m guessing they go to jail. Fraud inmates go to jail for awhile, but then go to halfway houses to start paying restitution pretty quickly. What my point is that you mostly come into contact with low income people in jail.

  6. I'm actually pleased that the Sweetheart deal Hunter got blown up. Kudos to the Judge who questioned it. Apropos of his addictions, and having more than a passing acquaintance with addicted people, I can't help but feel that if Hunter fully acknowledges his daughter born out of wedlock, and starts treating her as she deserves, it could very likely help him maintain his sobriety. It's called Making Amends to all those you have wronged, and a necessary part of the 12 Step Program. And Shame on the President for helping carry out that abandonment of that 4 year old child, as if it were her fault she was fathered by a drug and alcohol addict. I really had thought Biden was a better man than this. It makes my very reluctant support of his quest for a second Term even more problematic for me.

  7. If you think Hunter Biden got a special deal, look at what’s going on with Commander, Biden’s German Shepherd.

    Commander has bitten ten Secret Service agents, one severely enough to require hospitalization. And yet the First Dog is still running around in the White House unleashed and unmuzzled. And Commander isn’t the first Biden dog to do this; a previous Biden dog also bit Secret Service agents, and had to be exiled to Delaware.

    You would think the president would take better care of the people who guard him with their lives. You would be wrong.

    If Biden is willing to bend things that far for his dog, what is he willing to do for his son?

  8. Peter’s comment about legacy admissions brings up an interesting point: Harvard isn’t admitting unqualified people. Legacy admissions are not an exception. Neither was the consideration of race in order to promote diversity, but that didn’t stop the far-White from going berserk over it.

  9. Comparing non-legacy admissions to taking a number at the DMV is a straw person fallacy. It is so ridiculous that it really is not worthy of a response except that you keep repeating it.

    Millions of college and university students at public and private institutions, many at schools larger than Hah-vahd, have survived and thrived without legacy admissions.

    The children of alums can compete for a spot in the freshman class like everyone else. No one is stopping them. They will be admitted if they are indeed the best of the best. If these applicants are so amazing then they have nothing to worry about, right?

  10. Tom Cruise, the popular American actor (age 61), has no part in his 17 year-old biological daughter's life, except for child support. He was married to the child's mother until she took her daughter and fled to another state.

    Every day, people give their kids up for adoption, put their kids in foster care (or are forced to do so) or leave their children with grandparents or other relatives. Is this our business?

    Perhaps the blogger should reveal all of his personal and family business so that the whole world can discuss it.

  11. Apparently the blogger is not familiar with the concept of Drug Court. Check Wikipedia or search on the internet.

  12. Peter,

    Did you post your comments to the wrong thread? I thought this thread was supposed to be about Hunter Biden, not legacy admissions.

  13. In other words, do Betty Ford and not dick Nixon.

  14. Yes, let's stick to Hunter Biden. Fair is fair. He should be made to serve as much time for his tax fraud as Trump did.

  15. As anyone in the addiction community knows, Hunter Biden's number one priority needs to be focusing on his mental health and staying clean and sober. He also has a new wife and son.

    Perhaps Jared Kushner, another graduate of Harvard University, will obtain a legacy admission to the Federal Prison Camp in Montgomery, Alabama where his father served time for a bunch of federal crimes.

    Also fitting, maybe the prison camp will be named after Jared's father-in-law if the Former Occupant is sentenced to a stint there as well. It would be convenient for Ivanka to visit if her husband and father are in the same place at the same time, unless she is incarcerated also.

    Lucky for Kushner, Sr., the Former Occupant granted him "a full and unconditional pardon" before he departed from the White House.

  16. This is a horrible analysis. Hunter Biden is a first offender and attorney in good standing who knows that private federal pens are really bad unless you like hot dogs for breakfast lunch and dinner. Secondly the deal didn’t blow up; the judge started asking questions that prosecutors and defense counsel had different answers too. The not guilty plea only staves off the inevitable that he’s being treated like every American πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ would be and the next courtroom appearance will yield full and complete agreements on all issues from both sides.



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