Friday, May 26, 2023

Request of Readers

I welcome a Guest Post submission.

I would like to hear from someone who is enthusiastic about the re-election of Joe Biden, and will say so.

This is a blog about policy and political messaging.  Voters aren't looking for a policy checklist. On the margin, among voters not thoroughly locked in by party identification, people vote their gut. They vote for the person, evaluating the spoken and unspoken brand of that candidate. 

I have been tough on Biden. The ideal guest post will not bother telling readers that I am an ageist jerk. That is already established. Instead, please make the reasoned argument that Biden deserves to be re-elected and why voters will agree with you that Biden would be a good president.

I don't promise to publish what you send, but I will read it. I do hope to publish one or two submissions. 

If this works out I will ask for a Trump supporter to do the same thing.

Peter Sage

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